
With foundations around the corner and a bunch of cool reprints coming with it, I've taken upon myself to make an aggro deck even more budget friendly than mono red.

The reprint of Ajani's Pridemate alongside with Leonin Vanguard and Healer's Hawk it got me thinking of the mono white standard deck back when War of the Spark was about to release.

After looking a bit more on the set and what's coming I was shocked to think mono white could be a viable aggro deck. Looking at all the aggros currently in standard, a deck that can gain life and also swing with a massive board just might make it into the format.

Let's take a look on how it works and my thought process behind my inclusions:

1st: - As I mentioned before one of our main creatures that grows larger by the turn is Ajani's Pridemate however we also got a new addition with Skyknight Squire that truly shines with the ammount of creatures that we're able to pump out, putting it on equal footing as Ajani's Pridemate.

2nd: - Why no Ajani, Caller of the Pride? Well, it was an early inclusion but I soon realized, for an aggro deck, 3 mana only to put a +1/+1 counter on a creature was too slow for the deck and essentially a dead turn where we don't develop board. That's why switched it with Enduring Innocence, a creature to develop board, puts more gas into our hand and even if it gets destroyed, it comes back so we can keep drawing to swarm the board.

3rd: - You can see the theme of cats here and it's pretty clear our wincon. That's right Claws Out!! 21 out of 32 creatures on our deck are cats and what's not synergizes with them!

Synergy/Combo: - Now let's talk about Charming Prince which besides giving a lot of value just on its own we can also do some fun things with the other cards on the deck:

Not to mention these blinks also synergize well with Arahbo, the First Fang and Skyknight Squire when they're on the field.

Battle Tricks: - Like I mentioned previously Claws Out is our wincon but we gotta keep our creatures arround long enough for it, so looking at the creatures we'll be facing in standard Elspeth's Smite it's a great offensive and defensive tool in our deck, the same cannot be said for Moment of Triumph which is at best a "Gotcha" when trying to remove our creatures but still equally important when keeping our creatures alive or as a good pump spell.

Sideboard: - I'll keep it brief for the sideboard, we got enchantments for removal, exile balck and red creatures which are mainly our biggest headache, protection for boardwipes, against a lot of removal Raise the Past is amazing, the new wall cause having hexproof and keeping your creatures from dying to Lightning Strike is amazing and finnaly a board wipe for decks that can manage to outspeed us. I'll be honest the sideboard could use more work and I would gladly like to hear more opinions on it.

This is the deck I'll be using at my LGS, I'll keep you guys posted for the results I'm hoping to make and what matchups I'll go up against.

Thank you so much for reading everything, I'm always happy to answer questions and open to changes to the main deck.


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99% Competitive

Date added 4 months
Last updated 3 months
Key combos

This deck is Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

17 - 5 Rares

14 - 7 Uncommons

8 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.28
Tokens Cat 1/1 W, Cat 1/1 W w/ Lifelink
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