Cloudformed Hexproof Ensouled Revoker Naming Ugin?

Standard* ColdHeartedSith


Of note I am a little heavier on blue than red but side in springleaf drum to make up for it when I side in more burn. When this situation arose I discovered a turn 3 win with my deck in game 2 of Rd 1 in FNM 1 yesterday. It goes play 2 ornithopters and a springleaf drum turn 1 turn 2 ensoul an ornithopter swing 5 turn 3 swing ornithopter second main tap springleaf drum and other ornithopter for a red and cast 2 shrapnel blast sacking both thopters. You see 10 or 11 cards by turn 3 depending if you go first or second so it you need 2 thopters 1 springleaf 1 ensoul and 2 shrapnel blast 3 land inside your first 10 or 11 cards to win turn 3.

October 11, 2014 12:29 p.m.

Circle of flame will free up 3 spots in the side as soon as people quit trying to win with weenie decks and rabblenuts. I still used it twice in one FNM and once in another that I may have gotten overrun had I not had it sided at least once by one of em.

October 13, 2014 12:57 a.m.

HellGate99 says... #3

I really like what you are doing with this deck. A few quick questions though.You said that you side in springleaf drum when you need more red mana. have you considered the fetch lands to get you the mana you need when you need it? if not why?

And with the overall feel of the deck, are you ever held up by jeskai counter-tempo? My main problem when play testing was that I'd convoke out a doom engine, only to have the opponent hit me with Dissolve , or worse.

also Im not quite sold on Aeronaut Tinkerer , is he really worth a slot in the deck?

October 13, 2014 2:47 p.m.

@HellGate99 well let's start with the tinkerer. While this is a very flexible spot in the deck he dose well to stop flyers and make Thassa more threatening, he can be is equipped with soulfire blade as well. As for fetches the red blue ones aren't out yet but yes I would use them. In response to control and this deck, Especially if you go first this deck puts so much pressure on control from ensoul they end up tapping out a lot giving you lots of opportunities to Cast what you need toand often have to ignore threats like Aeronaut tinkerer.

October 13, 2014 4:18 p.m.

Forgive the grammar I was using my crappy iPhone voice text to respond it makes me sound retarded a lot miss hearing me and me not catching it.

October 13, 2014 4:24 p.m.

@HellGate99 there really is nothing you can do against a control deck piloted by a good player timing A well-placed dissolve but no deck in standard can provide a bigger beating by turn three when they could cast it. When playing Springleaf drum this deck can actually win on turn three as described above.

October 13, 2014 4:30 p.m.

What I meant by what I said about siding in Springleaf drum when I bring in more burn is that it helps ensure I'll have red but it also enables turn three wins. I have not had any major problems with mana at all.

October 13, 2014 4:37 p.m.

tprintz says... #8

I really like this deck but it's completely foreign to anything I've run up to this point. Could you go into detail about what you would side in/out against some of the common meta?

I'm building it now and will test out some things on my own but SBing has been my weakness thus far in any matchup.


October 14, 2014 12:29 p.m.

SB 2x Reckless Reveler in this week vs Whip of Erebos it will take the place of magm jet vs these decks where magma jet dose not have a target really anyway and as a bonus if you need doom engine to die in order to win or in response to an exile spell you can respond by destroying it your self with the reveler.

October 15, 2014 1:18 p.m.

Gameday top 8 but not Champion. I am considering another more control based version with maybe a white splash, but I may just want to add some counters to protect ensoul or stall.

October 19, 2014 11:15 p.m.

I'm done, this it for now. The missing card has been Stubborn Denial because we are always looking for the early 5/5 start and quickly by turn 4 looking to cast doom engine. So Stubborn is live forocius most often making it a negate to counter walkers and instants or sorcerys that exile our stuff, our main concern. This deck is amazing now.

October 21, 2014 12:08 p.m.

Soldcastro says... #12

@ColdHeartedSith: I'm proud of you! xP
Your deck seems very solid right now. Stubborn Denial feels just right in this deck, adding a answer where none existed.
I did some tweaks in mine too, but havent being lucky

October 21, 2014 11:22 p.m.

@Soldcastro Thanks , I agree this deck needed a counter for abzan charm, utter end and certain walkers mostly exile. This deck doesn't really care about burn if it can protect its threats and 1 mana is about what it can squeeze out for counter while keeping pressure until our opponents untimely demise. Stubborn denial just protects our most effective pieces and is turned on in any situation we are winning and need to keep it that way.

