One of the popular U/W budget deck that is commonly used in Standard. This is my take on the whole deal.
The following is my rationale for using these cards.
*Creature Spells*
Hero of Iroas
: A strong sample in the deck. Playing enchantment auras at 1 mana is a must in this deck. You must outsmart your opponent and trigger the ordeals immediately otherwise they will die to removal.
Favored Hoplite
: Excellent turn 1 drop. Drop an ordeal on turn 2 and you got a 3/4 providing you swing with it. Pop an ordeal on this guy and you can swing without worrying will die from combat due to its heroic ability.
Battlewise Hoplite
: The scry provides great utility. I had games where I kept scrying lands to the bottom so that I do not have to draw those thus give me more ammo in my hand to draw other stuff.
Seeker of the Way
: One of my favorite prowess creatures. Just casting a non-creature spell gives him a
Mortal's Ardor
for free! Have too many creatures on the battlefield? No worries you can target your heroic creatures and he will gain a benefit from it. Or buff him up and gain crazy life swings.
Heliod's Pilgrim: Provides great utility as It will give you an aura that you need. If you need evasion to swing in for the kill, get Aqueous Form. If you need life get
Ordeal of Heliod
and whatever creative things you can come up with.
*Enchantment Spells*
Battle Mastery: When your creatures get big with all the +1/+1 counters on them and have evasion enchantments on them, you can use this to win the game.
Ordeal of Thassa
: A big staple in the deck. You need to be quick in getting 3 counters on your creatures because your opponent will cast removal like their is no end. If possible, keep a protection spell ready so that you don't lose a creature and an aura. Its better to spend 2 cards and draw 2 cards than flat out losing everything.
Ordeal of Heliod
:Same reason as the blue ordeal but more of fact you can be more aggressive and just take all the damage you opponent dishes out at you and disregard blocking.
Stratus Walk
: Your basically giving a creature flying for a tiny cost. These kinds of cards help Eidolon of Countless Battles grow very fast and having more cards to draw give you more opportunities.
Aqueous Form: Just in case your opponent has Stormbreath Dragon out in the worse scenario and you have a white creature with flying. Helps trigger the ordeals in a much more safer manner.
*Instant Spells*
Ajani's Presence: Solid protection from End Hostilities. I hate this card because you lose your enchantments even if you give your creatures indestructible, but its the best answer to this annoying card.
Defiant Strike
: A card like this is needed to be very aggressive. Basically gives your creatures +2/+1 while not really wasting a card to do so.
Feat of Resistance: Basically gives 2 +1/+1 counters on your heroics with good evasion and can counter removal. The trick however is to keep mana open for it. 2 mana is a bit steep but I feel the extra counter can make a difference.
Negate: Just a surprise card to throw your opponents off guard. I mainly use it because everyone uses planeswalkers or board wipes which will give me a very hard time. Countering those spells can ensure that I can still stay on the offensive.
Feel free to comment on this deck and let me know what you think about it.