

As the title suggests, this deck is all about enchantments and cats. This deck is simple. The two goals are making a really big creature with a bunch of auras and stomping on the opponent or making an army of cats and swarming the opponent. I've separated the uses for each card into the groups below to express this deck's features.


The cards in this section are "organized" by how I perceive their importance. The more likely a card could help the deck, the more copies it has in the maybeboard. PLEASE help recommend ways in which this deck can be improved. This deck has changed quite a few times in the past year. I've brought it here to Tapped Out in search of input from YOU!!! Please give feedback!

Card draw:

Kor Spiritdancer might seem like one of the primary aura targets in this deck, but she's often nothing more than a card draw engine. Stone Haven Outfitter also provides occasional card draw. They incentivise the player to be more aggressive by making the buffed creatures even buffer and easier to replace (by drawing a replacement). Lastly, but certainly not leastly, Sage's Reverie is a GREAT mid-game bomb. The mana curve in this deck is very low which typically leaves you with an empty hand in the mid-game. Sage's Reverie will promptly fill your hand and give you the tools you need to finish the game. New Benalia comes in tapped, but it helps smooth out your draws with its scry ability. This has changed the outcomes of many games. Play this right before triggering Kor or casting Sage's Reverie to make them even better!

Aggro Pump:

Ethereal Armor, Daybreak Coronet, Hyena Umbra, Sage's Reverie, Eidolon of Countless Battles, and Stone Haven Outfitter all stack up to pump whatever you want to unleash upon your opponent.


Hyena Umbra and Eidolon of Countless Battles both act as protection for your creatures. Eidolon is preferably used as an aura, but it can stand up all on its own when necessary. Authority of the Consuls slows your opponent and keeps you alive longer, but it doesn't overtly protect your creatures. It does help you swing for direct damage even after your opponent cast their wall, because, well, their wall can't block when it's tapped!


Brimaz, King of Oreskos and Kemba, Kha Regent generate tokens. While giving Brimaz some protection by pumping him with auras will make him last longer, Kemba is usually the preferred target for stacking auras. Brimaz can only make 2 tokens each turn cycle, but Kemba can make many more AND her cats are twice the size of Brimaz' vigilance cats. Kor Spiritdancer doesn't interact with cat tokens, but the artwork on the card includes one big kitty. :P

Buffs for catokens:

Phalanx Leader and Honor of the Pure put your army of cats, and everything else you control, through boot camp. They can provide the extra power you need to plow through your enemies.

Board control:

Oppressive Rays is an INCREDIBLE way to shut down an opponent's blockers while also improving your other auras. Kor Spiritdancer, Sage's Reverie, Ethereal Armor, and Eidolon of Countless Battles ALL benefit from Oppressive Rays. You can even plop one on either Phalanx Leader or Kemba, Kha Regent to activate them more often. Since the mana curve is so low, you'll often have enough open mana to use either of them in combat if you so desire. Authority of the Consuls is decent control. As stated, it keeps you alive while letting you swing more confidently. This spell can make all the difference by slowing down your opponent and padding your life total. New Benalia comes in tapped, but its scry ability has changed the tides in many games.


The sideboard in this deck is designed to balance the playing field in a few match ups. This might not be the best sideboard for this deck, but it can get the job done

Enlightened Tutor is illegal in modern. With a handful of Ancient Dens, that tutor will either pull the land or enchantment you need to win... If you want to play casually. It's super good!


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92% Casual


Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 3 Mythic Rares

19 - 5 Rares

16 - 4 Uncommons

6 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.08
Tokens Cat 2/2 W, Cat Soldier 1/1 W
Folders Modern
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