Chulane CIA (cEDH Chulane Primer)

Commander / EDH* Spleenface

SCORE: 127 | 48 COMMENTS | 66725 VIEWS | IN 47 FOLDERS

Sparkill666 says... #1

Good decklist and primer! What about Horizon Canopy ?

September 24, 2019 4:30 p.m.

Abzkaban says... #2

Awesome deck, but I’m upvoting for the pronunciation guide!

September 25, 2019 11:13 a.m.

Goretast says... #3

Great guide and decklist, but I'm wondering why would you want to run Finale of Devastation and Mirror Entity over a more reliable win condition like Walking Ballista once you have infinite mana? Finale doesn't give trample and Mirror doesn't give haste, which might not always allow for a kill on each player. I know mirror opens up other combos aswell, but you have it as a win-con.

September 25, 2019 11:59 a.m. Edited.

Spleenface says... #4

Goretast They are both in the list because of how useful they are when I am not winning. Finale is a nice tutor and Mirror Entity is a combo piece (and passable non-infinite beatstick during stalls). The cleanest outlet this deck could run is actually just Laboratory Maniac , but I don't like drawing vanilla 2/2s for 3 during the course of normal gameplay.

If you want to read more about the thought process behind not running dedicated outlets, I wrote a reddit post a few weeks back that explains in more detail.

September 25, 2019 1:24 p.m.

Spleenface says... #5

Sparkill666 Thanks! I don't run horizon canopy because the deck has the highest constraints on its blue mana, I only run one basic plains for earthcraft and the 4 fetchable ones to use with my white fetches. If I had more white in the deck, Horizon Canopy could definitely go in, potentially over a basic forest or Tech land

September 25, 2019 1:33 p.m.

Sounded says... #6

Hi! I have seen your reddit thread and as such I am attempting a winconless Chulane deck too. So far my wincon (once infinite mana is reached and all my lands and creatures are on the battlefield and all my deck has been drawn) has been this loop: Beast Within + Reality Shift + Seasons Past + Gitaxian Probe . My deck also includes the Eternal Witness + Winds of Rebuke combo. What do you think of these two as winconless win conditions? Also, it would be of great help if you could check my brew and give me suggestions to go even more winconless. I got 3 free slots, don't know what to put on them. Here is the decklist, Thanks in advance.

September 26, 2019 4:16 a.m.

Sounded says... #7

Sorry for the double post, noticed the link to my deck was broken and since I don't know how to edit a post I'll just drop it here

September 26, 2019 8:03 a.m.

PeekXD says... #8

Is Yavimaya Hollow not good here?

October 7, 2019 4:35 p.m.

Spleenface says... #9

PeekXD Not really. The only common removal is stops is Assassin's Trophy and Fire Covenant. Pongify, Rapid Hyb, Swords, Deluge and all the bounce spells will ignore it.

October 7, 2019 5:27 p.m.

itsjustmejt says... #10

Is there any particular reason that you're playing stony but not null rod?

October 11, 2019 2:55 p.m.

Spleenface says... #11

itsjustmejt I find a minor benefit against red decks that aren't white or green e.g. (Godo, Kess, Grenzo) that can remove artifacts but not enchantments. Null rod is easier to cast though, so it depends on your meta.

October 11, 2019 3:40 p.m.

Lordlumber2 says... #12

Could you explain to me the interaction between brazen borrower and chulane?

October 20, 2019 6:22 p.m.

Spleenface says... #13

Lordlumber2 Basically, when you cast the instant or sorcery part of the adventure, the creature goes into exile. You can then cast just the creature half from exile.

With Chulane, this A) means that you will trigger him and B) means that when you cast the creature, you can use his tap ability to return it to your hand. So with brazen borrower, you can do this cycle repeatedly:

  • Bounce a permanent
  • Cast a 3/1 flyer and trigger chulane
  • Return the card to your hand

While this does cost 8 mana to loop, you can do any number of steps at a time and at instant speed, so you can just hold up the bounce spell as interaction, then just use it for value in the end step before your turn.

