Chandra and Friends! (5th at State)

Standard* rakdosrunner

SCORE: 65 | 144 COMMENTS | 14342 VIEWS | IN 28 FOLDERS Top 8: 09/21

Telerik says... #1

Rakdos Cackler is a very good card, you should use it.

Maybe you don't need Nivmagus Elemental or 3x Electrickery ...

July 26, 2013 4:28 a.m.

Telerik says... #2

July 26, 2013 4:40 a.m.

rakdosrunner says... #3

My problem is I used to use a lot of low drop creatures with spells like Searing Spear and Shock , that way I could get creatures out quick while destroying theirs in the process.

However, with Irnistrad and M13 going out I had to revamp my deck and switch a couple cards witch made it weak.

I like the idea of a 60 card deck also, however one has never worked for me and I like the ability of having more options with different instants and sorceries.

Reasons for specific cards.

Madcap Skills takes all my deathtouch creatures over the top by either destroying at least two of theirs or blowing past them. Which in turn helps my Liliana's Reaver , or Master of Cruelties . Also, it could be added to my low drop creatures early to throw some quick unblockable damage or just add more on to my Desecration Demon for flying damage.

The Wight of Precinct Six goes good with my Electrickery , Doomblade, Shock , and Mizzium Mortars because by destroying theirs quickly and getting him out early I gain a quick powered up creature.

Weapon Surge goes great with all my death touch. Rakdos's Return helps early in the game putting down damage and taking their cards or late in the game by giving them nothing to work with and driving the knife with the damage.

And Skullcrack and Wild Ricochet are cards to hold onto in case they pull any Riot Control or try to prevent damage when my creatures are stacked.

I can't find anything I want to take out. I even want to add more to make it 80 but I want consistancy, so any help is still appreciated.

As for the Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch recommended by Iaoshan3337, I tried her out and she just wash't effective since I don't carry any creatures with counters like unleash.

July 26, 2013 5:49 p.m.

ZarBluestar says... #4

I only have two things to say since I'm not that big of a rakdos player. I prefer Traitorous Instinct (for just one more mana) over Act of Treason , I'm also a fan of Carnival Hellsteed .


July 28, 2013 8:36 a.m.

Go down to 60, if you want to be competitive, you have no choice. Elecktrickery needs to be taken out, as does Weapon Surge, Madcap Skills, Deviant Glee, Wight of Precinct Six, and Thrill-Kill. Those cards are absolutely not aggro, and should be taken out... Rakdos Cackler is a one-drop 2/2, and Ash Zealot is great for first strike and graveyard hate. Finally, the guildgates should be taken out for Dragonskull Summit, and absolutely, positively, with no question, ROGUES PASSAGE NEEDS TO LEAVE!!! It's 5 mana for an unblockable creature (you're also tapping rogue's passage), by the time 4 other mana gets out you should be close to killing them... Instead, throw in Blood Crypt.

July 28, 2013 12:58 p.m.

Also, this isn't EDH, so Legion Loyalist should be the featured card, not the general.

July 28, 2013 12:59 p.m.

Slycne says... #7

I'm going to reiterate that mathematically 80 just isn't a good idea, you dilute the expectancy of drawing the cards you need.

To demonstrate, let's just take a quick comparison between a typical aggro deck and your own. An aggro deck is normally going to run around 30 creatures, 10 spells and 20 lands, with a little give and take. What this means though is that statistically half, or 50%, of your draws are threats, ie creatures. If you're on the beatdown plan you need to present a lot of creatures quickly.

By comparison, your 80 card deck is made up of 20 creatures, and ~30 spells and ~30 lands. Meaning that only a 1/4 of your draws, 25%, are the creatures you actually need, if you want this to be an aggro deck.

Right now you're splitting a lot of focus among combat tricks, removal and enchantments. While a lot of these may have favorable interactions, the trick is finding the core that work together the best that still presents a clear plan.

Here's just a quick and dirty jumping off suggestion (still has room for improvement):

4x Legion Loyalist 4x Rakdos Cackler 3x Desecration Demon 3x Liliana's Reaver 4x Spike Jester 4x Lightning Mauler 4x Thrill-Kill Assassin 4x Wight of Precinct Six

4x Mizzium Mortars 4x Doom Blade

4x Rakdos Guildgate 9x Mountain 9x Swamp

July 28, 2013 2:24 p.m.

rakdosrunner says... #8

Slycne I agree with you, my deck is almost starting to stray away from aggro and into a different deck type. My problem is I want a deck that can preform quick out of the blocks and still have effectiveness no matter what time a card is pulled.

