[Primer] Chulane's Bounce House [cEDH]

Commander / EDH Goretast


RNR_Gaming says... #1

I've found that Seedborn Muse and Spellskite have been super powerful. Though I'm not sure what you're looking for help with; deck is very similar to my build. Village Bell-Ringer acts as somewhat of a secound Intruder Alarm and the redundancy really helps chug through the deck.

September 24, 2019 4:42 p.m.

SideBae says... #2

I highly, highly suggest putting in Ponder , Preordain and Brainstorm . These may not look like much, but they belong in every blue deck -- Brainstorm especially since you already have fetches like Wooded Foothills . They dig for whatever you need whenever you need it.

Narset, Parter of Veils is very quickly becoming a staple in blue. Since you're running a largely creature-based deck, her minus ability will not likely be relevant; however, her static ability more than makes up for that, especially if you choose to run something like Windfall (you should).

I think you'll probably have more luck with Craterhoof Behemoth and Natural Order than with Finale of Devastation . Also, Triumph of the Hordes is kinda stupid-good.

With your Arbor Elf , consider Utopia Sprawl and Wild Growth . By themselves these enchantments represent the same value as a one-mana mana dork (occasionally more), but with Arbor Elf out they become particularly good.

Words of Wind is a great card I've always enjoyed. In all likelihood, you'll have better things to do with Aluren while your general is out, but this may be fine in itself as a method of slowing down your opponents. This becomes especially powerful if you run something like Elvish Visionary , which in turn is powerful if you run Wirewood Symbiote . (For more on Visionary, Symbiote and friends, see Legacy Elves.)

If you're planning on fetching Aluren with Academy Rector , you should at least consider Omniscience . It's more mana to cast, but its better if you fetch it off Rector and with the amount of mana I suspect this deck is capable of generating, hardcasting it is totally conceivable.

If you meta is heavy with the counter-magic, Veil of Summer is REALLY good. Similarly, Carpet of Flowers and Compost can be powerful in the right meta. Aura Shards is similarly powerful, the difference being that it is pretty much good in ANY meta. In more powerful metas, you may have luck with Lavinia, Azorius Renegade -- I know I have.

Survival of the Fittest is a fun card. Consider including Loyal Retainers for a reanimation package. Pitching a creature to find a legendary creature, then pitching the legendary creature to find the retainers means that you can pretty easily reanimate Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite or Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur . Though this does not necessarily go with your combo-win condition, both of these can end a game on their own and may be worth including anyways. (Historical note: This combo is why Iona, Shield of Emeria is now banned.)

I don't know your budget, but since you're already running Force of Will I feel I should point out that Mana Drain is a strictly better Counterspell . If you have access, including it or sub-ing it in seem good.

You may want to consider actually REMOVING some combo pieces. In my experience, combo decks lose power with more than two or sometimes three combo win-conditions, simply because they end up with higher likelihoods of drawing into non-compatible halves of combos. If you choose to go this route and remove something like Isochron Scepter , Collector Ouphe and Stony Silence seem like really, really good cards to include.

Cyclonic Rift is an amazing boardwipe, at instant speed.

Waterlogged Grove is a good land to consider, as is Horizon Canopy if you have access to it. Command Tower , City of Brass and Mana Confluence also fix your mana really well.

Right. That's all I got. Good luck!

September 24, 2019 5:15 p.m.

Goretast says... #3

Hey RNR_Gaming, I'm not a huge fan of Seedborn Muse because of its cost and it doesn't necessarily combo with anything to push for a win. I do like Village Bell-Ringer though and will find a spot for that because it is easy to combo with Chulane's bounce.

