Cheap Swift Mono-Red (FNM 1st Place)

Standard vittorsm


triproberts12 says... #1

If you're playing 4x Foundry Street Denizen and 4x Monastery Swiftspear, you should include Hordeling Outburst. Stoke the Flames would work well, with that inclusion, and if you can get your hands on Goblin Rabblemaster, that would be a good way to finish off the deck.

February 20, 2015 1:53 p.m.

vittorsm says... #2

@triproberts12 I was thinking about putting them, but since i'm low on budget i'll only do that on the future.

February 22, 2015 10:36 a.m.

Nightninja10 says... #3

I would put in Firedrinker Satyr and Satyr Hoplite other wise. Pretty good deck. You can check out my similar build Red Deck Wins and see what I did with the red aggro deck. In my deck I upgraded to stoke the flames (which is way worth it) with The prize money I won at fnm

February 22, 2015 12:09 p.m.

Nightninja10 says... #4

Wrong deck I posted just go on my page if you want to check it out

February 22, 2015 12:10 p.m.

Voujs says... #5

really good deck, ill try to build it

February 22, 2015 12:38 p.m.

Nightninja10 says... #6

What I reccomend for this deck is to take outhe mardu scout and add saytr hoplitei would also take out Dragon mantle because of personal opionion and add one more coordinated assault and one more collateral damage. How is crater claws working for you

February 22, 2015 1:01 p.m.

vittorsm says... #7

@Nightninja10 I'll keep the Dragon mantle because of personal opinion, it can really make some great plays with titan strength's scry. Crater claws has won me two games on FNM For when the opponent has some kind of defense on early game. I'll see if Satyr on place of Mardu Scout will help me out, not sure yet.

February 22, 2015 4:39 p.m.

Nightninja10 says... #8

I never thought of the combo of Dragon Mantle and the scry with Titan's Strength that seems pretty good. I'm glad you have had success with the Crater's Claws I just don't find it that useful I would probably put in another coordinated assualt or Dragon Mantle but whatever helps you, but with Satyr Hoplite you have at least 13 spells that trigger heroic and Coordinated Assault which can target two creatures. I hope you have success with this deck though looks pretty solid

February 22, 2015 6:04 p.m.

vittorsm says... #9

@Nightninja10 Thanks, i'll try using satyr and see how it works, and yeah, the dragon/titan combo is really strong when you see a good opportunity. I'll keep the crater claw on side deck and put another coordinated assault if i put the Satyr in the deck.

February 23, 2015 10:41 a.m.

Kroto says... #10

Temur Battle Rage if you should decide against going wide.

February 23, 2015 10:49 a.m.

gwowns says... #11

i currently have quit standard but i have done well in multiple fnm's and pptqs with rdw just like this sligh version.(x-2 or better) Hordeling outburst is just about the worst card in the 75 as i have experienced. with the addition of sac bolt/collateral dmg. stoke is down to a 2/2 split in the side and main board. Also id cut every version of wild slash. it is just a bad card in this type of deck.

on to additions. try out fire drinkers they might hurt you but a 1 mana 2/1 will do a lot more than you might think. vs control he is their worst nightmare, more so than any other card you currently have.

My list is typically

2X Mardu scout4x drinker4x swift-spear4x denizen4x crusader3/4x satyr hoplite1x Hall of triumph2x collateral dmg2x stoke2x strike 4x titans str4x Hammer hand3x dragon mantle4x cor assult2x Fren Goblin1x rouse the mob. +2/0 trample with strive.

then anywhere from 16-20 lands cutting dragon mantles and hoplites as you see fit, the sideboard is what influences the amount of lands. if you are expecting a lot of control/walker decks you will use Hammer of pur. When you flood out you are able to sac those useless lands to make hasted 3/3s

Side board is 4x eidolon2/4 searing blood1-2 Harness by force1x hall of triumph1-2 Blinding flare, note with this card its a one red strive that can trigger heroic on your own guys3x magma spray2x stoke the flamesHope this helps i know eidolon isn't very budget but he isnt very expensive and this is by far the least expensive deck in standard.

February 23, 2015 11:04 a.m.

vittorsm says... #12

@Kroto & @gwowns : I have removed Wild slash and added Temur Battle Rage in its place.Its cheaper and a lot stronger with the Heroic Creatures.Drinker and Hall of triumph are both cards that i'm thinking about putting it, but Firedrinker is a little more expensive so i'll add only later. Trying to keep this deck as cheap as possible while making it strong.Thank you for your suggestions.

February 23, 2015 11:13 a.m.

jandrobard says... #13

For sideboard you should run Break Through the Line, Mardu Scout, and Searing Blood.

February 28, 2015 6:44 p.m.

vittorsm says... #14

@jandrobard: nice idea!

February 28, 2015 6:53 p.m.

vittorsm says... #15

@jandrobard: I'll be using Break Through the Line and Searing Blood, but i dont see any reason really for using mardu scout in place of the other creatures.Break Through the Line doesnt work that well with Satyr, but i'll side it for the Foundry Street and the Swiftspear.

February 28, 2015 11:57 p.m.

Kroto says... #16

I'd definetly run Mardu Scout sideboard. Against a control deck you have a recastable Lightning Strike they either have to waste their removal on or keep taking damage. In either case you get a lot of value out of it. The 3 power gets very annoying since you don't want to block it against a red deck even with a big creature since you'd risk losing your big guy to burn.

If it gets through you can also always pump by using Titan's Strength or Temur Battle Rage or both. 6 dmg with 3-4 mana plus recastable 3 dmg is definetly worth it.

March 1, 2015 5:26 a.m.

vittorsm says... #17

@Kroto: I see, so i'll do some testing and add it to the side deck.

March 1, 2015 11 a.m.

thewyzman says... #18

Why the one-of Magma Jet in the main? It's a good card and all, but I'm curious since I'm just starting to play RDW myself (Little People Big Hurt).

And why the Firedrinker Satyrs in the side? I run a few in the main for the early damage, then usually end up siding them out because of their downside against burn spells and big dudes.

March 9, 2015 12:48 p.m.

vittorsm says... #19

@thewyzman i only use the Firedrinker Satyr against control, he's not as good against other kinds of decks for me to remove another creature/spell for him.I use Magma Jet mainly to reorganize my draws when i'm having a bad time with terrains and such, and so i only use one. But i see no problem in removing Collateral Damage for it. I just like keeping one of each so i can use collateral as a finisher and Magma to organize.

March 9, 2015 1:29 p.m.

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