
WIP, advice welcome.

I'm a monoblack player at heart, and Chainer, Dementia Master is one of the most powerful commanders in my opinion. Built the right way, you can recur every card from your graveyard (and potentially others graveyards) at will, for the low cost of and 3 life. Using this to recur value and combo off is the goal of the deck. There is a little bit of Stax, but nothing excessive and it is not my primary gameplan or style of play. The main weakness of the deck in its current form is that it is light on interaction, any suggestions for more are most welcome. This is slightly rectified by Chainer's ability to reanimate creatures at instant speed, utilising their ETB's to interact the way a normal deck would use dedicated instants.

Here we go

If a card is in a heading like combo, it won't put it again in another heading

Chainer, Dementia Master + Gray Merchant of Asphodel + K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth with our commander's ability to easily recur creatures, looping Gary to kill everyone is a no-brainer. Just need a sac outlet and the mana, it's pretty reliable. But if you add K'rrik, then instead of mana you just pay 9 life instead. Which you gain back with Gary each time, to go truly infinite. Kokusho, the Evening Star is redundancy for Gary if he is exiled.

Ashnod's Altar + Nim Deathmantle gives infinite death triggers, infinite ETBs, and infinite when combined with a creature that creates a couple tokens like Grave Titan. Can be replaced by any creature that creates additional bodies OR mana when it enters or dies, with Abhorrent Overlord and Priest of Gix fulfilling these roles. The altar can be replaced with Phyrexian Altar if the reanimation target creates at least 4 mana's worth.

Gravecrawler + Phyrexian Altar as long as you have another zombie, this is also infinite death and ETB triggers.

Both of the above combos combine with Blood Artist effects for a win. Ayara, First of Locthwain and Zulaport Cutthroat are additional redundancy for this effect.

Both of the above combos combine with Pawn of Ulamog or Pitiless Plunderer to reduce the mana requirement to go infinite.

Cabal Coffers + Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth typical mana in monoblack. Deserted Temple and Thespian Stage gives us the big mana. We don't need infinite most of the time, we just need enough to kill everyone.

Necrotic Ooze if we send Chainer to the yard, this guy gives us access to his ability without any downside! And every other ability we could want! Sac outlet? Mana sink? Mana production? NecOoze can do it all, and is a suitably busted combo piece all on his own. Yahenni, Undying Partisan in the bin gives our discount Chainer his own sac outlet, AND protection. We don't run any typical NecOoze lines though, so sometimes it eats removal out of fear of those combos.

Maze of Ith + Silent Arbiter nothing can attack us, period. Also screws combat decks attacking other people. NOTE that Kaalia of the Vast type effects can get around this lock, since the trigger happens even if you Maze her. Potential room for an Ensnaring Bridge as well, but currently lacking funds.

Mindslicer See those opponents with their hands? Yeah nah, neither do I. Our primary way of getting around disruption and control is to just eliminate our opponents cards.

Withered Wretch repeatable graveyard hate, if we cant steal it with Chainer.

Bloodchief Ascension free lifegain while we do stuff we're already doing. Helpful so we don't kill ourselves. Also a HUGE removal magnet in it's own right, since it taxes opponents so often and is part of a combo.

Grave Pact a monoblack staple, controls opponents boards while we do our own thing.

Imp's Mischief black redirect, pretty good at saving your stuff from removal. Or stealing a Time Stretch

Bojuka Bog graveyard hate

Strip Mine I mean... how much explanation do you need for this one.

Ghost Quarter see above

Gonti, Lord of Luxury topdeck hate, and can occasionally give us answers to things we can't answer very well. Like God-Eternals, or giving us counterspells. Recurring Gonti gives us a bunch of free resources, and removes them from our opponents which is potent.

Erebos, God of the Dead stop opponents doing that pesky lifegain thing. Also draw cards if you want. Also a big boi.

Sudden Spoiling can shut off some crazy combos, save you from giant armies, or can be used on your own stuff to remove Chainer's abilities so when he gets removed none of your reanimated things get exiled.

