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[cEDH] Tymna & Kondo | "Balance."

Commander / EDH*


Tymna Hulkweaver List with a strong stax sub-theme aimed at slowing the game down, which evolved from a traditional Karador Boonweaver list (rip Karabro).

My list in particular makes use of a little bit of personal spice in the form of Heliod's Pilgrim, which opens up an additional Hulk line that can provide extra protection when going off. Heliod's Pilgrim also does a little work by finding either a reanimation spell like Necromancy, or Pattern of Rebirth to get the combo going.

My Hulk-Loop has 3 Primary lines:

This is the standard line that wins by finding its own sac outlet, pretty straight-forward:

Sac Protean Hulk, finding Karmic Guide + Viscera Seer / Carrion Feeder. Karmic Guide reanimates Protean Hulk, then sac Hulk again to find Mikaeus, the Unhallowed + Walking Ballista.

This line presents protection from interaction, but does not find its own sac-outlet; as such, there's a small window where opponents can react by removing the sac-outlet. Usually, this is what you try to go for, if no one removes your sac-outlet; otherwise, proceed with Loop 1:

Sac Protean Hulk, finding Grand Abolisher + Academy Rector. Sac Rector to find Animate Dead / Dance of the Dead / Necromancy to reanimate Protean Hulk, and proceed to sac Hulk for Mikaeus, the Unhallowed + Walking Ballista.

This line finds a sac-outlet, AND provides protection from interaction, but costs an additional 2-3 mana:

Sac Protean Hulk, finding Grand Abolisher + Viscera Seer / Carrion Feeder + Heliod's Pilgrim. Pilgrim finds Animate Dead / Dance of the Dead / Necromancy. Cast your reanimate spell targeting Protean Hulk, and proceed to sac Hulk finding Mikaeus, the Unhallowed + Walking Ballista.

Academy Rector can also (obviously) be used to start the loop via Pattern of Rebirth. Useful to note that there are a few ways to kill creatures without a sac engine, such as by using Phyrexian Tower, Diabolic Intent, Eldritch Evolution, or just flat out killing a creature with Shriekmaw or Toxic Deluge.

Living Plane + Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite / Linvala, Keeper of Silence is a backup lock that can win the game; to note, this can often be assembled in one go with Academy Rector and Eldritch Evolution finding Linvala.


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Date added 9 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

14 - 0 Mythic Rares

51 - 0 Rares

18 - 0 Uncommons

12 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.19
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