Commander / EDH
Ikoria/C20 Update —April 6, 2020

Lhurgyof: Hey great suggestions! Mindslaver with Braids is pretty gross since it's essentially 4 mana to control another person's turn. I might add Academy Ruins just to enable an engine. There is a code you can embed in your deck description that enables this. I'll post it on your page.
March 30, 2020 11:53 a.m.
WarSpaniel says... #3
This deck look really fun! I have a quick question. Could you please explain the Tidespout Tyrant + Mana Crypt /Sol Ring + any other mana rock = Infinite mana and bounce everyone's permanents with Capsize combo please? Thank you
March 31, 2020 8:02 p.m.
WarSpaniel: I should have worded the combo better, it is Mana Crypt + any other 2 cmc mana rock like Arcane Signet. Basically with Arcane Signet in play, tap it for blue and then cast Mana Crypt to bounce it back. Tap crypt for 2 to pay for the signet and then cast it to bounce crypt back to hand. Repeat infinite times to generate infinite blue mana to dump into Capsize w/ buyback.
March 31, 2020 8:21 p.m. Edited.
WarSpaniel says... #5
Thank you for your quick response. I have a couple questions. What would you say are your ideal opening hand(s) with this deck? I was also curious if you hold off on casting Braids until you can cast her with flash or protection. Then how do you normally work your way to your endgame? This deck is really cool and I was curious if you’ve played it quite a bit. It seems relatively straightforward, but there seems to be so many intricacies to it. Thank you!
April 1, 2020 8:05 p.m.
WarSpaniel: Ideal opening hand is to have some kind of ramp like Arcane Signet, at least 3 lands, and protection like Force of Will. The deck runs enough cantips to be able to dig for a payoff pretty effectively so having a fatty in hand is not really needed. Obviously there will be rare instances where a hand that curves into a turn 4 hasted Blightsteel Colossus equipped with Lightning Greaves happen but that is more of a magical Christmas scenario. The beauty of my build is that the deck can technically function without Braids, just that Braids will greatly accelerate my threats out if I happen to have protection and fatty lined up to let me safely deploy her since she's a kill on sight commander. The key to working towards the endgame is to never overextend and keep clones/theft spells in hand and deploy them when appropriate. The decks pivot quick from a non-threatening boardstate to archenemy real quick so you have to be prepared to pick your battles and save your resources for the right time. Hope this helps!
April 2, 2020 9:06 a.m.
WarSpaniel says... #7
Thank you, are the clone/steal effects used when you have Braids in play and to steal opponents stuff they play off her triggered ability? Or do you use them situationally throughout the course of the game?
April 2, 2020 9:52 p.m.
WarSpaniel: Yes, the clone/steal effects is mainly to take advantage of stuff my opponent cheats in with Braid. But ultimately it's all depending on the situation.
Lhurgyof says... #1
I love less common commanders like this, +1 from me.
This is a really solid build, the only thing I can really think of is perhaps a Mindslaver in case someone ends up with a board state too far ahead after you drop Braids. Vanishing might be useful as well to keep opponents from using her.
(on a side note, how did you get the windows on the page to be transparent?)
March 30, 2020 11:30 a.m.