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Chaos Maelstrom EDH *Budget*

Commander / EDH


My take on a budget chaos deck. As far as I am concerned, the win condition of this deck is to make your opponents so confused that they scoop =P.

Commander: Maelstrom WandererI chose Maelstrom Wanderer as the commander as opposed to Karona, False God because it gives access to to U/R which is where 75% of the crazy chaos cards are, and access to Green which gives mana ramp and color fixing which is pretty important for this deck to get the fun started as soon as possible. As far as his abilities go, getting up to 2 free spells just for casting him makes him brilliant at getting out our game changing artifacts and enchantments, or our board breaking sorcery spells. The haste doesn't really matter too much but he does have a pretty fat body which is nice as well.

Creatures: Mostly mana dorks. Fatespinner adds a sort of pillow fort aspect early game since most players will choose to play more spells and draw then to attack and not draw or play. Tomorrow is a nice beefy creature who helps us with card quality. Norin is just there for fun, though he does combo well with Confusion in the Ranks and eliminates the downside to Risky Move for yourself.

Lands: Nothing fancy just uncommons and cheap rares to keep things budget friendly

Sorcerys: A couple of mana fixing spells and then some real board changers. Goblin Game will make the game end much quicker if we are not having fun anymore. Hypergenesis lets everyone play crazy stuff and if done early with a decent hand can really complicate the game quite quickly. It also makes Confusion in the Ranks that much more juicy. Knowledge Exploitation can let us get something others have that we might need but don't have in the deck. With Hive Mind or Eye of the Storm it becomes exceptionally crazy. Scrambleverse is the possibly the ultimate comeback, or nail in the coffin. Most enchantments we will be giving away don't affect only us specifically so we will most likely come out on top afterwards while our opponents will get useless enchantments. Thieves' Auction is very similar though the wealth will be spread a bit more evenly. Unexpected Results can get us any of our high costing stuff but is just in here for fun. Warp World in this deck essentially says "And now for something completely different". We will get a new set of game changing enchantments and the chaos literally warps into something entirely new.

Enchantments: First a couple pillow forts and steal permanents in case something is giving us trouble. After that it gets into crazy town antics. Eye of the Storm/Hive Mind/Grip of Chaos ensure that instants and sorcery cards are constantly flying around the table. Tide of War/Confusion in the Ranks/Impulsive Maneuvers greatly complicates combat to the point that hopefully people don't attack because they don't know what will happen. Conjured Currency and Puca's Mischief let us steal the nice and shiny things that our opponents have so we can have a turn with it.

Artifacts: Tons of mana fixing (probably too much honestly). Some craziness here in the forms of Knowledge Pool (Often opponents will concede instead of actually having to deal with this card: Cowards!) to go along with our Possibility Storm which does something similar. (Together they provide an interesting dynamic, either get what you want from the pool, or gamble with what is in your deck.) If our opponents thought that only the board was going to get chaotic then Teferi's Puzzle Box will change that idea, and Timesifter changes the very order of the game. No one even knows when their turn will be anymore! Torpor Orb stops ETB effects which can be pretty dangerous to us with what is in our opponents decks.

Well that is a short run down of what we can expect from this deck and all under $100 if you aren't going crazy with foils or shipping costs.Let me know what you guys think. If you have suggestions for some budget chaos cards, or some help with the mana base that would be great.


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Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

1 - 0 Mythic Rares

43 - 0 Rares

19 - 0 Uncommons

16 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 4.02
Tokens Lizard 2/2 G, Llanowar Elves 1/1 G
Folders Test decks, Possible EDH Decks, chaos
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