Cheat Codes!! (Aggro 5C Goodstuff)

Commander / EDH* meadowsatsunshine


nayrash5 says... #1

Sneak Attack looks kinda lame when it only cheats one or two dudes into play, but getting to put someone uncountably onto the battlefield for one mana is amazing, and with so many ETB abilities, you could trigger three or four a turn with Sneak. Sword of Light and Shadow is another way to abuse Survival, and Pro Black//White is nothing to sneeze at, and the Three life mitigates Bob damage and Crypt Damage. When you have access to the best Removal the game has to offer, Lightning Bolt loses a sizable chunk of its usefulness, Three life to a player rarely matters, and three to a creature is worse than any of your other spot removal spells. Living Death is another way to abuse all the shenanigans with your graveyard, and doubles as a wrath spell in a pinch. Jace, the Mind Sculptor gives you a free Brainstorm every turn, and will the density of Fetches already here, he gets even better. Council's Judgment is a Vindicate that doesn't target, so it avoids Shroud, and it exiles so it dodges Indestructible.

May 31, 2015 1:18 a.m.

I like the concept of Sword and Jace, they were cards definitely considered but got set aside during initial construction but the growing pains are over now, I think there should be a place for both of them. I'm also very intrigued by using Living Death, it wasn't an avenue I had considered but it stands a good chance of being a blowout if I time it right. Graveyard decks are somewhat popular in my meta but I've got quite a few tools to deal with them, and I think I might switch Rest in Peace to Tormod's Crypt to be a little more selective in my hate. Judgment is a great card as well I just hate that it isn't a guaranteed hit. I think you're underselling Bolt a little, even with all the best removal it's still exceptionally versatile in offering the possibility of killing craetures, walkers, and players and one mana is a price that can't be beat, but I also have a strong sentimental attachment so it might be earning its spot that way as well :P .

Anyways, all fine suggestions, I'm going to work on implementing some of them right now. Thanks for dropping by and I hope you check back, I can't get enough feedback.

May 31, 2015 11:54 a.m.

nayrash5 says... #3

Your manabase shouldn't have any comes into play tapped lands. The 0/1 from Khalni Garden is pointless in such an aggressive deck, you wont need him for blocking because you aren't going to be on the defensive, and Zero power is useless on the offensive. Treetop Village is ok, but being a 3/3 for 'three' is meh, especially when you have so many better juggernauts already in here. I would replace one of them with Tarnished Citadel, which taps for any colour, though it does bitchslap you, and the other with Volrath's Stronghold, which gives even more Value with Survival and friends. Murmuring Bosk does tap for three colours, which is nice, but again, CipT is a huge tempo crush, and Cavern of Souls, while situational, is probably better. Llanowar Elves is kinda lame for the cost, Arbor Elf does basically the same thing, but gets dumb with Duals and Shocks. Chrome Mox is alright, but Mox Diamond is arguably better, losing a land vs losing a key card is huge, and Diamond taps for any colour, wherein Chrome only taps for the imprinted colours.

May 31, 2015 11:09 p.m.

Damn. All solid advice. Making changes now.

May 31, 2015 11:36 p.m.

nayrash5 says... #5

Lol, I just enjoy these goofy no budget five-colour decks. I may test this IRL, well, sans the Timetwister, and see what else is needed.

May 31, 2015 11:46 p.m.

puimuri says... #6

...Run for your liiIiiiIfe

June 16, 2015 11:03 a.m.

Starn says... #7


August 5, 2015 4:14 p.m.

redking1027 says... #8

This deck is super cool! It seems really fun to pilot too. You should try adding in Aurelia, the Warleader. She can definitely help the deck scale into the lategame, despite her high cost.

August 9, 2015 11:34 a.m.

Fun to play with, fun to play against, that's what I want to go achieve here. I'll often offer to switch out with someone during a second match and people rarely refuse.

Aurelia is a killer card, I've had her in early iterations of the deck. The trouble is, I'm really running into problems deciding what to cut at this point. Soooo... with both of these facts being what they are, I've decided to start keeping a sideboard on-hand as well! This way the lending out of the deck can be even more interactive, as well as giving even finer control to the power and play level if I'm running against unfamiliar people.

I've got the first eleven or so cards under the maybeboard section, I'm currently researching and accepting suggestions for others to round it out! Thanks for all the suggestions folks, keep them coming!

August 9, 2015 3:28 p.m.

jamesfiek says... #10

Mana Echoes goes infinite.

September 30, 2015 11:10 a.m.

Tata says... #11

I don't like Painful Truths. I'd rather play something more powerful.

Restoration Angel is missing. I'd replace Whirler Rogue.

I'd replace Collected Company with something more reliable. Like Sylvan Library.

I'd cut the extra basics for lands that produce more than 1 colour and maybe run 1 or 2 more lands.

Lingering Souls seems like it would fit nicely with what you're trying to do.

October 19, 2015 1:39 a.m.

Truths has been good but switching it for Sylvan Library could be even better.

Resto Angel is an interesting call, hadn't even considered her. What do you feel are her primary benefits here (I like to hear others rationale).

Land count has been fine, I actually can get flooded as is. What do you recommend for replacing the basics?

Lingering Souls for Company to the sideboard?

October 19, 2015 1:58 a.m.

Maringam says... #13


January 20, 2016 3:51 p.m.

Geoffrey1 says... #14

I know very little about this format,but from what I see this deck is a beating. +1 MOSTLY for the fact that the queen is the only Sliver in the list. Partially cause the choice of creatures is great. Finally cause I love the name.BRAVO!!!!!!!

February 1, 2016 12:16 a.m.

A well timed Exploration is always excellent. With the advent of the new mulligan rule, top control is more important than ever (for me anyways), i sometimes find it hard to function without a Sensei's Divining Top. A Titania, Protector of Argoth might be a nice addition due to the high amount of fetches, plus, a little ramp never hurts ><. (plus more Lotus Cobra triggers)

February 14, 2016 6:02 a.m.

double0whammy says... #16

Bring to Light would be great in here. I use it in any 4-5 color deck because you can get whatever is perfect for the situation.

February 27, 2016 7:32 p.m.

double0whammy says... #17

Also, Chromatic Lantern Is a must, as it lets you cast your commander on turn 4.

February 27, 2016 7:37 p.m.

double0whammy says... #18

Dryad Arbor is good too for the combo with GSZ

February 27, 2016 7:40 p.m.

Tolluf says... #19

Mirri's Guile is another cheap enchantment you would want to see early game, more top deck manipulation :D

March 3, 2016 12:30 a.m.

Quicksilver says... #20

Rhystic Study is a powerful card drawing engine that slows down opponents at worst and nets you a draw at best.

March 28, 2016 2:25 p.m.

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