Bottomless Vault taplands are normally bad, but this thing can add a lot of per tap at the expense of counters. Yawgmoth can proliferate these counters to speed up the big manas.

Expedition Map go get a juicy land.

Fellwar Stone little rock is good. Can also generate outside our colours for activated ability costs of reanimation targets.

Sol Ring littler rock is gooderer.

Wayfarer's Bauble kinda like a colourless Rampant Growth, so we'll take what we can get.

Burnished Hart ramp in black, pretty obvious.

Solemn Simulacrum sad robot is unhappy with his permanent cycle of being repeatedly killed for his stuff, but we will do it anyway.

Pawn of Ulamog things dying gives us mana.

Peat Bog taplands are normally bad, but this bad boy taps for each time. Yawgmoth can also proliferate the counters so i can get more mileage out of it.

Pitiless Plunderer things dying gives us different flavour of mana.

Soldevi Adnate sac outlet and mana dork in one!

Deserted Temple lets us tap our big lands more times

Lake of the Dead big mana, for saccing swamps. Works well once you get the Crucible of Worlds out.

Myriad Landscape land ramp on a land

Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx taps for loads with a boardstate

Perpetual Timepiece our only real counter to graveyard hate, can save our combo pieces in a bind. Also mills us, which is pretty great.

Treasure Keeper can dig to and cheat out a lot of our combo pieces. All the Altars, Deathmantle, whatever we need basically.

Necrotic Ooze when NecOoze isn't winning us the game, he's generally used to get value out of stuff in our grave. An extra sac outlet or mana sink if we need it.

Thespain's Stage copy Coffers or some other good land.

Boseiju, Who Shelters All can make your wraths, tutors and interaction spells uncounterable.

Dross Harvester our life total goes down FAST when you get chugging, so this is one of our ways to get it back up while we do our combos. Just remember to sac it before the end of the turn to avoid the 4 life tax.

Sangromancer one of the few ways we can reliably gain some life so we can keep activating chainer.

Viscera Seer Sac outlet on a stick, and lets us scry.

Yawgmoth, Thran Physician sac outlet, card draw, removal, and discard on a stick!

Altar of Dementia sac outlet AND fills our graveyard for more juicy targets

Phyrexian Tower tap sac outlet with some mana

Ashnod's Altar and Phyrexian Altar sac outlets for mana

Crucible of Worlds bring back utility lands and Strip Mine if you're feeling mean. Basically a requirement for Lake of the Dead to even function.

Buried Ruin recur some artifacts

Petrified Field recur some lands

Xiahou Dun, the One-Eyed recur black non-creature cards from our graveyard if we need those wraths or tutors again! And he sacs himself to be recurred again! This dude is busted, and expensive enough he will be doomed to be a proxy forever, probably. But he performs a role that no other card can in the colours, so he stays.

Volrath's Stronghold recur creatures when out of other options. Good for getting Chainer out of your graveyard, or saving combo pieces from yard hate.

Damnation wraths are important.

Decree of Pain wraths are important. This can also draw us cards, or be cycled at instant speed to kill tokens and stuff.

Living Death sac all your stuff first to get a one sided boardwipe

Toxic Deluge wraths that get around indestructibility are good.

Skullclamp we kill our own stuff a lot in this deck, might as well get some cards out of it.

Necropotence the big daddy of card draw in black. Ad Nauseam is more than likely to kill ourselves since our average CMC is quite high, which bumps this card over it. Also the exile trigger on discard can be responded to by instant speed reanimation.

Disciple of Bolas etb sac outlet that draws cards and gains life. We can recur it for more value if we need to.

Grim Haruspex gives us card draw while we do our aristocrats thing. Seems good.

Liliana, Dreadhorde General really stronk card. Gives us card draw while we do our aristocrats thing, seems good. Can also make zambos, and ALSO force our opponents to sac stuff.

