ok thank you. I recently started running only one ulamog and it seems to be working out well so far. I do not run gq small ugin or relic and am instead running once upon a time and kgc. how is relic working out for you. Im mostly not playing it main because kgc can grab it from side.
February 10, 2020 8:16 a.m.
Relic will save you in a lot of match ups like dredge, anything w snapcaster, toolbox, ect. I had 4x relic in for a while but that was too much.
8vomit says... #1
The list is a little out of date, I am actually running blast zone. 19 land w blast zone GQ and sanctum. But I'm sticking to little ugin > little karn, first bc lattice is banned now, but also the value from little ugin is huge. I was never a big fan of the lattice/great creator version anyways.
the reason for 1 ulamog, 1 world breaker is blood moon. We don't want to lose as soon as a blood moon resolves. I swap in the 2nd ulamog sometimes, depending on where I'm playing.
February 10, 2020 8:11 a.m.