Chinese kitty kitchen(2x 4-0 champ)
TNT tourney —June 4, 2014
So I ran this at a Tuesday night standard tourney my lgs has. Went 4-0 and took first with 15 people playing. I finally figured out how to stop flying! The worst situation was in game 2 vs a junk midrange deck when they dropped Polukranos, World Eater t-3 and Archangel of Thune t-4. Scared the hell out of me but I top decked a Glare of Heresy and had a Selesnya Charm in my opening hand. Managed to get Brimaz rolling and picked off his mana dorks to win.
Round 1: r/w burn. G-1 he got me down to 3 life with Chandra's Phoenix until I got Polukranos, World Eater out and monstroused him to pick of Young Pyromancer and his dorks. G-2 I got Unflinching Courage on Loxodon Smiter t4 and rolled.
Round 2: played a buddies b/w humans deck. G-1 he won bc I was sitting on no mana the whole time only saw 3 all game. G-2 was a drag out annoying game, we both had brimaz and couldn't get answers for the others. I was in bad shape until Witchstalker got some courage of his own. G-3 I had 3 4/4 Experiment One that he couldn't answer. He Banishing Lighted one but I dropped Polly to make the others 5/5 and he scooped. Won 2-1
Round 3: junk midrange. G-1 I won pretty quick, he had no answers and didn't really draw into much. G-2 went as mentioned before, pretty much had the perfect topdeck to answer Archangel of Thune and he had to use his Courser of Kruphixs as chumps. That was the only matchup I didn't feel like I could win after sb
Round 4: g/w heroic. He had a Favored Hoplite get flying and nasty before I knew what was going on. G-2 I had brimaz do the same thing making him stomp a hole all over the place. G-3 he drew all creatures and not many triggers so Polly went monstrous late and cleared the way.
Didn't get much good from my prize though...
mathimus55 says... #2
Thanks alchemist4533. I did like the ideas of the archetypes. A lot. Archetype of Endurance is rough on the mana and I'd be afraid of the opponent having a counter for something I invest that much into. Or with all the other spells hopefully he'd be out by then. Archetype of Courage did super great at the prerelease for me too. I will tinker for sure.
February 6, 2014 3:41 p.m.
I would consider adding Ethereal Armor if your goal is getting that fat Witchstalker . I also play G/W and dropping an Unflinching Courage and a Ethereal Armor together is 4 mana for +4/+4 Trample, Lifelink and First strike.
February 6, 2014 9:52 p.m.
AndyReveler says... #4
Your deck curves out nicely enough to where you could run just 22 lands and add that 4th Gladecover Scout , i also might suggest Experiment One in its place. Sure it doesn't have hexproof, but it has other relevant abilities. 1. being it has evolve, which is better for aggro and pretty much everything in your deck can evolve it which makes it even better 2. it can regenerate itself if it has at least two counters which is good for boardwipes, something hexproof cant dodge, it can also regenerate from kill or burnspells too unless noted otherwise, and if they kill it before, no problem, one less spell around for the rest of your creatures. The general idea is the same a the scout, except, let it get to at least 3/3, then enchant it, if they try to kill it regenerate it and it should still be as strong as the scout enchanted with the same thing and theyll probably waste another kill spell trying to get rid of the same creature, very economical.
Mortal's Resolve is good, but i could suggest Rootborn Defenses or Ready / Willing , sure they're more expensive, but they protect everything, with the former being easier to cast and allowing you to populate a wurm if you have one, the latter letting you untap all your creatures incase you need them to block after an all out attack. Gods Willing could also take its place allowing you to protect your creature and scry, or play it before you attack to get some damage through or finish the game. Celestial Flare could also be good in this spot as removal and is recommended for at least the side board.
Last thing I want to say is you might wanna change the name of the deck as its not a population deck at all, its more a hexproof deck if anything
February 24, 2014 4:13 p.m.
mathimus55 says... #5
Yea, I forgot to update the list after doing some tweaks the past few days before last FNM. I had a full set of Rootborn Defenses and it was fantastic, esp against sweeps like Anger of the Gods and Supreme Verdict . I'll update the list to what I ran.
February 24, 2014 5:06 p.m.
I'd rather have Tower Defense in the sideboard than Leafcrown Dryad . It also works to stop Anger of the Gods from killing your caryatids and other smaller creatures.
February 25, 2014 1:29 p.m.
mathimus55 says... #7
I tried out Tower Defense for a while actually but I wasn't using it near as much as I figured I would. The Rootborn Defenses was a big part of that. I like Leafcrown Dryad too b/c in case I do get 2-for-1'd I at least have my leftover critter. Thanks for the suggestion though
February 25, 2014 1:39 p.m.