Vilis, Broker of Blood gives us card draw every time we activate Chainer which is great. Also combos with K'rrik for DIRTY amounts of cards.

Geier Reach Sanitarium card draw and discard on one card. Remember that's basically "draw a card, and put a creature in the pantry for Chainer". Also fills opponents graveyards too.

Entomb arguably the best tutor, since it goes straight to the yard

Vampiric Tutor also great, 1 CMC and instant speed

Gravebreaker Lamia its another Entomb, but on a creature so we can recur it. The casting from graveyard discount thing doesn't really come up, unfortunately.

Sidisi, Undead Vizier etb tutor, and recurable with any reanimation

Buried Alive its three Entombs at once

Demonic Tutor old faithful

Diabolic Intent old faithful with a sac outlet tacked on

Dark Petition if you have spell mastery, it's kind of old faithful?

Unstable Obelisk its a rock, that can also blow up permanents.

Meteor Golem Non-land permanent destruction, and we can recur it as much as we like!

Noxious Gearhulk ETB kill a man. And gain some life.

Font of Agonies every 4 life we pay, we get to blow up a dude. We pay 3 life just to activate Chainer, so this happens a lot.

Defile great spot removal, kills indestructible dudes too.

Koskun Falls for just tapping a creature every upkeep, we get Propaganda in black! We don't really bother attacking, so our commander can stay tapped for all we care.

Contamination if we really hate our opponents, or some silly combo shenanigans is happening, shut that noise down right away. All we need is a creature each upkeep, which is not a problem since we can recur them. NOTE this does shut off any land based extra mana stuff like Coffers, so use with caution or prepare to sac it when you're about to go off.

Oppression reduces players resources as they play, and potentially gives us more reanimation targets as the game goes on. Never underestimate this card and how much it can cripple your opponents, just remember it hits you too.

Mesmeric Orb fills EVERYONES graveyard super fast, can kill people on its own sometimes. Gives lots of juicy Chainer targets all over the table. I've ran it a few times, but it has land screwed me so often that i removed it out of spite.

Bubbling Muck one time use mana doubler, so we can combo off for the win with less lands.

Corpse Dance instant speed reanimation with buyback, but remember to stack your graveyard intelligently because you cannot adjust its order while this is in the deck. Chainer kinda does this for cheaper anyway, and graveyard order is kind of annoying, so not a huge loss.

Desecrated Tomb gives us free 1/1 fliers when we reanimate stuff. Can make any creature go infinite with the Ashnod's Altar + Nim Deathmantle combo.

Ghastly Demise great spot removal. Conditional on your graveyard, but its usually pretty stacked.

Temporal Extortion either massive life swing, or take an extra turn. Seems like a good deal to me. The kicker is that Xiahou Dun, the One-Eyed can bring it back so we can cast it again, gaining infinite turns as an alternate wincon! This screams hilarious and i want to find a way to fit this in

Muck Drubb does Spellskite things in black but only on ETB. If only we had a way to make it ETB multiple times, at instant speed, whenever we want...

Mana Web one of the more concrete inclusions on the maybeboard, this thing shuts down our opponents interaction to protect our combos. What is more, it combos with Urborg to shut off ALL our opponent's lands instead of however many they would tapped otherwise. And it can be cheated out with Treasure Keeper. Seems like a no brainer to me.

Exquisite Blood now i hate the combo with Sanguine Bond; it's too boring for me, and it paints more of a target over your back than anything. I'd just use this card to keep my own life total out of the red to maximise my chances of doing more Chainer things.

AEther Snap sleeper good situational card. Annihilates token armies, superfriends board states, proliferating bs, and hordes of Treasure. I've had a lot of success with this card, but have taken it out for some more card advantage.


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Date added 5 years
Last updated 4 years
Key combos

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

13 - 0 Mythic Rares

45 - 0 Rares

21 - 0 Uncommons

8 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.42
Tokens Eldrazi Spawn 0/1 C, Harpy 1/1 B, Morph 2/2 C, Treasure, Zombie 2/2 B
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