This deck is designed to attack the current Pioneer meta of Spirits, Control, Mono-Black, and Niv-Mizzet, among other things. As such, there's no linear game plan with this deck other than answering you're opponents threats with Brain Maggots, Spell Quellers, etc. as well as deploying game-winning threats like Klothys, God of Destiny and/or amassing enough card advantage to win.
The backbone of this deck comes from Spell Queller, Brazen Borrower, Bonecrusher Giant, Murderous Rider, and Sylvan Caryatid. The first five of these are meant to answer a wide range of threats from the opponent before deploying a one-of threat of our own or playing Collected Company. Additionally, a three-of Deathrite Shaman does everything we can hope for in the main deck, especially when paired against Delirium decks.
The flex spot I'm currently testing is 3x Faeburrow Elder, which doubles as a good body and a huge mana source, which is important when cashing in on my 12 adventure cards.
Since we are five-colors, we have access to the very best CMC<=3 creatures in the sideboard. Currently, I'm still revising it, but here's what I have set in stone.
2x Kitesail Freebooter for Control/Niv/Lotus Combo
3x Knight of Grace for Sultai/Mono-Black
3x Skylasher for Spirits/UR Prowess
1x Kunoros, Hound of Athreos for Sultai
1x Kambal, Consul of Allocation for Lotus Combo/UR Prowess
Currently, I'm investigating some creatures for counterplay against Mono-G, so again, any suggestions to make this list tighter are very much appreciated.