October 21, 2014 11:38 p.m.

I wanted to test with springleaf drum and lightning strike in place of thassa and dictate or card draw and lightning strike but I haven't as of yet since the stubborn denial add. I love the way games play out with dictate and thassa so far. I feel denial will make dictate less dangerous for me and thassa's unblockable mode more successful. That made dropping aqueous form easier to accept.

October 21, 2014 11:55 p.m.

Geoffrey1 says... #15

I like it Bro.

October 22, 2014 12:15 a.m.

Geoffrey1 says... #16

I gotta ask..... Is the Dictate really that good that it deserves two slots? it seems a bit sketchy to me.

October 22, 2014 12:21 a.m.

Soldcastro says... #17

I agree, having a counterspell ready is reassuring.
Don't think that swapping the dictate and thassa out will do any good. Lightning strike sure is good but i've been more fond of Stoke the Flames for a removal.
My only suggestion at this point would be dropping the nexus and addind one more blade. i don't like playing just one copy of a card if i'm not going control hehe

October 22, 2014 12:35 a.m.

@Geoffrey1 well it's not sketchy you just have to look at your decks power level and possible plays turn 4 and 5 and your playing dictate flash on opponents end step so your the first to draw twice also dictate often leads to a turned on indestructible named Thassa. Scrying with Thassa pre-draw with dictate is often like drawing 3 instead of 2 giving you advantage and Stubborn denial gives you an extra saftey net. The deck is a lot of bad threats that can overwhelm quickly at a low mana count. Therefore card exceleration is better for us than most. Although VS mono red aggro Thassa and dictate are out as well as 2 denial and 2 revoker and in comes arc lightning , circle of flame and 2 springleaf drum and a howl of the hoard. Against abzan you take out dictate and thassa for Stormbreath and bring in Howl thats it.

October 22, 2014 12:46 a.m.

Geoffrey1 says... #19

Cool. Thanks. I just wasn't sure how that went.

October 22, 2014 12:48 a.m.

Stoke is good but there isnt room and I feel it changes how the deck plays. I wanna swing at you flying for 5 unblockable for 5 or 6 then if I have RR left I want to shrapnel blast. If I have untapped creatures and I'm on defense I want to protect my threats and gain life. I just don't see it. Too many people have gotten over excited about shrapnel blast and tried to make R/W Burn out of this deck. No offense this isnt targeting anyone, its just my viewpoint. This is a quick win izzet deck, it plays smooth and feels like an izzet deck.

October 22, 2014 1:02 a.m.

I forgot to mention I have been siding in Clever Impersonator x2 and taking out ugin and chief vs abzan to copy elspeth and stuff.

October 22, 2014 1:22 a.m.

Soldcastro says... #22

I see your point, didn't thought that way.
Clever Impersonator is just too good to be left out.

October 22, 2014 2:43 a.m.

Eliteluke says... #23

This decks needs way more upvotes. I love it :D

October 24, 2014 4:40 p.m.

Ok I added another blade and dropped Ugin's Nexus that made alot of better draws instead of the lucky once in a while convoke nexus then blast. It is good but not at being consistant. I dropped lightning strike for Disdainful Stroke side and dropped howl of the hoard for Dig Through Time 1 of for a 1 of, dig is just better because you access 7 pick 2 and thats all you need to win pretty much and its more consistant with all the more counter and less burn. I found my worst match up is Abzan aggro with Rakshasa Deathdealer bestowed with Herald of Torment is too good. It makes stormbreath just poo poo. I am considering running at least 2 Retraction Helix to combat this combination by breaking them apart making a 3/3 flyer and having to recast rakshasa while hopefully holding a stubborn to protect stormbreath against HD or MC .You got idea's?.. share em!

October 25, 2014 2:03 a.m.

Thanks @Eliteluke for the compliment. I have been refining this 75 for 3 weeks even in dream and breathing meta. My worst match up would be fine if they just played Herald of Torment because I could side lightning strike and kill it and mantis rider but arc lightning and shrapnel and disdainful and stubborn is it for awile it seems unless I do retraction helix I mention above. I really need people putting up results with this deck and testing it to know for sure if its finally tier 1 worthy.

October 25, 2014 2:17 a.m.

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