October 20, 2019 11:52 p.m.

The0tterDog says... #14

Can you explain the use of Quirion Ranger ?

November 11, 2019 12:06 p.m.

Spleenface says... #15

The0tterDog Sure, it is used to untap creatures (usually mana dorks), and return lands to your hand, both giving you extra mana and making sure you have a land to put in to play off of Chulane's Trigger.

November 14, 2019 1:56 a.m.

AGoodName says... #16

I understand that an enchantment is harder to remove, but would yeva be a better choice than Alluren so that we don’t give our opponent the option to flash in say a spore frog or whatever other answers they may have in hand?

November 15, 2019 11:26 p.m.

Spleenface says... #17

AGoodName Aluren makes the creatures free, which means I can actually combo, it's not there as a value piece.

December 5, 2019 11:14 a.m.

oucho2pierce says... #18

Hey! Just wondering why you are running Counterspell before Narset's Reversal . I have this deck built almost the exact list because your deck is sweet but that is one of the few differences.

December 8, 2019 12:16 a.m.

Spleenface says... #19

oucho2pierce mostly just utility. Only countering Instants and Sorceries can bite you, and there are certain things that NR just doesn't counter, like Wraths or Wheels.

December 8, 2019 3:41 p.m.

Gosse says... #20

December 11, 2019 1:13 p.m.

Spleenface says... #21

Gosse I don't like flash hulk, either the package is too big or it needs Chulane out, or as in this case, it's end step only.

Running both flash and hulk for a line that only works before our untap seems suspect particularly when often times we will be tutoring for one or both pieces with a tutor that is A) Revealed and B) Sorcery speed, thus telegraphing our intentions.

E.G. Spellseeker for flash, wait until the end step before my turn, flash hulk, then untap and win doesn't seem like a realistic line in most games.

December 11, 2019 2:44 p.m.

Ashen0ne says... #22

+1 for an awesome build and primer. Yours is what I’ll be using to base my own list off of most likely.

I do not, however, have a time twister. So decking myself without a labman or jace is a concern. Any suggestions?

December 23, 2019 7:01 p.m.

Spleenface says... #23

AshenONe Apologies for the late reply, I was away for the holidays.

I'd probably just play walking ballista. After you draw your deck, get Chulane out of play with Curio or similar (or even path or swords if necessary), then you can make mana with some combination of Earthcraft, Intruder Alarm, Village Bellringer etc.

If you want to be able to win post combat or with Finale exiled, I'd probably recommend Walking Ballista. It's a hard wincon, it has marginal utility as an anti-combo rattlesnake, and can start Chulane chains as a 0-cost creature.

Alternately, if you want your life to be simple, Labman should do the job, it's just that I don't like having Gray Ogre in my decks :P

December 29, 2019 7:53 p.m.

gruner says... #24

Any thoughts on a budget version?

I don't own Timetwister but you could get infinite turns with Ezuri, claw of Progress and Sage of Hours. Is that too clunky?

And I don't have Gaea's Cradle - Would you run Growing Rites and/or Cryptolith Rite as subs? (Esp. Cryptolith Rites, since I DO have Intruder Alarm.)

How do you feel about Momir Vig as a tutor and Tatyova for more draw? Maybe those work in a value build instead of a cEDH build.

December 31, 2019 11:34 a.m.

Spleenface says... #25

Budget List

Ezuri and Sage seems very clunky. Timetwister isn't super necessary with E-Wit loops also working as a post combat wincon. If you really want an extra wincon, I'd probably just add a walking ballista, it cycles for free with Chulane and has marginal utility as well as being an outlet.

I wouldn't play rite, most of the deck makes mana already and it doesn't dodge summoning sickness like earthcraft. I might add Cloud of Faeries and Ancient Tomb to be able to make some extra mana while comboing to get to the point where you can cast Earthcraft or Intruder alarm.

5 drops have to be REALLY good, and neither of those really fit the bill.

January 1, 2020 3:08 p.m.

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