colossus on the throne

Modern shassteele


-Counterspell- says... #1

May I suggest running a Tron package?

December 31, 2016 11:08 p.m.

-Counterspell- says... #2

You may also want to run some cheaper token gens, i.e. Raise the Alarm, Lingering Souls, Spectral Procession. And if you really want to resolve your 6-7 drops, you're going to need some form of control, so i suggest adding blue. Also cut Lens of Clarity, it actually doesn't let you look at pyxis cards. If you need things to cut, I would say cut some A LOT of the high cmc token gens. Like, 6-8 of them and add some control and cheap token gen in their place.

December 31, 2016 11:15 p.m.

I think the lense and pyxis package is meant to prevent experiment from dealing too much damage. You may look at the top card with lense and exile it with pyxis if you don't like what you see. It works, but is kind of slow.

I'd suggest cutting that part of the deck and instead put some cheaper token generators and maybe Assemble the Legion as a lategame win condition. Some control might be helpful as well, though some white unconditional removal could be enough

If you want to play experiment, I think Platinum Emperion is the beatstick of choice.

January 1, 2017 1:34 p.m.

Supahpikmin says... #4

I'm going to agree with seshiro on cutting the lense-pyxis combo. Yes, it helps you sort through your deck, but if you only have one or the other on the feild you're not going to be getting much done. On another note, you are really going to have to cut back on the late game just a tad. You need some way to stop opponents from setting up unstoppable boards while you create yours. MindStone is one of my favorite cards for ramp because it comes out T2 and can be sacrificed later for draw power. Immolating Glare or Celestial Flare can help stop attackers, and Slumbering Dragon can deter them in the first place. Rootborn Defenses can help keep your tokens alive, while adding another one onto the board.

Basically, here are the cards I recommend you take out:

  • -1 Assemble the Legion
  • -4 Lens of Clarity
  • -4 Pyxis of Pandemonium
  • I don't know about Madcap Experiment because you have no way to compensate for the life you could lose. I'd drop both and just find another card to fetch your artifacts.

This leaves between 9 and 11 spaces for you to add cards in. My suggestions:

March 27, 2017 9:22 p.m.

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