Hi all!
I have been playing Prossh deck for few years and it had many changes and upgrades over the years. This is a resilliant combo Prossh deck intended for CEDH multiplayer meta. My meta is full of "Spikes" and every deck we start playing is shortly turned into a disruptive monstrosity :D.
This deck can go off pretty fast but it's also ment to play defensive and disruptive in more middrange environment. It is designed to win on early, mid or late game.
I belive that toolbox and disruption is more efficient than any other playstile while in my experience crippling oponents is far more efficient than trying to outrace them in a 4 or 5 person match.
Note that many players don't like to play against this kind of decks and disruption ruins their fun. But if you find winning fun - this deck is very fun to play :D
Card Choices:
1.Your usual mana dorks that give you colored mana.
2.Top 4 mana rocks that I play in every deck for explosive start.
3.Few great green ramp spells for fixing and filtering. Also needed for late game and restarting after wipe.
Dockside Extortionist
He is just great value.
1.Black are best so usual package + few for disruption or token abuse.
2.Green for cheating wincon creatures into play.
Imperial Recruiter
because this is only one we can use with
Food Chain
mana and we need to cast some wincons and not cheat them into play.
I only use draw that I can re-use multiple times or I can use for other sinergies like Prossh / Food Chain food. I don't like giving oponents card advantage so I cut
I like having more tutors than draw because I would rather tutor exactly what I need than draw 5 cards I don't need.
Prossh, Skyraider of Kher
Food Chain
Blood Artist
Zulaport Cutthroat
Purphoros, God of the Forge
combo. This is by far best combo for prossh and there is no substitude for this.
Prossh, Skyraider of Kher
Food Chain
Walking Ballista
Prossh, Skyraider of Kher
Craterhoof Behemoth
Goblin Bushwhacker
Reckless Bushwhacker
Works with mana dorks also. Good in late game.
Prossh, Skyraider of Kher
- I added this one just for fun. Attack one with huge Prossh and than throw it into another with Fling ;). When playing against more blue decks, Fling is out.
5.1st/2nd line only with
Squee, the Immortal
rather than Prossh.
As I mentioned before, I like disruption/toolbox ower any other strategy. Land destroy, permanent destroy, creature destroy, artifact/enchantment destroy, graveyard hate, discard. Whole package because one can never be too carfull ;)
I also like "free" removals because they can come out of nowhere and when opponents don't think you have an answer. Cards in hand for discard or life to pay is only a resource that needs to be spent.
I also use few "hexproof cards" as well for protecting from other players disruption.
So this is my Prossh CEDH deck brake down. I try to use combos and answers that I can fetch with multiple cards from different situations. This is why
Impact Tremors
didn't make it into deck while it can be tutored only with black tutors and other combo pieces with black/green/red tutors. Extra ramp and altars are for midrange play to restart engine if needed and dump tokens in case of
Massacre Wurm
Rakdos Charm
effects. Also, altars are good targets for Dimir Machinations if Ffod Chain geta removed. I run
Autumn's Veil
Veil of Summer
because I play against non-blue decks also so those work beeter for me than
Red Elemental Blast
Also, I use
Guttural Response
most of the times.
Few cards that some lists run and are good I don't run simply because I don't have them.
Imperial Seal
and old duals.
I guess many will ask what expensive cards can be cut.
Survival of the Fittest
I use it mostly to give manadorks more value in later game. It is great card but you can do without it.
Wheel of Fortune
I like chaos and disruption. Because of Wheel I use
Squee, the Immortal
as a backup.
Gaea's Cradle
Allthough this card does wonders with our general, most of my wins don't see it on the board. Just run a bit more green ramp and you don't need Cradle to go off.
Mox Diamond
It is a staple and it is excelent. But mostly for explosive start, and not needed that much in late game. I like
Chrome Mox
sometimes better because you can dump cards you don't need like anti-blue cards if you are not playing against blue deck.
I hope you like my deck and would appreciate upvote a lot. I would also be gratefull for any thoughts and sugestions. Cheers!