Rebbec and Glacian - Thran Ingenuity (v2.2)
Commander / EDH
Colossus of Akros . Glassdust Hulk . Get Mirage Mirror and Master Transmuter into your main board. Sanctum Gargoyle . Wurmcoil Engine is a bit spendy but definitely deserves a slot. Saheeli's Artistry .
March 6, 2021 3:37 p.m. Edited.
Oh yeah...copying Powerstone Shard will give you a good bit of . Use Mechanized Production with it for lots of
March 6, 2021 3:45 p.m.
carpecanum Not into the theft theme, personally but I'll add them to the maybeboard for anyone else who might be interested!
Brutal_B I think I have a Mirage Mirror around somewhere. Might replace Mirrormade with it. Would Master Transmuter take the place of Arcum Dagsson , as they both have similar abilities (getting rid of one artifact and replacing it with another)? Wurmcoil Engine is a good idea as I was looking to maybe replace Thopter Assembly as they have the same CMC. I was thinking of replacing it with Steel Hellkite , though (same CMC again). What would be a good card to cut for the Wurm?
Copying Powerstone Shard sounds hilarious by the way. lol
March 6, 2021 5:50 p.m.
Personally, I'd run Master Transmuter over Arcum Dagsson just for the fact that you don't have to sac with Transmuter. The upside to Dagsson is that you get to search your library; and if you had some death triggers or synergies (like Wurmcoil Engine or Scrap Trawler ), Dagsson would be the go-to. It's a bit easier to abuse ETBs with Transmuter plus she has the potential to help you play big artifact creatures for a small price.
Try to find a slot for Wurmcoil Engine and Steel Hellkite . Toss aside Thopter Assembly unless you plan on extra turns with Time Sieve .
If you're interested, you can check out my artifact deck for some ideas.
March 8, 2021 8:55 p.m. Edited.
To be fair, I'd usually only sacrifice tokens to Arcum Dagsson . The payoff wouldn't necessarily be death triggers but more of a "sac a token and find whatever CMC I need protection from at the time" type thing. That's why I think the tutor effect would be more useful than the from the hand effect. You make some valid points on Master Transmuter , though. I'll order one and do some playtesting and see which one works out better.
Agreed that Thopter Foundry needs replacing. It was only in here to be a 6 CMC artifact and I happened to have one lying around. Steel Hellkite will probably take it's spot. Wurmcoil Engine would likely replace Ingenuity Engine .
Thanks for the advice!
March 9, 2021 7:52 p.m.
I don't know how often you have him out, but you can have some fun with mono-artifacts using Glacian's tap ability. Blinkmoth Nexus and Winter Orb will only work when untapped, so you can tap Orb on your turn to break parity and tap Nexus on your opponents' if you don't want to give them the mana.
You might also like Unwinding Clock , and I'm very surprised to not see Duplicant !
March 17, 2021 5:34 p.m.
Definitely trying to stay away from Winter Orb and the like. That kind of playstyle isn't really my thing. Blinkmoth Nexus seems interesting, though.
I think I just ordered an Unwinding Clock in my last batch of cards from TCGPlayer.
Duplicant is one of those cards that must've slipped through the cracks when I was doing research and is an easy include. Replacing cards is getting tough, though. Suggestions?
March 17, 2021 7:42 p.m.
Oops, I totally spaced and meant Blinkmoth Urn which makes way more sense!
My first cuts for Duplicant and Urn if you want it would probably be Lux Cannon and Scourglass , because your opponents have a lot of time to respond or deal with them; if you want to keep one of them, maybe Dramatic Reversal .
March 17, 2021 7:55 p.m.
Dramatic Reversal is kind of weak as it would really only be used to double up on Glacian's activated ability once. Come to think of it, maybe replacing that with something like Rings of Brighthearth or Lithoform Engine would be a better replacement for that?
Lux Cannon and Scourglass are some of the deck's only means of removal, so I'd like to try and keep them in. They're not in any sort of danger from removal most of the time, though, because once Rebbec is out, both will more than likely be immune to targeted removal.
March 17, 2021 8:06 p.m.
tattered_king says... #11
I like the theme. I am just reading The Thran right now. Can we see a live play of this deck in action against Yawgmoth?
June 7, 2021 12:19 p.m.
^I've been debating making a Yawgmoth themed deck for a while now. I'm torn between making an non-Phyrexian aristocrats style deck or a full on Phyrexian flavor/theme deck. The full on Phyrexian theme is obvious (and I already have Phyrexian Obliterator thanks to The List reprints) but the aristocrats theme appeals to me more as Yawgmoth, Thran Physician represents Yawgmoth during The Thran novel (IE pre-Phyrexia), which would pair up against this deck, thematically. Still not too sure which path I'd take...
Sadly, playing over webcam doesn't really appeal to me, so seeing this deck play out live isn't really something that's going to happen. However, if anyone reading this does end up playing deck, I'd love to hear/see the results!
June 15, 2021 11:25 a.m.
Hey! Really like your deck!
