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Chinese kitty kitchen(2x 4-0 champ)

Standard* Aggro Competitive GW (Selesnya) Midrange



Enchantment (3)

Let it be known that cats are assholes. And nobody likes assholes, especially when you play this deck.

Fleecemane Lion kitty is not as sheepish as his goat-cousins, he's a bona-fide rock star. Unless you're packing some pretty legit wipes, if this dish gets rolling...you're gonna have a bad time. Bring your own cashew kitty meal because this one isn't on the menu!

Brimaz, King of Oreskos kitty is not the type to be made into Kung-pao kitty, he's the type and kicks Mr. Chang in the teeth and says "Cook your meals with dog you confused little man!" He brings his little kitty friends along for the ride just to hate on all that would dare cook him in peanut sauce.

Finally, Ajani, Mentor of Heroes kitty. He is like the intrerdimensional kitty, going all Thunder Cat style and looking for his karate kitty friends. What happens if I don't have any castable kitties? Ajani kitty is all like "No worries bro! I'll fetch you some kittehs! And also, why did I say 'bro'?!" General Tso would love to cook all 9 of this cool cats lives, but he gives 100!

Just for backups I got some other feline friendly gentlemen. Loxodon Smiter makes for some pretty smitten kittens. Thundering out his own brand of 'Merican justice to those who would dare eat a Chinese buffet. Polukranos, World Eater decided he would go vegetarian and eat some victory cakes and it was the best thing he could do! Besides, he was getting a little chubby anyways. Experiment One is an odd one. Is he a man? Is he an ooze, or maybe a kitty wannabe?! He could be a Simba since he wants to grow up into a big kitty.


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So I ran this at a Tuesday night standard tourney my lgs has. Went 4-0 and took first with 15 people playing. I finally figured out how to stop flying! The worst situation was in game 2 vs a junk midrange deck when they dropped Polukranos, World Eater t-3 and Archangel of Thune t-4. Scared the hell out of me but I top decked a Glare of Heresy and had a Selesnya Charm in my opening hand. Managed to get Brimaz rolling and picked off his mana dorks to win.

Round 1: r/w burn. G-1 he got me down to 3 life with Chandra's Phoenix until I got Polukranos, World Eater out and monstroused him to pick of Young Pyromancer and his dorks. G-2 I got Unflinching Couragefoil on Loxodon Smiter t4 and rolled.

Round 2: played a buddies b/w humans deck. G-1 he won bc I was sitting on no mana the whole time only saw 3 all game. G-2 was a drag out annoying game, we both had brimaz and couldn't get answers for the others. I was in bad shape until Witchstalker got some courage of his own. G-3 I had 3 4/4 Experiment One that he couldn't answer. He Banishing Lighted one but I dropped Polly to make the others 5/5 and he scooped. Won 2-1

Round 3: junk midrange. G-1 I won pretty quick, he had no answers and didn't really draw into much. G-2 went as mentioned before, pretty much had the perfect topdeck to answer Archangel of Thune and he had to use his Courser of Kruphixs as chumps. That was the only matchup I didn't feel like I could win after sb

Round 4: g/w heroic. He had a Favored Hoplite get flying and nasty before I knew what was going on. G-2 I had brimaz do the same thing making him stomp a hole all over the place. G-3 he drew all creatures and not many triggers so Polly went monstrous late and cleared the way.

Didn't get much good from my prize though...

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Date added 11 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

9 - 0 Mythic Rares

27 - 4 Rares

10 - 5 Uncommons

0 - 6 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.54
Tokens Cat Soldier 1/1 W, Knight 2/2 W w/ Vigilance, Wurm 5/5 G w/ Trample
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