My problem with cutting the deck down to 60 is losing a lot of possible combinations I have. And when I do this it seems to leave me vulnerable to a lot of different approaches. Do you have any advice on how to cut the deck, keep the slight aggro, burn, without sacrificing my odd deck strategy?

July 29, 2013 2:21 a.m.

SpaderAce says... #9

I think, do you really need 25 lands? Maybe just dropping 1 or even 2 would help you get to 60 while keeping the same main cards. If you think about it, the highest cost creature is Master of Cruelties and he's only 5 mana

July 29, 2013 3:07 a.m.

MollyMab says... #10

There seem to be two decks here, and neither one of them is very focus.

If you want aggro, you want about 26-30 aggressive dudes, 22 lands, 8 removal spells/burn.

The deck as it feels like a strange form of midrange where you want to kill stuff to get you into the late game, where you will be casting Desecration Demon, forcing sacrifices, and casting Rakdos Return for lots.

Which do you want to focus on?

July 29, 2013 3:37 a.m.

Svedishgypsy says... #11

Maybe replace the Liliana's Reaver s with Chandra, Pyromaster s? I don't know how well the reavers work for you, but Chandra can help you essentially draw a card every turn, pumping your creatures out even faster. Plus, she allow them to get through defenses, too. What isn't to like?

July 29, 2013 3:42 a.m.

SpaderAce says... #12

I don't know about Chandra. Is he going aggro? Burn? Midrange? Once he decides it will be easier to continue. And, rakdosrunner, if you like your cards then at least drop 3 lands

July 29, 2013 3:49 a.m.

Goody says... #13

This is very simple as it stands. Cut 3x Deviant Glee ; I know you want the trample but believe me, it's not a very good card. One of the key components to playing MTG is card advantage - a card that when used, affects the board or hand states in more than one way. Liliana's Reaver can easily be card advantage, or it will almost always trade 1-for-1: he either trades with a creature because of deathtouch, or he will hit unblocked, make them discard a card, and get you a Zombie.

Many auras are not worth using because their benefits do not outweigh the risk of giving your opponent card advantage. Let's say you cast Deviant Glee targeting a Spike Jester , and in response, they cast Shock targeting Spike Jester . You just lost TWO cards for their one Shock. The benefit of conditional trample and slight buff is not worth the risk. Madcap Skills , on the other hand, is pretty good; it gives slight evasion and a big power boost.

July 29, 2013 10:29 a.m.

rakdosrunner says... #14

Goody I agree, thats a good prospective on the deviant glee. what do you think of dropping 3 lands then along with the glee and throwing in a couple more low drop creatures? Something like a Hellhole Flailer or what else do you think?

July 29, 2013 6:09 p.m.

SpaderAce says... #15

July 29, 2013 7:35 p.m.

Goody says... #16

Oh wow didn't notice the number of lands. Yeah def take out 3 lands, add Rakdos Cackler for a solid one-drop

July 29, 2013 8:08 p.m.

Schuesseled says... #17

I don't have the time to play test right now, but if you want to be my guest.

deck-large: the hivemind awakens

August 2, 2013 6:11 a.m.

8vomit says... #18

Wight of Precinct Six is out of place here. theres nothing in here to feed your opponents graveyard. Id drop them and 1x land for 4x Dreadbore . IMO, dreadbore is the best removal spell out there right now

August 2, 2013 8:05 a.m.

Telerik says... #19

agree with 8vomit

August 2, 2013 8:26 a.m.

Dalektable says... #20

Maybe you just had bad draws, but i playtested this 3 times against my Red Aggro Wins deck and won all three. You're welcome to playtest it more.

August 2, 2013 12:26 p.m.

rakdosrunner says... #21

Keep in mind this deck is build without the irnistrad block for long time play. Also I went 4-1-0 with this deck and placed 5th in my FNM out of 42. So it's worked well for me lol

August 3, 2013 1 a.m.

CW says... #22

Supreme Verdict smugly says hello.

August 3, 2013 3:23 p.m.

rakdosrunner says... #23

lol yes CW, but that is a good card no matter what deck your playing.

August 3, 2013 5:17 p.m.

CW says... #24

Yeah but your deck has no protection against it, try Duress or Slaughter Games in the sideboard at least.

August 3, 2013 5:20 p.m.

Telerik says... #25

Maybe: -2 Wight of Precinct Six , -1 or -2 Rogue's Passage and +3 or +4 Duress ?

August 4, 2013 5:43 a.m.

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