I also have a Glacian and Rebbec deck that is quite similar to yours. I wasn’t sure about including Mechanized Production cause it seems like a nonbo. If Rebbec and a 4 CMC artifact is on the board, wouldn’t the artifact be protected from being enchanted? Same if you control a 4 CMC artifact then enchant something with Mechanized Production then play Rebbec, the artifact would become protected and the aura would unattached.
How did it work out for you?
February 7, 2022 8:02 p.m.
You raise a valid point. Protection is a rule I still admittedly have a bit of trouble with, hence the lack of equipment and auras. Mechanized Production is what I usually use as the "back-up plan" in case the main plan of milling and winning with Mirrodin Besieged falls through for whatever reason. You only really ever want to play it with a army of thopters or myrs or whatever on the board (since you don't have to have eight of the enchanted artifact to win) and only use if you you can win with it next upkeep. You do need to be very attentive to your CMCs, though. Luckily, the deck only has a few cards in the 4CMC slot that would conflict with it (and Mycosynth Lattice).
Long story short, it works well as a back up plan and probably should only be used as such.
February 7, 2022 9:02 p.m.
Nice deck. I've found two errors in the description:
- Mystic Forge does not give flash to your artifacts.
- You must sacrifice artifact creatures to Arcum Dagsson.
Anyway. Plus one from me.
February 9, 2022 6:11 a.m.
Thanks for the heads up! This deck was the first primer I wrote on this website so I'm not surprised it has some errors. I'll make a note of it and fix them the next time I make an update.
February 9, 2022 1:01 p.m.
Katreyasaunt says... #17
I just finished reading "The Thran" and made my own Yawgmoth deck because I was so inspired.
I love Rebbec and Glacian and the idea behind them being in a deck together.
Time to read The Brothers War!
March 4, 2022 6:33 a.m.
The Thran is such a great book. Brother's War is no different!
I also have an Urza deck that's based off the final battle of the Brother's War. It's a bit different from most Urza builds as it focuses on tokens and combat rather than stax and combos.
Here's a link if you are interested -
Urza, Lord High Artificer - Critical Mass (v1.2)
Commander / EDH*
March 4, 2022 11:18 a.m.
markbeloit says... #19
Some suggestions. I didn't look through all your comments, so if some of these have been suggested/cut already, I apologize.
Shimmer Dragon - This card seems to be gross in almost any artifact deck.
For mana ramp, you could consider Arcane Signet and Worn Powerstone in addition to what you have/in maybeboard.
Clock of Omens is often ridiculous in artifact deck, but you'd have to decide if you'd want/need it.
Phyrexian Metamorph is standard good artifact tech.
Also I'd get that Enlightened Tutor when you get a chance.
March 4, 2022 2:43 p.m.
Thanks for the comment!
Shimmer Dragon is great but I'm going to be mainly tapping all my artifacts with Glacian, so I won't get as much use out of him. Plus, I only have one copy of it and it's in my Urza deck (where it's really strong!)
Arcane Signet is already in the deck and Worn Powerstone, which I'm pretty sure was something that was in previous versions of the deck and was cut. You have to be really mindful of CMC/MV of your artifacts with this deck, so it isn't something that I think I'd add in.
Clock of Omens targets the artifact it's untapping which won't work with Rebbec on the board, sadly.
Phyrexian Metamorph is awesome, but my 4CMC slot is packed and I don't know what I'd take out for it.
Enlightened Tutor is great but I'm waiting for a reprint on that one. (I also thought it only grabbed enchantments, but that's on me lol)
March 5, 2022 4:57 p.m.
4to16characters says... #21
I love the attention and care for the deck. I also have two heavy artifact themed decks myself and my first ever deck was colorless so I've seen tons of fantastic and niche artifacts.
July 12, 2022 3:02 p.m.
betomindslav says... #22
Huge fan of all the decks posted here! +1 for the effort and detail you put in. Can't wait to see the updates from Dominaria United and Brothers' War. Liberator, Urza's Battlethopter is a better Shimmer Myr. Cheers!
November 14, 2022 11:59 a.m.
Thanks!! I have a fairly large list of cards that are potential additions along with the Vedalken Orrery and Sensei's Divining Top I got from Double Masters 2 boosters over the summer. Definitely adding those in along with some of the new DMU/BRO cards. I wanna reorganize the primer, too. Hoping to have the deck and primer fully updated by the end of the year.
Now if only I could stop getting distracted with building Brother's War commander decks... lol
November 14, 2022 1:13 p.m.
Crow_Umbra says... #24
Congrats on the over 9k views! Also big congrats on tying the knot recently, if I'm remembering correctly.
February 26, 2025 11:27 a.m.
Thanks, bro! It was truly a perfect day. The few flaws we had are long since forgotten and all that remains are the best memories of the day. It was great to have all the family around and the venue and food were great. Our pictures and videos are amazing, too! :)
And I think that the other deck I'm gonna bring the most to my new LGS once I move is Isshin. I need to see what's noteworthy from the last few sets to add to it. I haven't updated it in a while.
carpecanum says... #1
Thada Adel, Acquisitor , Acquire and maybe Steal Artifact .
March 5, 2021 11:50 p.m.