Chaos Burn! (B/W/R) 3-1 FNM

Standard RamonGrizzly


oscarcoombz says... #1

should run Toil

December 21, 2013 9:40 a.m.

RamonGrizzly says... #2

I got it in my main deck in place of one Chandra, still ify on it

December 21, 2013 10:31 p.m.

over8000 says... #3

The hammer feels meh with so much haste in the deck, kudos though, I tried and failed to make a similar deck. +1 from me.

December 22, 2013 6:27 p.m.

RamonGrizzly says... #4

Hammer is mainly for the 3/3 haste tokens, playing vs my roomate it really puts pressure on the board if he doesn't have anything to answer them

December 22, 2013 7:21 p.m.

kapiooken says... #5

i think this deck gets destroyed easily by monoB dev and monoU dev and any other fast aggro decks

December 24, 2013 8:31 a.m.

over8000 says... #6

While I kinda agree on the aggro deck opinions I don't think Mono B can take this out easily. Purphoros, arguably the thing that makes this deck "go" is indestructible, and the best target that the deck has is Young Pyromancer , but with no enchantment removal, the game would be rough for them. the really hard matchup would be U/W/X control, which runs a playset of Supreme Verdict .

December 24, 2013 9:31 a.m.

RamonGrizzly says... #7

My sideboard plan for mono b and u/w control would be skullcracks in place of shock and just going over the top for game with all the burn. The Argo decks I've played against with it get destroyed, shocks and lightning strikes on their dudes with young pyro on defense makes it real hard for them. My biggest problem actually are the big green decks, it's hard to stop a 10/10 polukranos, nylea, and arbor collosus in one turn.

December 24, 2013 12:05 p.m.

RamonGrizzly says... #8

Ill prolly throw Wear / Tear in the sideboard for dsphere

December 24, 2013 2:06 p.m.

kapiooken says... #9

if monoblack thoughtseizes your purphoros and then keeps destroying your creatures, they will win on gray merhcant triggers.and with their god u wont gain life, he has card draw advantage. he only needs to have some early removal for your big devotion giving creatures. also if he plays pack rats you can die turn 4-5 vs 6 6/6 packrats

December 24, 2013 2:58 p.m.

RamonGrizzly says... #10

Well if you take a look at the deck the only creature they can really kill is young pyro, all my creatures have some sort of come back into play ability or staying power. And as far as thoughtsieze into pack rats on turn 2 it's as easy as a shock to get rid of. Gray merchant gets skullcracked and life gain isn't really something I care for so erebos is negligible. I can always just chain him to the rocks if he goes active. Devotion isn't really my objective, I just burn people out.

December 24, 2013 4:20 p.m.

kapiooken says... #11

@ramongrizzly not a single black deck will drop a turn 2 pack rat if they havent seen your hand on turn 1 and taken out some burn with thoughtseize or duress.

yes skullcrack is a viable answer to gray merchant but it wont allways be in your hand.

but keep in mind that when you have to use burn to clear his devotion in case of not having a ready skullcrack to answer his gray merchant, its going to be alot harder to win then

December 24, 2013 6:22 p.m.

RamonGrizzly says... #12

@kapiooken remove the burn in a deck with 19 burn spells uhm. my roomate runs a version of mono b devotion and the few times ive lost to it with this deck were literally BACK TO BACK gray merchants, which i don't think any deck can handle. Mono U is much scarier than mono b in my opinion, at least in this decks matchup. The playstyle for this deck is pretty reactive for the most part. the highest casting cost in the deck is the one assemble, most of the time im waiting to see if my opponent does anything worthwhile if they don't, burn EoT. MonoU is a pain, G/X devotion feels hopeless with some of thier nut draws, U/w/x is difficult before sideboarding, Mono B is pretty straightforward

December 24, 2013 10:46 p.m.

RamonGrizzly says... #13

@kapiooken added a couple Blood Baron of Vizkopa in the sideboard for ya

December 24, 2013 10:53 p.m.

ropidon says... #14

What creatures are you going to sacrifice for Tymaret, the Murder King?

I'd take him out in favor of the cards you have in your sideboard.

December 25, 2013 2:14 p.m.

RamonGrizzly says... #15

Phoenix, legion dudes, pyro tokens, he gives me reach with an empty hand and is pretty reliable to have around.

