Lost my Colors

Commander / EDH Iron_Cube


Pyxis of Pandemonium is too risky without colored defenses to back it, Grafdigger's Cage gives another answer to common problems.Void Winnower could replace It That Betrays. It That Betrays, rarely works like it appears on paper in my experience.

Reality Smasher isn't too good in 100 card (near)Vintage Singleton, I shall recomend Soul of New Phyrexia for this slot.

Tower of Fortunes is solid enough but incredibly expensive, Mind's Eye is generally a better choice
There's always Erratic Portal for bouncing your general and other Eldrazi Titans or maybe Cloudstone Curio given your decision to have a higher creature count.

Walking Ballista is subpar in a deck that can't abuse +/+1 counters, I would suggest Grim Monolith if that is in budget for you to increase your mana rock count.

Then something else really ought to come out for Nevinyrral's Disk. Board wipes are limited in colorless you should take all you can get and Disk+Darksteel Forge wins games when exile/sac effects are not to be found

July 5, 2017 2:46 a.m.

Iron_Cube says... #2

I like your suggestions. You have some good points and I will consider them.

Next time try to link the cards, It's easier and faster to identify the cards you are referring to.

I don't really have the time to make the changes and test these cards right now, but I will update my list after. Thank you.

July 6, 2017 12:41 a.m.

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