Welcome to me cave, me use big great fire lizard, me give big great fire lizard small food and get BIG STICK from top of paper mountain! We take big stick and unga bunga with BIG STICKS! And when big dragon eat small food, he also eat big food of other tribes! Hungry, he eat and hopefully not give them BIG STICK... but if do then we eat again on next unga bunga! Take great fire lizards, take big non-fire lizards, take big stompy monster, turn sideways, and smash face!

No combo, no shaman magic (but for smashy with all BIG STICKS), no plan but to unga bunga and smash face!

A great drake swooped overhead, and his black wings brought fire and death.

Screams echoed.

Worlds burned.

It was he, one of the Elder Dragons. He came and devoured as he went, swooping low to end lives as easily as a scythe swept aside grass. Four people there were, with lives and stories all their own, but in a flash and burst of wind, they were no more.

Such was war. His eyes hunted.

They locked on something on the horizon, and he set about again, conquering and to conquer.

Blue is, generally speaking, my color of choice and my preferred style of play involves using intricate synergies as well as combos in order to end the game. As a result, Vaevictis Asmadi isn't just step out of my comfort zone, he's a massive leap into completely unfamiliar water. Still, I have a great deal of fun playing him. He's a very unique change of pace compared to the other decks I have, and despite this being the closest thing to pure caveman magic I'm willing to play, there is still a non-zero amount of thought that goes into playing this deck.

Cavemen may be dumb, but they're not utterly brainless. As a result, Asmadi scratches the itch of when I want to play a simple deck, but also has lines of play that still make me think. And, perhaps most importantly, he's just really fun. Seriously. Slamming huge, big ass creatures onto the table just feels good and you're lying to me if you say you disagree. Asmadi slams huge shit onto the table and then just turns it sideways over and over again until everyone else at the table stops moving, and in an era where it feels like people are, in my opinion, trying to optimize a format that was built for non-optimized play, simple fun like that is something we could all use a little more of.
It That Betrays: THE BIGGEST OF STICKS. Big, ugly stick though. He come in and swing biggy, and we get all the food the big great fire lizard ate. We also get what THE BIGGEST OF STICKS ate, which may also be BIG STICKS! It is a BIG STICK that gives more BIG STICKS! As nerds says: "He infinite stick glitch."

Mazirek, Kraul Death Priest: When big great fire lizard eats, he eats piece of enemy's strength, and Great Shaman Maz shares power of eaten with whole tribe, making all big as biggest of cavemen. Me once saw Tweety (Birds of Paradise) sprout more muscle than Boog and punch Great Nerd Giant (Kozilek, Butcher of Truth) in face. Was funny. Whole tribe laugh.

Sheoldred, Whispering One: She saw she want 'compleat' us. No know what mean, but when she do thing to fellow cavemen they come back from dead over and over and be super strong. Me think she shaman, however she also punch like Boog. Me confused.

Avenger of Zendikar: When we meet Great Forest Giant, we all laugh at plant, until plant become bigger than Krog and kill Krog. Since then Boog in charge, and he make friendship with Great Forest Giant. Now when shamans summon him, we get to watch big plant stomp on enemy tribe. Much funnier than when Krog die.

Dragon Broodmother: We have deal with wife of Asma, our big great fire lizard. When she has babies (she has lot of babies, me think it a big great fire lizard thing), we give food and they become even bigger than me after eat magic bark. Before we even set foot to battle, we have many big great fire lizards... or small not-so-great fire lizards. It funny when they pop like boom-booms though when die, so it ok.

God-Eternal Rhonas: Great Shaman Maz is master of bringing great forever strength to tribe, but Rhon bring sudden extreme power. We no know what blue stuff is, but Boog and me try eat it once. Was not yummy, but we discover that if we chomp on it our jaw gets strong. So we chomp on blue stuff every day. Me think me like taste now.

Etali, Primal Storm: Big great storm lizard is for worship! But not as much as big great fire lizard, because he no fly. Also big great fire lizard get angry and eat last who did. Me miss Yognar, he always make best mushroom juice. But yes, big great storm lizard always seem to steal things from enemy tribes, and sometimes when he attack we get funny things.
Primal Surge: Ultimate great shaman spell summon almost entire tribe for unga bunga, and we kill all other tribe in second! We careful not to summon whole tribe, because knowledge collector may cause us lose battle. Me no know why, think it nerd thing. Will ask Great Shaman Maz and Sheol later, but me think Sheol may try 'compleat' me... so me think me ask Maz only.

Aggravated Assault: Me punch you again. And again. And again. Me would ask if you see now, but you no have face no more.

Fauna Shaman: One of lesser shaman, Maz app... appre-pre... helps Maz. But me like more than Maz, because she pretty. Plus she summon Maz and THE BIGGEST OF STICKS, or who in tribe help most. But yes. She pretty. Me give daisy later and fresh kill. Me think girls like that.

Omnath, Locus of Rage: He great nature spirit who summon more great, angry nature spirits. It funny when big great fire lizard pick up angry nature spirits and throw like lightning at enemy tribe leader. Also when big great fire lizard summon land and not others of tribe, we get more angry nature spirits.

Ugin's Nexus: Me hear other tribesmen call them 'stupid big great ghost lizard bones', but me no agree. When big great fire lizard eats them, me feel like we get more time. No know what mean, but... it no stupid.

Selvala, Heart of the Wilds: She dress funny, even for shaman. Boog keeps around though because she helps lots, but me think Boog likes her. She pretty too. If Boog no like her, me also give her daisy and fresh kill. Me hope other pretty shaman ok with that.
Me fist in you face. That is only combo.
Big great fire lizard sometime eat us, but that ok. He no eat me yet, and it funny when tiny stupid shaman like Bornarg turn into big thing, like wife of big great fire lizard, or THE BIGGEST OF STICKS. So tribe likes him. He also tell very funny jokes sometime, like when he ate big slime monster, and it made belly ache, so he vomit big slime monster on stupid pointy-eared nerd leader. Then nerd leader scream as big slime monster melt him. Tribe laugh for many minutes when that happen.

So we like him, and we happy that Boog choose to follow him. Me just hope I no be eaten next. Maybe me should roll in poison ivy so me not yummy?


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92% Casual


Top Ranked
  • Achieved #1 position overall 1 year ago
Date added 1 year
Last updated 1 year

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

21 - 0 Mythic Rares

44 - 0 Rares

10 - 0 Uncommons

12 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.83
Tokens Beast 3/3 B, Beast 4/4 RG, Dragon 1/1 RG, Eldrazi Horror 3/2 C, Emblem Domri, Chaos Bringer, Emblem Garruk, Apex Predator, Emblem Liliana, Defiant Necromancer, Emblem Lolth, Spider Queen, Emblem Tibalt, Cosmic Impostor, Human 1/1 R, Plant 0/1 G, Saproling 1/1 G, Spider 2/1 B, Worm 1/1 BG, Zombie 2/2 B
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