Nahiri's Lockdown

Modern* johncosta45


sekander.ali says... #1

strip mine isnt legal in modern

June 28, 2016 11:20 a.m.

johncosta45 says... #2

Damn. Guess I'll go Ghost Quarter then. Thanks!

June 29, 2016 12:08 a.m.

Steve_MTG says... #3

Why run distress not cards like Thoughtseize or Inquisition of Kozilek? They are both turn 1 spells and I imagine it difficult to constantly get double black on turn two for the Distress when only eight out of 24 lands produce black mana. Maybe consider Fetid Heath and/or Graven Cairns to cope with that.

Also, I would suggest either run Path to Exile or Terminate over Chained to the Rocks. Again, only a third of your lands are mountains - could get tough if there is a threat you REALLY want to handle.

I don't see the need for the Battlefield Forge and the Darksteel Citadel. What do you need the coloress sources for? I think you better take some more shock-duals like Blood Crypt, Godless Shrine and Sacred Foundry or even add some fetchies to fix your turn 1 black mana.(forget these suggestions if these cards are outside your budget ;) )

Ever thought of Fulminator Mage? 2/2 dude for cc3 and blows a land when it goes. You said you are land destruction, so ...

I ike the idea of combining Nahiri, the Lithomancer and Emrakul, the Aeons Torn. You could add some nice one-offs as a Nahiri-toolbox. First thoughts: Angel of Despair, Ashen Rider, Angel of Serenity (interacts pretty wel with your own Goblin Dark-Dwellers), Bogardan Hellkite, Griselbrand

July 2, 2016 1:45 p.m.

johncosta45 says... #4

Wow Steve_MTG these are all amazing suggestions! I started MTG when Born of the Gods came out, and the cards built here are the cards in my possession. I definetly will add Thoughtseize to this in place of Distress. Fulminator Mage looks great, but is out of my budget for a play set. I could get a couple of Godless Shrine in place of the two colorless sources. Two Path to Exile over Doomblade is a great choice.

The Nahiri toolbox you recommended, when would those be a better choice over Emrakul?

July 3, 2016 12:28 a.m.

Naosu says... #5

a lot of and one in sideboard ...

Do you even think for add one Graven Cairns ?

In case i think you have too much hand control

Also only 3x Nahiri, the Harbinger are not good, for a good balance, add one more and add the Anger of the Gods in main deck, if you play against a fast deck even all you'r hand controle, one creature is enough to falter Nahiri and keep her below 8 loyalty point.

Add some board controle also

July 12, 2016 6:21 a.m.

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