Ah forgot to say that huh. Budget is around 100. And as far as strength I'm thinking semi competitive.
February 11, 2013 8:40 a.m.
Bobgalarneau says... #3
I like Bone Shredder, Slum Reaper, Puppeteer Clique, Hell's Caretaker and Disciple of Bolas. I will put them to my maybeboard of karador, power reanimator in your face. Thx for your advices man.
+1 for your deck too, i like the "sacrifice" flavor you've put in it.
March 3, 2013 1:48 p.m.
Bobgalarneau says... #4
I realy hate Avacyn, Angel of Hope and i personnaly think it will be banned in a near future. Never seen anyone loose a game with that on the table...
March 3, 2013 1:57 p.m.
Bobgalarneau says... #5
Good old Hermit Druid could jump start your deck real fast since he can dump 10-20 cards at once
March 3, 2013 2 p.m.
i like your suggestions, although Hermit Druid and other "dredge" effects i tried to stay away from, i've seen it too many times with karador decks and the risk it takes on with exile target graveyard effects. my favorite plays involve Sun Titan and any of the 3 Enchant dead creature cards Animate Dead/Dance of the Dead/Necromancy.
March 3, 2013 3:37 p.m.
KrimsonNekros says... #7
Sigarda, Host of Herons might be a good choice for this deck.
March 6, 2013 6:45 p.m.
Play tested the deck against my walkers' wake. Freakin love it +1 for days. Might benefit from some crazy lands like Maze of Ith Windswept Heath Arid Mesa and Verdant Catacombs. They thin the deck and color correct. You might try out another good sac outlet like Phyrexian Altar or Cartel Aristocrat
March 21, 2013 12:49 a.m.
Oh oh Saffi Eriksdotter with Karmic Guide or Driver of the Dead add Mikaeus, the Unhallowed Triskelion and Woodfall Primus for combo goodness.
March 21, 2013 12:56 a.m.
Ah man essiga9 i would love those high dollar fetchlands. id have mana for days. and glad you love it. i planned for it to be strong but not to competitive.
Little Saffi Eriksdotter does have crazy combos with Karmic Guide and Reveillark, possible infinite. never quite thought about Driver of the Dead or Woodfall Primus so ill have to think about those but i do like Cartel Aristocrat. Thanks for the +1 and suggestions
March 21, 2013 9:43 a.m.
MagicalHacker says... #11
What do you think of Teneb, the Harvester ? I use him as the commander in my EDH deck so I can reanimate huge creatures for only 2B (rather than pay their full mana cost). If you don't like him as commander, then what about in the main deck to chain the reanimation like you are doing already?
July 16, 2013 3:45 p.m.
Teneb is not bad, but i look at the discount factor to make Karador cast B/G/W essentially. Most of the time I don't pay the full cost of creatures either. The other part is that teneb needs to connect to gain the Revival effect. I even can operate my deck without Karador out so thats always a plus. Either Teneb or Karador your getting two good reanimation generals.
The main reanimation effects are something like this.
Karador > Karmic guide > Sun Titan > Animate dead/dance of the dead/necromancy > something else
obviously this is the most epic version but anything really can trigger this to start. I can safely say that when people use kill spells or sweeps and the longer or more i had built up the faster i can rebuild.
a fun fact about karador is that even if he goes back to the command zone. the discount will apply to the additional counters put on him to re-cast
July 16, 2013 4:16 p.m.
MagicalHacker says... #13
Okay, makes sense. What do you think of the medallions? (Pearl Medallion , etc...)
July 16, 2013 4:25 p.m.
I could see them working well in a faster version, but i play a lot of multiplayer and this deck is designed to operate more slowly
July 16, 2013 7:03 p.m.
MagicalHacker says... #15
In that case, what are your opinions of Grimoire of the Dead and Rise of the Dark Realms ?
July 16, 2013 7:15 p.m.
Grimoire is something i had in a previous version, Once again the problem came with timing, now Rise of the dark realms is something that i will be trying out. If it does something i like i might put Liliana Vess back into my deck.
July 16, 2013 10:55 p.m.
A somewhat faster reanimation spell is, oddly enough, Reanimate . Bit pricey life-wise, but probably worth it in your deck. Also, with your sacrifice element, Dread Return .
August 6, 2013 9:06 p.m.
