Where to start. I guess we will go from top to bottom
Aurelia, the Warleader
is the (Bee's Knees) at being a baller. Being a 6 drop means more than likely I will have a few creatures out on the field, and with those creatures, having 2 combat steps is always awesome! Game ending card? I think so
Blood Baron of Vizkopa is a monster. a 4/4 flier with pro (most of the kill spells in set, minus some burn spells) with lifelink??? And only 5 mana??? I'm ok with this. Plus, having that second ability for a "Wins more" affect is amusing.
Boros Reckoner is every aggro deck's nightmare. A 3/3 "flings damage back" baller for 3 mana who just screams "Come at me bro".
Lifebane Zombie is one of those early game utility guys I like having. Play him turn 3 and I get to see your hand? Well guess what. I'm learning about your deck, and deck insight is always an awesome thing to have against your opponent. And if you are playing a deck with green or white creatures, (Cough... Voice of Resurgence and Archangel of Thune), you're going to hate this guy.. On a side note, he DOES have intimidate, meaning if you don't kill him, I can pretty much swing right through you.
Obzedat, Ghost Council, or as I like to call him, "Ghost Dad" is an annoyance. When he comes into play, he creates a 4 life swing in my favor, as well as adding to that "Wins more" effect I mentioned with Blood Baron of Vizkopa. The best thing about Ghost Dad, is I can exile him at the end of my turn and bring him right back at the start of my next one for another 4 life swing! Seems ok to me.
Sin Collector serves pretty much the same purpose as Lifebane Zombie, but on a lesser note. Yes, I get to see your hand, but I get to choose a spell and make you discard it :) No instants or sorcery's for you! He no like!
And now we move on to spells....
Aurelia's Fury
is a nice control card (And it's not even blue! Winning!!!) I can hit creatures with the ability and tap you out to swing for the game. Or I can use it on the opponent to shut down there combat shenanigans! Either way, my opponent isn't going to like it!
Boros Charm is pretty self explanatory. I either, A, dome the opponent for 4 damage, B, make all my permanents indestructible, or C, give one of my creatures double strike. So it will either save my ass, or hurt theres. I'm fine with either.
Brave the Elements is a nice "SAVE ME" card, since all but one of my creatures is white, (Which is Lifebane Zombie) it's a pretty nice protection spell for 1 white mana.
Magma Jet is one of the better 2 drop spells I use in here. (Not that there are many 2 drops, but SHH! They don't know that) Dealing 2 damage to ANYTHING I choose is ok, but the ability to Scry 2 is what I love about this card. Checking my top 2 cards to see if they will be helpful or not THEN being able to put them at the bottom of my deck can greatly increase the synergy in my deck.
Warleader's Helix
is a really self explanatory card. I can either throw out an 8 life swing, or I can do a 4 life swing and deal 4 damage to something else. Both seem ok with me.
Hero's Downfall will win games, I believe. Instant speed, kill a creature OR planeswalker... This is Murder on steroids!!! I see your Jace, Memory Adept and raise you DEATH!!!!! All the planeswalker hate!
And last, but certainly not least...
Assemble the Legion!!!! I seriously love this card! Not only for it's ability, but for the wording as well. When I read it, "Muster Counters" make me think of Mustard.... So I have changed the name of this card to "Assemble the Sandwich"! With each passing turn, it gains a counter and I get an extra dude to swing with. Granted, they are only 1/1 tokens, but they grow and swarm really fast! They hate control, in an organized matter.
Now, we move onto the sideboard.
Chained to the Rocks
is great removal for those "Hard to deal with" creatures. Being able to take out Indestructible God's with 1 white mana seems REALLY broken to me.
Dreadbore is another Hero's Downfall, but dummed down a bit. It's only a sorcery speed, but it is a 2 drop, instead of 3, making it a nice early to late game removal card.
Merciless Eviction seems to me like it is Quad Polar... Hating 4 things at one time? But can't decide between which one? All I do is give it direction. "Pst... You hate creatures...." (EXILE ALL CREATURES!!) "Feel better?" (YES!!!)
Mizzium Mortars hates things! That aren't mine! Winning! Dealing 4 damage to one, or all creatures I don't control is ok. "But I have hexproof!" (Fool! Mizzium Mortars don't care!)
Ah yes... Blind Obedience... The ultimate "Aggro Hate" card. Making all there things come into play tapped AND allowing me to extort on my casts?? I'll take 2 please!
Slaughter Games
will allow me to hate on the things I hate the most. Can't be countered, exiling everything in your hand, grave and deck that I find "Too much of a pain in the ass" to deal with. Better Luck Next Time!