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"Chill Out" - A Standard Thing in The Ice Deck

Standard UR (Izzet)


Though at the moment technically standard, I've omitted BFZ cards so as to keep the deck somewhat "future-proofed", or in rotation for longer.

I don't really know how to dissect this one. It seems more or less self explanatory to me. Throw Thing in the Ice   down as soon as you can, as it's most likely not gonna die turn 2. Use things like card:Curious Homonculous and Baral, Chief of Compliance to pump out your instants faster, and transform Thing in The Ice by turn 4 and swing. Use burn spells for damage when applicable, removal when necessary, and tap the opponent's bois with Take into Custody and/or Keep 'em there with Ice Over .

Obvious synergy with Weaver of Lightning is obvious.

Baral, Chief of Compliance is the main reason I'm running 3x Negate and 2x Disallow , as opposed to just 4x Disallow.

Dynavolt Tower is mainly just there to help your removal get even more dangerous with Harnessed Lightning .

Lots of 1 drop instants like Take into Custody , or Shock to help transform your thing a lot faster.

Stacking Fevered Visions is a must whenever possible, unless you can transform one of your Thing in the Ice   creatures.

Overall, this deck isn't as budget as I'd like to be, but it's still a fun deck that can sometimes drag out games to a sludge-fest. Which might be what you're after? It's also the only deck that I'd run at the moment that has 65 cards in it. Usually I stick the the holy 60 card count, and very rarely 61, but I think given the nature of the deck, it's more forgivable, if not encouraged to have slightly more cards.


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

18 - 0 Rares

12 - 0 Uncommons

14 - 0 Commons

Cards 63
Avg. CMC 2.25
Tokens Energy Reserve, Human Wizard 1/1 U
Folders 2016-2017 STANDARD
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