
Creature (1)

Artifact (1)

Sorcery (1)

Planeswalker (1)

Enchantment (1)

Updated 4/8/20.

The best Maelstrom Wanderer (or as the Spanish version I'm running says - Errante De Remolino) deck I've come across in my time playing MTG has in fact been my own and have only built this deck list after no less than 6 years of experience playing with Maelstrom starting in 2014 and continuing to the present day.

This deck goes for the throat and starts off strong. Big early mana with plays like exploration, burgeoning, oracle of mul daya, bloom tender, thran dynamo, treasonous ogre, mana reflection, etc gives you a turn 5 Maelstrom Wanderer more often than not.

Cascades right there can win the game; multiple extra turn spells, board wipes, board wipes with land destruction, card draw with things like consecrated sphinx, just combat damage them to death with path breaker ibex, and that's not even mentioning combos.

The hard combos in this deck win the game early and often. Food chain + Maelstrom usually wins by itself, Tooth and Nail FTW, Palinchron + Deadeye + Maelstrom, Dream Halls + Your Hand, Cheat out Goodies with Sneak Attack... There's also copious card fixing/draw because your hand empties out quickly with the high ramp - Mirri's Guile, Sensai's D, Wheel of Fortune, Time Spiral

With this build the world is yours and your friends will hate you. Enjoy!

To give some background on my playing history I cut my teeth in competitive EDH in Boulder, CO in 2014 playing at Gamers Guild in Boulder. Probably the best spirit of any store I've been to, it's worth a visit and Boulder has some really rigorous playgroups - shout out to Ethan Martin's totally fucked Zur deck.

Anyways so I build a Maelstrom Wanderer Deck in CO and get it pretty up to spec as a Tier 1, I'm winning most games I play with it by the time I move abroad in 2015 Spring. For a time I lived in places where I didn't get to play Magic but in 2016 I settled in Dunedin, New Zealand and played in the groups there. I pretty much have the best EDH deck in Dunedin at what's widely considered one of the best stores on the south island of which Dunedin is the hotbed. I'd heard that the best CEDH Player in NZ was actually considered a guy with a Maelstrom Wanderer Deck up in Auckland on the north island but I never saw it.

In 2017 I move to Melbourne, Australia which is particularly badass because Melbourne has the biggest store in the southern hemisphere... an all out nerd fuckfest - 3 Floors of MTG goodness above a fucking bar in the basement. Needless to say the competition was fierce. Even though I entered the foray fairly strong, with a 65-75% win rate there was still a learning curve. Before, winning asap was yeah important but could to some extent be staved off for more fun plays, in Melbourne this was not usually the case. At this point I'm exposed to multiple decks that're for sure better than mine and the upper limits of Maelstrom get tested although ultimately we do just fine.

Since 2018 I've been in Philly (actually the birth place of Magic) and am consistently playing with the most competitive playgroups so far. Again definitely multiple decks that'r objectively better than Maelstrom. In these circles I win 30-40% of the games with Maelstrom depending on the day.


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Date added 5 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

16 - 3 Mythic Rares

40 - 2 Rares

16 - 0 Uncommons

8 - 0 Commons

Cards 102
Avg. CMC 3.40
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Elk 3/3 G, Food, Spirit 1/1 C, Treasure
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