@fluffy, all good ideas but i like the Enchantments over the one offs due to Sun Titan since he can bring them back into use. Also I am trying to cut down on the reanimation spells due to drawing into them without enough targets. Thank you for your suggestions!
August 6, 2013 11:28 p.m.
You could 86 the Sorcery ramp to make room for Solemn Simulacrum or more control such as Unmake , Path to Exile , or Sever the Bloodline . You wont miss it; I didn't once I made that leap.
November 4, 2013 2:03 p.m.
Thans for the comment neverdie. I had solemn in this deck before but after awile I found him to be a bad Rampant Growth when your playing green and as such I took him out of my green decks.
I like the idea of nore control but I took out Unmake and Path to Exile for Mortify and Putrefy because something dead is fae more useful to me than something removed from the game. Although I like the idea behind Sever the Bloodline . Not a card ive seen much of but it is obviously a strong exile spell.
once again thanks and ill be returning the favor soon!
November 6, 2013 9:42 p.m.
Ah, I really thought that I had gotten back to you on this. Maybe I was thinking of your Animar deck. Anyways, fun deck, +1.
My biggest suggestion that I always stress with decks like this is, every single one of your creatures that isn't helping you get creatures in the graveyard should have some sort of Enter-the-Battlefield effect. I've had a lot of success with my deck (currently the strongest EDH deck, alongside my Animar and Savra, in my Meta) because I can bring to the field whatever I need to solve a specific problem. My creatures are very diverse with their ETB effects and each handles different threats. I even have a creature and spell that gives me exile recursion (Riftsweeper and Pull from Eternity ). ETB effects are so incredibly strong in EDH and especially in Reanimator. I built my deck around that and haven't looked back.
A few good ETB creatures that you don't have would be Angel of Despair , Angel of Serenity , Terastodon , and Shriekmaw . Shriekmaw is especially good with Karador as your commander because you can repeatedly evoke it. It's essentially a Doom Blade each turn.
These creatures don't necessarily need to have ETB effects to be good reanimate targets and answers to problems. If they affect the board (preferably the entire board) then they're also worth it. Blazing Archon , Iona, Shield of Emeria , Avacyn, Angel of Hope , Sheoldred, Whispering One , Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger , and Reya Dawnbringer being among the best. These creatures should be your first reanimate targets, followed by ETB creatures to answer any threats on the board. Get any of these on the field within the first 3 or 4 turns and you will most likely win.
If you have something you want to reanimate that doesn't have an ETB effect and is for damage, it had better be dang good at what it does, like Lord of Extinction .
Hermit Druid and Mesmeric Orb have been my two best graveyard-filling cards since the deck started. Morality Shift is wonderful. Then when you mass reanimate, you can have Eternal Witness bring it back to your hand and cast it again next turn so you don't have a dangerously low library. Your low library will rarely matter though, I've found, because once I Morality Shift I usually win. Twilight's Call compliments it nicely. Don't hesitate to use Twilight's Call; with all your ETB effects, you will reanimate everything and then your creatures entering the field will blow half their stuff up and lock the rest down. Bitter Ordeal (following a self-mill or board-wipe is ideal) can help you search their library for all their pesky graveyard-hate cards.
Hope this helps, happy reanimating!
November 12, 2013 5:29 p.m.
In my opinion, you should also have a lot more reanimate spells. My deck is focused solely on reanimating while yours seems to be only partly reanimate, which is also good. Only add more reanimates if you focus more on the graveyard. :)
Exhume , Stitch Together , Unburial Rites , Reanimate , Vigor Mortis , and Victimize have all served me well.
And if you can get your hands on Entomb , all the better. During a tournament once I did turn 1 Entomb, turn 2 Exhume for Iona. I won. :)
More board wipes are always good too because you will always recover from it faster than they will, and if you have Avacyn, Angel of Hope or Mikaeus, the Unhallowed on the field you can just shrug it off.
November 12, 2013 5:48 p.m.
mowservision says... #23
I highly recommend getting Spore Frog in there somewhere. He's such a helpful little guy.
May 14, 2014 6:28 a.m.
Spore frog is nice nut im already having alot of fun with Spike Weaver , and he's doing just fine right now :) but it is a good card to consider nonetheless and i thank you :)
Epochalyptik says... #1
What's your budget for this deck?
How powerful do you want it to be?
February 11, 2013 3:41 a.m.