Welcome to Clerical Demise
Ever since I started playing MTG during Onslaught, I've always had a fondness for the clerics. Clerics are supposed to be religious and selfless people, willing to prevent damage and keep people safe. But when one prays to the Starlit Sanctum, the true heart of the cleric is revealed.
Shuko +
Starlit Sanctum
Daru Spiritualist
+ Twisted Image
This is the primary combo to dole out infinite amounts of damage. I put in various damage reducing clerics to help with any early game problems getting the combo started. But once I have 2 creatures (or 1
Daru Spiritualist
, not sure on the ruling of equipment), the game is pretty much over.
I'd equip Shuko back and forth to pump the toughness of Daru Spritualist. Use Twisted Image to swap power and toughness and then pay the swamp and sacrifice it to
Starlit Sanctum
to end the game. I could troll it and pay to gain life but I might as well just end it if I can.
Aside from creatures, everything else is meant to set up the combo. Diabolic Tutor to get any card I need assuming I have enough mana. Buried Alive +
Argivian Find
Grim Discovery
to get any creatures/equipment/land into my hand or on the board.
I thought Liliana Vess would help if the game gets dragged out and
Oriss, Samite Guardian
to help blocking any bigger creatures or burn.
Originally I wanted Enlightened Tutor and Vampiric Tutor but after looking up the prices, those had to be removed.
I've play tested it a bit and it seems to work well but any advise on things to change or what I could put in my sideboard would be great.