SideBae, thanks for your suggestions- I appreciate the feedback. I do agree about including some blue staples, namely Ponder / Brainstorm , but I'm unsure what I'd remove for them. My meta is pretty aggressive with little blue and counters, so I'm going to hold off on Carpet of Flowers and some of the non-creature spell hate cards. I do like the idea of Narset though because she is just good anytime. I was also thinking about including Loyal Retainers for value or maybe with a Saffi Eriksdotter combo, but I could only really think of Altar of the Brood as a mill win-con, which can just be done better with something like Eternal Witness / Winds of Rebuke with infinite mana. As for my budget, I plan on getting a Mana Drain , Horizon Canopy , Cavern of Souls etc. when I can because right now my land base is meh. Cyclonic Rift is going in once I find a slot for sure.

I really don't know what I'm going to do about Finale of Devastation . A lot of Chulane decks use Finale and/or Mirror Entity for big swings with their infinite mana, but that doesn't seem too reliable without trample or Mirror'd minions having haste. This is why I have so many combos in the deck because I'm unsure which 2-3 to really hone in on. I enjoy the idea of Laboratory Maniac and using infinite untaps and bounces for mana/drawing- but what's a more reliable way to win? My first thought is Walking Ballista because it can stand alone outside of the combo and wins with infinite mana. What combos do you think fit best with Chulane?

September 25, 2019 9:46 a.m.

SideBae says... #4

I mean, my personal guess at the 'best' combo for this deck is the breakfast hulk package. You already have Flash and Protean Hulk , so fitting it in shouldn't be too hard. Basically you'd just have to run Cephalid Illusionist and Nomads en-Kor in addition to your Laboratory Maniac . Essentially what happens is you fetch all three with Protean Hulk 's trigger, then target the Cephalid Illusionist with Nomads en-Kor 's ability until your library is milled. (Because of the way it is worded, Nomads en-Kor doesn't actually need to have damage coming at it in order for it to target with its ability.) Then you'd just need to draw a card to win, since Laboratory Maniac is out already -- see Gitaxian Probe , your general, etc. If you choose to go this route, it may be helpful to think of your general as a value engine rather than an integral part of the combo, sort of like Kess, Dissident Mage or Tasigur, the Golden Fang .

I see that Finale of Devastation works well with infinite mana, but I still don't think it merits an include. My reasoning is that with infinite mana there're going to be easier ways to win, such s the Walking Ballista you mentioned. Generally you want your combo pieces to be as relevant as possible even without the full combo, since this will mean there'll be fewer 'dead'-ish cards in your deck. Natural Order to grab Craterhoof Behemoth is about as relevant as you can get, since it is a pretty easy way to eliminate a few players or even win on the spot.

I think if you focus the deck on one or two combos plus potentially a combat win-con (see Craterhoof Behemoth ), you'll find you have plenty of room in your list. This is one of the reasons that you want to focus on just a few combos in each deck: Since you're focused on them, you can include tutors, interaction, ramp and a whole lot else rather than four or five combo packages. In short, it'll let you have more relevant cards to top-deck and your average card power will go up. Tutors can help fetch the combo when you're ready to win... Worldly Tutor is a good way to grab Protean Hulk . Tangentially, Silence is a good way to protect your combo.

If you take my advice, that means you'll be able to cut some of the most unreliable/delicate combos. I've never been a fan of Cloud of Faeries or Peregrine Drake , so those'd be the first I'd cut. If you run tutors (which you do in the form of Eladamri's Call , Chord of Calling etc.) you don't have to run Whitemane Lion AND Kor Skyfisher AND Dream Stalker AND Shrieking Drake -- any two of these will do. My personal preference would be to Shrieking Drake because of its low CMC and Whitemane Lion because of its flash, but if you have a bunch of Mental Misstep players running around (I do) you may want to consider other options.

I think Uncage the Menagerie is probably just worse than a Green Sun's Zenith or Worldly Tutor . I'd cut it, but if your experience dictates otherwise please ignore me. (Note that GSZ can grab your Dryad Arbor turn one.)

