Thanks for commenting. I cant say im fond of another Duress but i agree i can live with one less stroke. Your right about Twins though... its something i knew from the start. Just never figured what i did want to run so it was put there just for fun :)
Oblivion Sower Like the look of that card. Alot realy. When rebuilding this i only looked at the most recent set and missed on this one. Though i have the fealing it better as a sideboardcard vs control. Best cast if they too would run Sire of Stagnation and i could set them up to mill themselve since its draw is forced.
Remove my target removal Ruinous Path? i cant say i like the thought of it. While i currently run 4 sweepers i cant say if its enough or not since i dont know the meta...if its not wouldnt cutting Ultimate Price technically be better since Path allows removal of walkers?
March 5, 2016 1:16 p.m.
I just think you would have a bad matchup against some aggro decks (equipment, allies, warriors) and the wipes would be better. But, the wipes can hurt you too and sometimes Languish just isn't big enough to get the job done. It all comes down to personal preference in the end, as well as your meta. I personally prefer Price to Path because of the easier mana cost. What is the point of Meddler for you, though? I'm not understanding much here, I would much rather have a 2 mana counter than a 3 mana 1/4 that is killed by both of your sweepers and doesn't really do much damage.
Yeah, though. Definitely out with the twin, and I'm glad you like the looks of Oblivion Sower, a huge body for 6 mana with a great ability.
March 5, 2016 1:21 p.m.
The idea of Meddler is to have a multipurpose minion.Its either a cheap minion i can flash to block with. i can use it to prevent burnspells/target removal. I can even redirect Nixilis ability towards it.
It dieing to sweeper is meh but when i do so it has served its purpose already so its ok.
March 6, 2016 4:40 a.m.
Do note the the blocking department is mainly vs manlands. when tried with grix build i litterly died to manlands since i had no way to kill them without minions. Meddler atleast has some form of defence against it.
March 6, 2016 4:45 a.m.
have bin looking at some of the cards that could serve as boardwipes and came across Flaying Tendrils. -2/-2 is a bit lackluster but exile if kills means it could serve against those rally decks. Thoughts?
March 6, 2016 9:37 a.m.
Dismal Backwaters are a bit meh...
I would consider some of the other colourless lands, Sanctum of Ugin maybe?
Cool deck +1
March 20, 2016 7:05 a.m.
Sanctum of Ugin feels rather pointless in here.The only card that triggers it is Ulgamog. if however i would add another colorless manacard it would be at the expense of Tomb since more then 4 would start harming manabase.
March 21, 2016 3:23 a.m.
Potential colorless sources that are useful besides would be Blighted Fen and Mage-Ring Network.
I actually don't see what Tomb does for you, though? At best you gain 8 life since you're not flooding the board with Scions or Thopters...
March 22, 2016 5:47 a.m.
Tomb simply put is a way to recover life. I know not alot but still.
And a way to stabelize after taking a beating(or try to).
Tomb is a reuseable manasink if nothing else to do.
Never had such high opinions of mageRing but Fen seems rather nice though expensive.
Bovine073 says... #1
In the SB, I think another Duress would be a good idea, in place of stroke. I really don't think twin is needed in the SB as much, another counter would be a good idea. Void Shatter is a good card for this deck, I would be keen on seeing it be run with some synergy like Oblivion Sower, as the special ability seems a little bit wasted. One final thought is take out a Ruinous Path or two and replace it with a sweeper.
Hope I could help and good luck.
March 5, 2016 10:42 a.m.