Total win loss was 2-3
1st round was against Izzet Burn 0-2
Both games came down to him using Guttersnipe and Burn spells to slaughter me. Also, Flames of the Firebrand Murders my poor 1/1 Slivers.
What I learned = Need Removal. Magma Jet considered to smooth draws.
2nd round was against another Izzet deck 2-0, this one focused on Master of Waves
and Young Pyromancer**
First game was rough. His board presence was great, summoning one Master of Waves
and then the next turn another. However, I was able to turn it around by surprising him with my Striking Sliver by culling his Master of the Waves on the attack, thus killing off his tokens as he attempted to swing for the kill. I did this by blocking with two Galerider Sliver. I turned it around with constant supplies of slivers and tugged ahead.
Second game Opponent mana starved and was an easy beat down.
What I learned = Really need some Magma Jet.
Third Round was against Blue White Control. 1-2
1st Game I lost to a resolved AEtherling.
2nd Game Mutavault and galerider swept the floors with him. Gainsay Stopped him from stabilizing.
3rd game 20+ round game where everything was countered, and we both mana flooded. He ended up Top Decking AEtherling without me having a Gainsay to stop him.
What I learned = Commune with the Gods is far worse of a draw then I thought. Also, I need an alternate win condition besides summoning Monsters.
4th Round vs Mono black Devotion 2-1
1st Game I just out played him. Galerider Sliver with Striking Sliver is brutal against most Air.
2nd Game He had an answer for every single one of my Monsters.
3rd Game ramped into Xenagos, the Reveler and ended up sweeping him.
What I learned = Black Removal is brutal against a piece by piece deck like Slivers.
5th Round vs America Control 1-2
1st Game Jace, Memory Adept and control just murdered me.
2nd game Burning Earth plus thorncaster plus Mutavault Managed to push through all of his control.
3rd Game With 4 Copies of Uncounterable Field Wipe and Uncounterable Counter Spells, I simply got crushed.
What I learned = Burning Earth is Brutal against 3 or more colour decks that use a lot of dual lands. Definitely worth the Side Deck Slot. Also, I need Enchantment / Artifact destruction.
Some Thoughts
For my first Tournament, it was really fun seeing my Deck in play against such strong archetypes. I believe that with some tweaking this deck can become a competitor.
Worst Card = Commune with the Gods This card did nothing to help me or stabilize me. I'd stear clear of it without some Dredge or Graveyard abuse effects.
Best Card = Bow of Nylea allowed me to stabilize often, as well as put a constant threat on the board.
Unsung Hero Card = Traveler's Amulet This card prevented bad draws by giving me whatever I needed when I needed it. If I ever move to Dual Lands and shift out the Burning Earth, I will remove these. Until then, they are Dynamite if you have at least 1 land.
Keep an Eye out for future changes to this deck. So far projected changes will look something like this.
+1 Thorncaster Sliver = This guy and Bow of Nylea wipes boards.
-ALL Commune with the Gods = too slow for a tutor. Will replace with Magma Jet
-ALL Naturalize = going to replace for Destructive Revelry
-ALL Volcanic Geyser = I want more card Draw in my Side Deck.
Last thoughts, I need to take more advantage of Blue's Card draw Mechanics, Red's Burn Mechanics, and see about running some more Planeswalkers.
Right now I lack options, and if this deck is whacked hard enough in the nose it crumples. Yet when it's on a roll, it's like a steamroller.