If you want leftover critters, I'd recommend Boon Satyr .
February 25, 2014 5:52 p.m.
February 28, 2014 4:04 p.m.
xTCBxNightmare says... #10
When it comes to one drops - you are definitely in the right place. I am not a huge fan of Experiment One , but he can do the trick. I will adress why i steered clear of him later.
I think that you are missing a key 3 drop: Loxodon Smiter
. He is one of the few creatures that can bring your experiment one from a 3/3 to a 4/4. He is also just nasty against other aggro decks, and also is immune to rakdos return and Thoughtsieze. He is cheap and effective. If you were to sink lots of money into this deck, of course, i would add in Brimaz. Any and all that you can get your hands on. As your running more green in your deck than i am running, i would also consider Courser of Kruphix
, which again i will later address. Oh, and i am also not a huge fan of Witchstalker
in the mainboard. Ill also slightly address that at the end.
When it comes to curving out, Consider something like Polukranos, World Eater - the best 4 drop in green available.
I disagree with having 4x Sylvan Caryatid
s when you curve out at 4. Yes, advent of the wurm could be dropped a turn earlier, but as it is not likely to happen, the caryatids are a waste of the 2 drop slot.
Also, Fleecemane lion is a nice body 3/3, but i only run 2 of him. I would suggest any of the following must stronger and more versatile 2 drops, listed in order of expense: Daring Skyjek
, Precinct Captain
, Scavenging Ooze
, and ultimately Voice of Resurgence
I also see that you run 3x Rootborn Defenses
, which can be strong, but feels to expensive to be useful in most match ups. and the populate on the end of it will only effect your current mainboard once, with advent of the wurm. Against Esper, it would behoove you to run 3-4 of them. but if they arent constantly wiping, then it may not be as relevent.
not sure how often you see Blood Baron of Vizkopa
in your local shop, but he would be the bane of this deck. against any non-Xathrid Necromancer
black-white deck, you should side in 2-3x Celestial Flare
. He is very common in my meta, and i just realized that Flare is missing from my sideboard. Flare will also help against vultron decks, as you said gave you problems at fnm in your last update.
Lastly, as you can see on my deck's page: Awaiting Ajani, all of my creatures (except Courser of Kruphix) are white. I tried to stay away from things like Scavenging Ooze
and Experiment One
and Witchstalker
because i want to run 4x Brave the Elements
, allowing me to swing in for lethal.
And it was proposed to me previously, but now im thinking about siding in Fog
against other aggro decks. I can brave the elements and swing for lots, then fog their attack, then swing for lethal. With a quick G/W deck, that could be instant lethal.
April 9, 2014 11:44 a.m.
mathimus55 says... #11
Thanks for the input. I have thought of all the suggestions over and over before, but I have really tried to keep this a budget deck too since I'm a fairly casual player. If I had money for it, Temple Garden and all the fun things would be there too. Witchstalker I agree with, he's only great in certain matchups but my meta plays lots of burn and targeted control so having extra hexproof helps in 75% of my matchups. If the budget allowed I would have 3 brimaz and 4 voices for sure, but with voice rotating out soon and brimaz at 35 bucks I can't drop that kind of money. It's fun when I can beat a car payment deck with a sub $50 deck. That was one of the main goals for this one specifically. The Loxodon Smiter idea I do love, and have been on the fence about but I will give it a shot since it is a great value creature esp against the control decks I've struggled against. Thanks again for the input, I appreciate it.
April 9, 2014 1:37 p.m.
mathimus55 says... #13
Yea, working on it. Got one last night actually and then 2 on the way.
April 20, 2014 1:47 a.m.
I would run Ready / Willing over Rootborn Defenses because of its versatility and your Sylvan Caryatid could net you the extra black to fuse or make it situational. I know you have cards to make tokens to make populate a thing, just a suggestion. Great deck! I do enjoy Selesnya aggro.
May 2, 2014 4:41 p.m.
rooroothepirate says... #15
Deicide or Banishing Light in the sideboard might be good. Nice catch-all answers.
alchemist4533 says... #1
the new archetypes would do well in this deck. Archetype of Courage and Archetype of Endurance are pretty potent. Archetype of Courage also isn't as mana draining as the others and brings all your monsters the wonders of first strike. I know the Archetype of Endurance is stupid mana heavy, but Elvish Mystic over Gladecover Scout would help a lot with that. Just a few suggetions, but I like the basics of the deck. +1
February 6, 2014 2:45 p.m.