[cEDH] Krenko, Mob Boss [[PRIMER]]
Commander / EDH*
SCORE: 108 | 53 COMMENTS | 32556 VIEWS | IN 58 FOLDERS
TheOneKiko1337 says... #2
austintayshus thanks for your suggestion! About the card, I think it's too cost inefficient for my gameplan which is keep the manacurve low, pressure fast and going infinite asap. Kyren Negotiations kinda needs a sort of infinite setup to function correctly which makes it slow imo. Which card of my deck would you remove for it? I'm just interested.
July 28, 2019 6:38 a.m.
austintayshus says... #3
I see what you mean. If you're going for an infinite combo win, def leave negotiations out, but if I had to swap out a card for it, I would probably wither cut Thornbite Staff .
July 28, 2019 6:54 a.m.
TheOneKiko1337 says... #5
RNR_Gaming Thank you for commenting Staff of Domination is already on my wishlist =)
August 4, 2019 6:54 a.m.
RNR_Gaming says... #6
Oh I must of scrolled too fast. Definitely get it though if you have the spare cash.
August 4, 2019 1:14 p.m.
Chaotic_Justice says... #7
Most cEDH decks are running alot of non-basics. I run a Ruination in my Krenko deck.
September 5, 2019 2:33 a.m.
TheOneKiko1337 says... #8
Chaotic_Justice thanks for your suggestion. In my opinion switwiching to an all basic lands kinda deck would slow my gameplan down by alot. I saw on your profile you run it in an all basic deck whats your exp with it?
September 7, 2019 2:27 a.m.
Chaotic_Justice says... #9
There has yet to be a time that everyone didn't scoop after this comes out and resolves. No-one likes land-destruction. Especially when you have the Krenko goblin engine going. Krenko is fast, and only way you can make it any faster in comparison is by slowing everyone else down. With your mana-base (Even at 22 basics) and the amount of rocks you're running and the spells that give red mana, this shouldn't slow you down much at all but is devastating for the opponent. I would sub alter of dementia for it. You definitely have more than your average number of wincons built into this deck already. Overall, I like the deck. Mine is definitely nerfed compared to this one.
September 7, 2019 4:09 a.m.
TheOneKiko1337 says... #11
ItBurnzWhenIp33 Price is rigged coz of the foils. Buy unfoil at low price and you save a huge amount of cash.
January 10, 2020 2:09 p.m.
What is the purpose of Altar of Dementia? Is there something obvious I am missing?
Arch of Orazca - Draw
Endless Atlas - Draw
Of your 4 draw sources, one of them isn't even draw. Adding more draw will help maintain gas and help you recover from the inevitable board wipe that will come your way from spanning out goblins from your wazoo. Another option should you wish is Commune with Lava as well as Outpost Siege.
I see Stranglehold in your maybeboard but I think it deserves a slot in the deck. Stops tutors, fetchlands, and land ramp, all of which is an issue in a cEDH meta IMO. Of course you need to get it out early enough, but even mid-late game it still works as a good control piece.
February 4, 2020 1:21 a.m.
TheOneKiko1337 says... #14
Profet93 Hey, thank you for your message. I updated my text and included the Altar of Dementia it severs us as another sac outlet, and gives us another win-con (mill) if we can't win with damage.
Arch of Orazca is to slow imo. Sure it CAN be an option when you're lacking cards or going later into the game. This counts for Endless Atlas too. Arch of Orazca is basically "draw a card for + " Endless Atlas does the same at the cost of .
About Commune with Lava imo it only helps when you're already infinite and at this point you should have won anyway. Sure there are cases where x=3 or any other number might work. But imo they are very rare.
Outpost Siege is a worse Goblin Bombardment and for the card draw part it is quite expansive and slow. You pay to kinda draw an extra the following turn.
Stranglehold absolutely agreed. I swap it in from time to time, it depends on my opponents deck tho.
February 4, 2020 7:06 a.m.
How often do you find it useful as an alternate wincon, it seems only beneficial if you have a boardstate and for whatever reason can't win.
Arch is slow, but its a nonbasic land so I thought you might fit it should you need. Endless atlas is not bad, steady card draw but it looks like youre not a fan.
