C'mon, let's mardu their face!

Standard etaikol


Endless_Winn says... #1

Run Seeker of the Way, DO IT!!!!!

It is a warrior with potential lifelink, off setting the painful land base you are running.

For what to take out, I would suggest taking out Iroas, God of Victory, since you already running enough 4 drops (for an Aggro deck) using Butcher of the Horde.

Also I suggest Hordeling Outburst instead of Mardu Ascendancy, since 3 tokens right away for is better than 1 token per non-token attacker.Though you can side Mardu Ascendancy against those pesky burn decks.

December 12, 2014 12:46 a.m.

etaikol says... #2

Ty Endless_Winn for u'r advise!But i prefer to put out a purphoros because he is too slow and iroas will make my win more easily,and transfer it for a seeker of the way.

December 12, 2014 11:20 a.m.

evncrbch says... #3

The only problem with Seeker of the Way here is that there are so few cards to trigger prowess (11 out of 60, will maybe trigger it 3 times in a game, assuming you never play a non-creature without Seeker on the field) . I'd take it out and finish the playset of Stoke the Flames, or finish the playsets of Crackling Doom and Tormented Hero. Looks pretty sweet though, one of the better Warrior Aggro builds I've seen, so +1.

December 14, 2014 7:22 a.m.

doriboncore says... #4


Thank you for your comments on my

Mardu Warrior Black/Red/White Deck Playtest

Standard doriboncore


Our decks are very different in approach. And although I would love Goblin Rabblemaster, its beyond the budget. I purposefully left Butcher of the Horde out of my deck due to it being a demon and not fitting into the tribal theme of warriors.

If you could drop a +1 vote on my deck it would be appreciated.

As for your deck, I see that you are running 4x Tormented Hero with no cards in your deck to activate its heroic effect. You may want to add some triggers for its effect, such as Titan's Strength. I find War-Name Aspirant to be less effective than Borderland Marauder, for early board presence as Borderland Marauder is basically a 3/2 without having to worry about activating a raid ability. Anyway, +1 vote for your deck

December 15, 2014 11:49 a.m.

etaikol says... #5

First of all ty for the suggestions droriboncore.

Second: for everyone that dont know why there are Tormented Hero on my deck is not because his heroic, that true i cant active it but he is a 2/1 warrior, for different than Bloodsoaked Champion he comes play tapped but he can block, and yeah its 1black 2/1 warrior...

December 15, 2014 12:07 p.m.

doriboncore says... #6

I actually knew why you put the Tormented Hero in the deck. He's a cheap 1 drop warrior. Figured that if you were using them, might as well activate its heroic if possible. Even without activating their heroic, they still work well.

Someday, maybe we can test our Mardu decks out against each other.

December 15, 2014 3:52 p.m.

etaikol says... #7


And i am not 100% sure about put in the Borderland Marauder but i still didnt choose.

December 16, 2014 12:34 a.m.

Friagne says... #8

Hello etaikol. I saw your post.It appears to me the biggest issue your deck has is its mana base. You have more BR cards than W cards, but your white mana is far more prevalent.Try cutting 4 plains and adding 4 Nomad Outpost. It may slow your play down a turn or so, but you will bot find yourself being slowed down due to lack of the correct colored mana, which was what held your deck back the most on the playtests I did. Sometimes even playing untapped lands you'd have cards in hand which could not be played. Fix the mana issue and it will flow better.


-4x Plains

+4x Nomad Outpost

The next issue I see is too many Mardu Ascendancy. It is a good aggro shell card, but 4 is over the top. You do have many creatures, but after a board wipe it is a dead card for awhile versus a good control deck. Take 2 out and add 2 Hordeling Outburst.This will ramp Goblin Rabblemaster faster and let you recover and counter attack more quickly late game.


-2x Mardu Ascendancy

+2x Hordeling Outburst

While you have many warrior type creatures I am generally against Chief of the Edge. It is a 3/2 for BW, but unlike War-Name Aspirant it can still be easily chump blocked.If you have the 2 Brimaz, King of Oreskos add 2 of them in place for 2 Chief of the Edge. He will also allow you to retain blockers against other aggro decks with his Vigilance.

Also consider adding 2 Sorin, Solemn Visitor. He will pump all your attackers, give you life gain for all the life you are paying to lands, and can produce additional tokens to replenish the assault after a board wipe. His -2 plus an outburst gives you 4 creatures right after a board wipe.If Sorin is not an option due to price range consider 2x Rush of Battle. This provides a huge boost and lifegain considering near all of your creatures are Warriors. A third option would be Wingmate Roc. Who is again on the expensive end, but provides 2 creatures and massive life gain for a swarm deck.


-4x Chief of the Edge

+2x Brimaz, King of Oreskos

+2x Sorin, Solemn Visitor or Rush of Battle or Wingmate Roc

Lastly, for how your deck seems to work Stoke the Flames is a little expensive. Sure you could convoke, but then you are not attacking. Consider replacing it with Lightning Strike. The cost is far less and easier for you to cast a Raid creature and removal on the same turn.


-2x Stoke the Flames

+2x Lightning Strike

December 16, 2014 3:54 a.m.

etaikol says... #9

Wow, first thank u so much for ur help.

Sec: I am so agree with ur fixings, except for the first.

Really thank you, i am fixing it right now!

December 16, 2014 8:25 a.m.

Crazytom32 says... #10

sideboard suggestios Banishing Light, Anger of the Gods, Erase, Hushwing Gryff, Deflecting Palm As for the main board take out the Mardu Ascendancy they suck.if you have another Brimaz, King of Oreskos add 1. also defiantly 4 Lightning Strike and 4 Stoke the Flames and then put in 4 Seeker of the Wayalso take out Tormented Hero War-Name Aspirant and Iroas, God of Victory put in another Hordeling Outburst and Sorin, Solemn Visitor

thats my suggestion. i've been playing mardu for a long time. take a look at my rw aggro deck that i just built. have fun out there

December 17, 2014 10:21 a.m.

Crazytom32 says... #11

what do you need the exact number on?

December 21, 2014 8:29 a.m.

keith5545 says... #12

Why is Tormented Hero even in here? You don't have anything that activates his heroic ability. If you just want a 1 drop 2/1 then Gnarled Scarhide is way better. HIs bestow ability is a lot more useful than heroic here.

December 23, 2014 6:48 p.m.

keith5545 says... #13

Monastery Swiftspear is nice with Haste, but prowess might not be too useful here. I really like Magma Jet in my Mardu deck, Mardoom, because of the scry. Also Bile Blight is nice in a sideboard. And if you want to protect your Rabblemasters or help them get through blockers you should try Gods Willing.

December 23, 2014 6:55 p.m.

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