Chromium - Completely White-Bordered EDH

Commander / EDH WhiteKnights


Formatting —June 8, 2013

Unfortunately white borders don't show up on tappedout.

Turtleman says... #1

Possible problems:

Not nearly enough creature removal. People like playing big creatures in EDH, don't let them have it.

A bit soft to hexproof or creatures that protect themselves. Aggro runs over you.

Very Little discard.

Needs more lands. 37 is way to low for a control deck and you don't play many mana rocks. I'd go up to about 43 as you can't afford to miss a landdrop.

Not enough card draw. Gotta find those answers before it's to late.

Not enough life gain. You need to be able to stay alive when people start to pressure you.


Dread Reaper Paying 5 life is not worth the card.

Boomerang Way to soft in EDH, run a counterspell or some more creature removal.

Consume Spirit You are not playing enough lands that produce black to make this card worth it's slot.

Grave Pact You don't run any token producers or creatures to take advantage of this effect.

Your colors can do the following to enable you to control the board.

Counter SpellsMake people discard spellsDraw cardsKill creatures out writeMake people sacrifice creaturesGain LifeMaking people pay (aka cards like Ghostly Prision, land tax etc)Exiling stuff

I'd make sure you have a good 5 sources of each. That's about 40 cards. Add on 40 ish lands that's about 80 cards total leaving you with 19 for Bombs and game winning creatures.

June 3, 2013 1:56 a.m.

Dazard says... #2

You might wanna add Chromium to your decklist ;))))

June 4, 2013 3:49 a.m.

Bobgalarneau says... #3

Awsome idea to do a white border deck. Must be real cute in white sleeves. You just added another layer to customization of EDH. Only downside is that you can't use those newest card (whitout damaging them)...

As a sidenote, you should format your decklist so it show those old art for the cards that have been reprint in modern black border

June 7, 2013 11:05 a.m.