Commune isnt necessary to go infinite but if X=3 is rare, then it isn't a good fit then.
Outpost siege is another source of steady card draw with the flexibility of threatening to kill someone if they wipe the board when they are at low life and you have creatures
To add a suggestion, perhaps Blast Zone or is that too slow as well?
February 4, 2020 1:04 p.m.
TheOneKiko1337 says... #16
Profet93 Blast Zone is a good addition in an enchantment heavy meta, since you're heaving trouble removing these or let's say Stax pieces in general.
about the Altar of Dementia, I mostly use it as a sac-outlet, very rarely to mill afaik I maybe one once or twice with it for funzies. I'm counting 6 sac-outlets if I'm not mistaken, going down to 5 could be considered and tested.
February 5, 2020 1:30 a.m.
Helouuu. I hace two questions: -Why dont you use Warren instigator? It's pretty solid to put two creature combo cards onto the Battlefield avoiding counters. - How do you use goblin recruiter to optimize the efect? Thanks ands congrats for this awesome deck.
March 18, 2020 7:10 p.m.
TheOneKiko1337 says... #18
Hey Fran_RuGu, we have 14 Goblins + Krenko in this deck. The odds of having two Goblins in hand are relatively low. Ofc "When" it happens and "When" we are able to connect with Warren Instigator it is good. I had it in my deck before I tuned it into more cedh level. It was more of a gobline tribal/beat-down. I would consider Goblin Lackey if you want to go down this way. It's more consistend putting cards down from hand. Another card to consider is Legion Loyalist you should check out for the beat-down plan. In my deck the number one plan is going infinite it would be not exactly optimal to put these into the deck and trying to do several things at once. Follow your main plan.
About the Goblin Recruiter you can tutor for anything you need right now in your game. It differs, maybe you need mana in form of Dockside Extortionist or maybe you just want a sac outlet int form of Skirk Prospector. If you think it is "safe" right now you can tutor up an infinite Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker + something.Goblin Recruiter is a highly versatile card. There is no "always do this" kinda way, you need to read the game and sculpt your hand.
March 19, 2020 3:37 a.m.
SirChris39 says... #19
TheOneKiko1337 I like your Krenko commander deck a lot
April 21, 2020 8:05 a.m.
Hey, no Zealous Conscripts for Infinite Combo with KiKi ? :< I love this Combo, what you think?
Or Goblin Sharpshooter paird with Basilisk Collar is are solid Boardwipe.
May 2, 2020 5 a.m. Edited.
TheOneKiko1337 says... #22
Vimozahr I just removed Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker and Lightning Crafter from the deck. I played quite a lot of games the last recent weeks. I have never won a game with the combo. It's just way to mana intense Zealous Conscripts is way to costly too. The main plan is get krenko and go infinite. That's the same thing with Basilisk Collar it just doesn't fit in. You need Goblin Sharpshooter to make it work, that's far to niche. Sure it's a boardwhipe but at what cost. We must focus on our mainplan for maximizing consistancy.
May 2, 2020 1:37 p.m.
Ok, make sense. If i think again about it, its more slow and better for Casual.
May 2, 2020 7:55 p.m.
What's your opinion on Conspicuous Snoop? Worth including due to combo potential?
June 13, 2020 10:53 p.m.
TheOneKiko1337 says... #25
Hey ZombieCat, Conspicuous Snoop is definitly a card to keep an eye on. You basically create some sort of red Doomsday pile with cards like Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker, Mogg Fanatic as a finisher. You can win on the spot with this combo: Haste enabled -> Goblin Recruiter -> Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker on to the top, second card is Mogg Fanatic. From here on you create limitless Conspicuous Snoop, to end the loop and finish you create one more Goblin Recruiter to change the top of you deck to Mogg Fanatic and sac everything for the win.
It's even possible to just win with ETB's from the crazy amount of Conspicuous Snoop with thinks like Impact Tremors or Purphoros, God of the Forge. Even milling with Altar of Dementia works fine if damage is not an option.
austintayshus says... #1
Kyren Negotiations could be fun for this deck?
July 28, 2019 4:19 a.m.