
Creature (1)


Chaos Reigns

Everybody loves unexpected results!

The feeling of flipping just the right card of the top of the deck. Nothing beats it.

This deck aims to do this as much as possible, and get the whole table in on the fun. Who doesn't like to spin the roulette once in a while? Let go of the steering wheel. Pee into the wind!

Let chaos reign!

Politics-wise this deck often gets overlooked at the table, because it seems random and its chaotic style feels almost group-huggy. But make no mistake! Ramos racks up counters very fast, and can often surprise with a one-hit kill or go off out of nowhere.

Imagine for example the very realistic scenario of flipping something like a Brilliant Ultimatum or Aminatou's Augury off for example a Galvanoth , and using the counters this puts on Ramos to help cast a Villainous Wealth for say... 20. Then imagine adding an Eye of the Storm to the mix. Or a Mind's Desire .

Be careful with cards like Hive Mind , though. While undoubtedly fun, it can make the stack almost impossible to track. Villainous Wealth + Hive Mind is down right game breaking. A play like this will also make Ramos ridiculously huge though, and makes for some epic stories to tell, so use at you own advice.

Power-wise this deck does fine for itself in a playgroup bordering on competitive. It might be a little above the 75%'ers, but relies a lot on lucky plays. Its strength (and the fun of it) lies in its ability to cultivate the optimal conditions for said lucky plays to happen. If you flip enough cards, the odds of flipping the right one rises!

Its power also depends on the decks it faces, since half the cards it plays, usually belongs to the opponents. This also makes every game different, and is one of the reasons this is my favorite deck in my collection.

The side-boarded Lord of the Void is for switching for Urza, Academy Headmaster if i play people who doesn't allow un-cards.

hive mind > bribery chromatic lanter > chromatic orrery Eye of the storm } mnemotic Genesis ult > Apex devestator Stitch in time > tibalt Oracles vault> bonus round Guidednpassage > tibalts trickery Ydris>imoti Yenet > Velomachus Lorehold Etherium horn > creative tecnique Knowledge pool > jadzi Djinn > dauthi voidwalker


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Revision 79 See all

(3 years ago)

+1 Dauthi Cutthroat main
-1 Epic Experiment main
Top Ranked
Date added 6 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

18 - 1 Mythic Rares

68 - 0 Rares

9 - 0 Uncommons

5 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 4.63
Tokens Construct X/X C, Emblem Tibalt, Cosmic Impostor, Shark X/X U
Folders EDH lineup, Neat Ideas, Multi - Mana Deck Ideas, look at, Cool EDH, References, Playgroup plans, Bank of Jank, Nice ideas, Possible Future Builds
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