[cEDH] You can't beat me! I'm full of tinier men!

Commander / EDH* ChaosHazard


SlavicGhaespar says... #1

Love this deck :) One interaction that would maybe work faster with Hulk. So, Hulk dies, goes to get Delver and Seer, Delver returns Hulk, then sac Hulk to get Kiki Jiki and one dork, Kiki copies Delver and reanimates Hulk and then Hulk goes for Felidar Guardian and Saffi or Zulaport to finish of the game :) I have a Najeela running, but not as nearly as competitive as this :)

October 20, 2018 12:03 p.m.

ChaosHazard says... #2


Good eye! That's one of the things I like about this deck - it doesn't have a singular line to win the game. I've worked pretty hard to make it so that you don't just lose to your draw step if you happen to draw one of the combo pieces (like with Breakfast Hulk lists).

Najeela is honestly my favorite recently-printed card, she's so much more powerful than I originally gave her credit for.

October 23, 2018 9:51 a.m.

SlavicGhaespar says... #3

My, a bit different version. Lets say, budget-ish :) Najeela, the Blade Mistress

October 25, 2018 7:30 a.m.

Tangerinefox says... #4


Just proxied out the deck to play a bit tonight. Wanted to see if you had made any changes lately or had any tips for someone starting out fresh with this list and Najeela in general (heh).

I'll keep you posted on what I'm thinking but as a side note what do you think of running Mindblade Render or Intuition? Also what do you consider to be the 'flex' slots (if any I realize this is a highly adaptive deck and relies heavily on its synergistic qualities between a myriad of cards)

Cheers happy brewing!

November 10, 2018 4:53 p.m.

ChaosHazard says... #5


My most recent list is actually in the imgur link at the very top of the description; there are a few different that I haven't gotten around to updating on this list, but it's still a solid 99 posted here. I would say that some of the most important things to note in this deck is how important it is to figure out which line of play you need to go for, whether to pour your resources into a Najeela win or a Flash Hulk win. The rule of thumb, at this point, is Najeela is absolutely bonkers so try to go for a turn 1/2 Najeela. Then you can either hide behind the pressure she provides to sculpt your hand into flash hulk with backup or just tutor for Derevi/Nature's Will and try to combo off that way. Two totally different axes of interaction, keeps your opponents guessing.

I'm not completely sold on Mindblade Render, as I've never personally had issues running out of cards in hand in this deck. The draw seems fairly irrelevant, but being creature based anyway I might test it out to see how it performs. Intuition was originally in here, and was cut as a meta call. I play with the same 5-6 guys every time, and we all know each others decks pretty much inside and out, so after casting it they can pretty much figure out what my line of play is before I reveal the cards. It just kind of stopped being good, so I took it out for more interaction.

As for flex slots, I would designate the utility creatures as flex slots (Qasali Pridemage, Elesh Norn, Bane of Progress), some of the redundant combo pieces could technically be removed but the flexible Flash Hulk win margins obviously get a bit slimmer with that. Goblin Bombardment was very nearly a cuttable piece for a while, but with the addition of Najeela it's actually quite good. It works as an alternate sac outlet for Hulk, and even being able to attack with dudes and ping off hatebears with the generated Warriors has shown to be very effective.

Hope this helps! If you're interested, you can talk to me and the rest of the Spike Feeders on our Discord Channel, and you can also get more information about Najeela and her many different viable iterations on the official Najeela Discord.

November 11, 2018 12:58 a.m.

AquaMTG says... #6

You should change the name to Najeela Protein Hulk because the deck is basically just a resilient Flash Hulk deck right? If you do please shout out my animar deck or something.

March 23, 2019 7:05 p.m.

ChaosHazard says... #7


While it is a resilient Flash Hulk deck, that's not its entire purpose. Having Najeela at the helm not only shores up the Stax weaknesses, she has a common overlap with the Pod chain in Derevi that serves as a combo enabler. I also have Nature's Will as a 1 card infinite with Najeela that can be tutored off of Academy Rector (which, in turn, synergizes with being Flashed into play) so the deck is just a bunch of different overlapping combos.

Also, with Protean Hulk being "filled" with all of these tiny vampires and goblins that burst out when he dies, Najeela has her warriors at her disposal, making the current name especially fitting imo.

Thanks for checking out the list!

March 25, 2019 4:38 p.m.

AquaMTG says... #8

ChaosHazard No problem i thought it was funny and i really like your deck xD. I wish i could build good decks like this but i dont have much money or good cards.

March 25, 2019 4:49 p.m.

Ilnez says... #9

Quuestion, how do you deal with drawing pieces from your hulk combo? For instance if I draw my Karmic Guide early, how do I go off?

May 31, 2019 10:33 p.m.

ChaosHazard says... #10


Great question!

This deck is built around being as flexible as possible, so any individual piece can be drawn and it doesn't affect the game plan much, if at all. In this instance, you can substitute Guide for Body Double and combo pretty much the same way as you normally would. The only piece when drawn that shuts off a combo is the Zulaport Cutthroat as I haven't found room for a redundant piece, but just casting it as a regular dude is fine and fairly unobtrusive; if it gets wiped or removed, it's in your graveyard to bring back with a Reveillark trigger during your combo.

July 3, 2019 3:58 p.m.

w3ncy says... #11

Corpse Knight

July 10, 2019 9:37 a.m.

w3ncy says... #12

Your thoughts on Autumn's Veil , Silence , and Veil of Summer ? I’m looking at taking out Mana Drain just because of UU and it feels like the list uses countermagic to protect its combo lines anyway. The colorless mana it gives us is nice but I almost always need colored ones.

July 11, 2019 1:10 p.m.

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