Muddle the Mixture is, pardon the pun, a card I've always had mixed feelings about. I generally don't think it's very good, simply because it is three mana to transmute and you have to do that at sorcery speed. I also don't think the Isochron Scepter with Dramatic Reversal loop is ideal in this deck, so cutting all three of those is on the table. Like I said in my first comment, I think you'd have more luck running cards like Collector Ouphe to slow down your opponents while you go for other combos like Flash with Protean Hulk .

I'm not sure, but I think Silence would probably be better than Ranger-Captain of Eos if you're going for a combo build.

Right. That's the best I've got for now. Let me know if I can help any more.

September 25, 2019 10:20 a.m.

OminousDoc says... #5

Oh man! Thanks for the shout out in the alternate builds note. I really enjoy the bounce house build as well.

November 6, 2019 10:34 a.m.

YasashiiWeeb says... #6

How do you feel about Dryad of the Ilysian Grove, in this?

January 24, 2020 8:42 p.m.

Goretast says... #7

Dryad is a great card, but doesn't fit our strategy. I would much rather play a dork or some stax rather than a card that gets me a couple double land drops (at best) and likely not being not so useful later.

January 27, 2020 2:37 p.m.

YasashiiWeeb says... #8

That makes sense, I play tested it in this deck the other day and it really helped. But I was just curious how you felt about it. My friends hate this deck btw, haha.

January 27, 2020 4:03 p.m.

Goretast says... #9

I might have to give it a shot. I'm between a lot of card changes so I'll see if I can fit it in. The meta is sorta all over the place with Fish Hulk decks smashing everything (added a section to the primer about it). If your friends hate the deck then you're doing something right! Glad you've been enjoying it.

January 28, 2020 1:09 p.m.

dgobass says... #10

Hi. Great deck. Please, can you explain me combo with wirewood, priest, bloom tender and mirror entity? (my english is shit sorry)

April 1, 2020 11:48 a.m.

Goretast says... #11

Hey dgobass, I will explain the combo. You need to have Wirewood Symbiote, Priest of Titania -OR- Bloom Tender (Need to generate 3 mana from either), and Mirror Entity. For this example I will use Priest of Titania.

  • 1. Tap Priest of Titania for atleast 3 mana
  • 2. You then activate Mirror Entity for 1 to make your creatures all creature types
  • 3. Bounce Wirewood Symbiote with its own ability (it is now an elf) to untap Priest of Titania
  • 4. Re-cast Wirewood Symbiote. You are now back to where you started, but have gained +1 mana
  • 5. Repeat step 2 and 3 to generate infinite mana
  • April 1, 2020 12:56 p.m.

    dgobass says... #12

    Hey,i'm, again... I love this deck, but not understand the use of thassa oracles... Explain me pls

    April 14, 2020 5:59 p.m.

    Goretast says... #13

    dgobass, Thassa's Oracle is similar to Laboratory Maniac and is used to win the game once you draw your deck with Chulane. You play it when you have 1-2 cards left in your deck (Not 0 because you will lose due to Chulane making you draw), and her ability will cause you to win. Walking Ballista is a better finisher in the deck, but Thassa's Oracle is an easy backup for a lot of people.

    April 15, 2020 12:21 p.m. Edited.

    dgobass says... #14

    So, I need 2U mana for cast thassa oracle in the end of combo???

    April 27, 2020 4:09 p.m.

    BaronVonBlut says... #15

    Hey man, pretty much ripped off your deck cause it's great and I love it, nearly finished obtaining the cards. While playtesting I noticed that Overburden combos nicely with Shrieking Drake while Chulane is out. Cast Drake, bounce land, bounce Drake, draw card, play land, repeat. Might consider it ;)

    June 9, 2020 4:12 p.m.

    Goretast says... #16

    BaronVonBlut, I used to run Overburden with Mana Breach, but decided to cut it because breach was enough. Mana Breach is much more effective stax piece in a non-creature meta aswell.

    June 10, 2020 12:07 a.m.

    Sissi says... #17

    hello , how are u?

    Where the win con?

    July 8, 2020 9:32 p.m.

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