A green blue shell to house Chasm Skulker which is such a sweet card that I could see just become overwhelming around a build like this (making this for rotation)
Chasm Skulker- a very tempo like card that just gets bigger and bigger and bigger, and if he gets killed you just get a huge amount of tokens this gives the opponent a tough choice of killing him and having to deal with tokens or letting him crash into your face time after time
Horizon Chimera- draw a card gain a life... Draw four cards Gain four life, this can get out of hand with the card draw in this deck
Prophet of Kruphix- a solid five drop that untaps all my stuff and gives my another turn to play whatever I'd like
Divination and Jace's Ingenuity really nice card draw and in the case of this deck they serve as life gain and a buff
Military Intelligence chasm skulkers best friend, makes him bigger and draws so many cards
Elvish Mystic and Kiora's Follower and Voyaging Satyr do I hear ramp capabilities, that's a yes
AEtherspouts can be a complete blowout if someone attacks with their fatties, slows down many decks and lets my guys get even larger
Genesis Hydra lets me get other guys and put them unto to the field... And these other guys can't be countered. He will be fun to resolve
Master of Waves strong in any blue deck with decent devotion, not really an innovation as much a staple
Bident of Thassa drown in cards with all your attackers that then untap during your opponents turn