December 25, 2013 4:15 p.m.

This is pretty cool. Have you already considered Molten Birth ? Pretty good here. Pyro gets 3 tokens. Purphoros alone will burn opponent for 4, 6 with a single Pyro. Can sac so much for Tymaret. Obzedat, Ghost Council would be difficult to pull off with your mana but worth it. Burn 4 with Purphoros, gain 2 Every single time he bounces. He does not die easily. And if you wanted to get interesting with a Whip of Erebos, you can continuously sac him and get him back for burn, life gain, and of course swing anytime you can get 5 in.

December 28, 2013 9:13 a.m.

kapiooken says... #17

borzhov burn wont work mana is too dodgy, the molten birth seems like a fun take on the burn deck i think imma try it some time in my own version.

December 28, 2013 11:57 a.m.

RamonGrizzly says... #18

Last nights fnm actually went really well, I don't have the deck complete but I have most of it. I went 2-2 only losing to mono red Agro in a game 3 by getting stuck on 2 lands, and green devotion splashing red which is almost like a hard counter. Polukranos arbor collosus and reverent hunter(16/16) all in one turn is pretty hard to burn out lol.

December 28, 2013 1:52 p.m.

kapiooken says... #19

ah for that matchup you have anger of the gods clear his devotion giving creatures and you stall him for aloooot of turns

December 28, 2013 6:18 p.m.

Nemaros says... #20

Looks like the deck has come a fair way from its original description :)
Overall it looks pretty good, I think you'd definitely thrive more than I would in late games with options like Pyromaster and Elspeth.
One problem I can definitely see in this deck is the mono white or mono red blitz matchup is really going to suffer, you only have 8 spells to burn out their early game.. I dunno if it's popular in your meta at all, but I can see this deck basically forfeiting game 1 without a really good hand.

Do you have Chandra, Pyromaster already in your FNM deck? And if so, how are they going for you? I picked up 2 a while ago but I'm really hesitant about putting them in

January 2, 2014 5:53 p.m.

RamonGrizzly says... #21

Yeah I really loved the first list I made, but it was VERY inconsistent and just would be a one sided loss to any big green deck... (But when deck started going off, oh my it was fun)

I have this exact deck minus sacred foundry and Blood baron; Chandra, Pyromaster has been one of the best cards in the deck. At worst its a 4 mana enabler for your phoenixes to come back, after that it almost needs to be immediately dealt with. Scry + her 0 is fantastic. Mostly I'll just start +1ing her over and over because her ultimate is a win condition in a burn deck like this and that 1 damage really stacks up.

My roommate runs the Orzhov agro list with necromancers and such except he added lifegain. All my matches have been just burning him out with instants and keeping Chandra's Phoenix and Young Pyromancer on defense.

The red agro lists have never really been an issue, young pyro plays a very good defense and Warleader's Helix usually slows the game long enough so that they run out of gas. After sideboarding Anger of the Gods and Spark Trooper (its in the place of blood baron in my real deck) usually shut them out.

The issues I've been having however is with the black in the deck, I've had my fair share of wins with Master of Cruelties (Chandra's +1 for the win :] ) But I really think there are other options in black that can really cement my deck build to perfect synergy, just need help with it.

Sorry for the wall of text, its rare that i get serious feedback

January 2, 2014 10:08 p.m.

MarmoW says... #22

Why no Erebos, God of the Dead on the sideboard? He is a very good hate for decks with lifegain and gives you card advantage, +1

January 5, 2014 9:36 a.m.

RamonGrizzly says... #23

Thanks for the +1 :D

Erebos, God of the Dead could be worth considering, but I rock a lot of lifegain hate with the 4 mainboard Skullcrack and ill never have the devoton to make him a creature; card draw is nice though.

January 5, 2014 10:33 a.m.

Nemaros says... #24

Trust me, the fact that you'll never have devotion only makes erebos harder to get rid of, against mono black especially they deal a lot of damage to themselves and rely on whip or Gary to get them back to a safe level.. If you can get erebos on the board you don't have to worry about constantly holding mana for a Skullcrack, and yes the card draw is really cool.. As long as it is sustainable (ie you can gain it back somehow)

January 5, 2014 3:53 p.m.

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