Combo? Where We're Going, We Don't Need Combo

Commander / EDH Coinman1863

SCORE: 279 | 96 COMMENTS | 78162 VIEWS | IN 124 FOLDERS

Bilgames91 says... #1

How's Yawg's will holding up? And no Wall of Roots? Looks solid!

I'm thinking about using Anvil of Bogardan as a budget Chains of Meph - despite it's obvious drawbacks it has nice interactions with Necropotence and contributes to the gameplan

October 12, 2016 4:54 p.m.

Coinman1863 says... #2


Yawg Will has been fine. I cut Wall of Roots as because:

  1. I needed a Space for Boreal Druid.

  2. Only 5 activations seemed very limiting in testing.

Anvil does not exactly do the same thing as Chains. Anvil lets everyone see an extra card which is not what you want. Chains prevents people from drawing extra cards which is helps against the control match-up. But assuming a non-hyper competitive meta like mine, the extra token seems worth.

If you have any other questions, just ask! I'd be happy to help.

October 13, 2016 4:12 p.m.

thegigibeast says... #4

It would be a good idea to link the primer you wrote in the description of this decklist. Oh and just for you to know, your decklist as been chosen as the Nath list for our commander tier list. If you want to take a look (that is why it would be nice to have your primer here):

[List - Multiplayer] EDH Generals by Tier

Commander / EDH* thegigibeast

SCORE: 308 | 4100 COMMENTS | 280057 VIEWS | IN 281 FOLDERS

January 3, 2017 8:15 p.m.

Coinman1863 says... #5

thegigibeast, I just did and thanks for the reminder. Since the primer was just published, I would have completely forgot to add it here. Also, I am honored to be the list on the tier list!

January 3, 2017 8:21 p.m.

thegigibeast says... #6

Thanks a lot for your good work on this deck!!!

January 3, 2017 8:23 p.m.

sirpear says... #7

Have you considered Mind Slash? Seems like it could work well with Nath's ability.

January 3, 2017 10:36 p.m.

Coinman1863 says... #8

sirpear, Actually, I started out with it in the deck and tested it out for a bit. What I found was this deck wants it's effect to be free, and having a four mana enchantment which you need to pay for to get working, isn't where this deck wants to be. Four mana is a lot for this deck, as you can see from my CMC chart, and a card has to be real good for me to play it at four CMC, and Mind Slash just doesn't do enough.

Hope this answered your question!

January 29, 2017 8:20 a.m.

acky12489 says... #9

This looks like an absolute nightmare to play against...I love it!

February 3, 2017 12:30 p.m.

Coinman1863 says... #10

acky12489 thanks! That's the point, take a look at the primer if you want to see how nasty it can get.

February 3, 2017 12:53 p.m.

Hermit7 says... #11

Built something similar to this list with some moderate meta calls.

The issue is wincons, I use wurmcoil for the lifegain right now and like it, but would like to add at least one more for density of threats.

I am thinking of adding in hexmage, dark depths, and thespians stage and switching out the basics to snow. Thoughts on Marit Lage? She seems quite good if the board is locked down and is indestructible to boot.

February 3, 2017 5:36 p.m.

nmckay3 says... #12

Let's talk Doomsday. You setup whatever you need with Night's Whisper on top and Possessed Portal for the finisher. Since you can no longer draw cards, you prevent decking yourself and losing. Thoughts? I feel like immediately top-decking our best STAX cards while preventing ourselves from losing is pretty legit.

Side note: what are your thoughts on Unnerve? For only one more mana, it hits only our opponents and functions as two complete cycles of Necrogen Mists.

February 4, 2017 6:34 p.m.

Coinman1863 says... #13

nmckay3, The biggest problem with doomsday I've found, is that you have to win the turn you play doomsday in competitive, otherwise you will die. Even if you have a stax piece like that. All that has to happen if for them to remove the Lock piece, which isn't too difficult considering it's a artifact, and I loose.

To answer you second question, Unnerve has way to high of a CMC for this deck and only discards 6 cards once. Necrogen Mists, for 1 less mana, as long as it sits around, can discard 12-15 cards with only a 3 mana investment. That is why I would choose Mists over Unnerve.

Hope this answers your questions!

February 6, 2017 7:57 a.m.

Atony1400 says... #14

I like the idea here. A deck to kill combos, nice work. +1!

I'll be sure to add it to my primer folder!

February 7, 2017 10:56 a.m. Edited.

Flash_Flayer says... #15

Just why so expensive

February 7, 2017 7:22 p.m.

Coinman1863 says... #16

Flash_Flayer, This is because I hold nothing back in trying to make the best deck possible, including cash.

Hope this answers your question!

February 10, 2017 8:58 a.m.

Rzepkanut says... #17

Inspiring Statuary interacts nicely with Winter Orb and Trinisphere, not sure if you considered it yet. Nice deck looks brutal.

February 10, 2017 10 a.m.

Coinman1863 says... #18

Hermit7, the issue I found with Lage was that in a hyper competitive meta, Path deals with it, and devoting your efforts to something which doesn't have trample, dies to bounce, and takes 6 turns to kill everyone just doesn't pass muster. In a less competitive meta, say 75%, I don't see why not. Give it a try and see how it works out! I'd love to hear about it.

But to answer your question, Portal is your wincon. You spew out tokens since it triggers each end step, and you end up way ahead of everyone else. Otherwise, try Craterhoof, you either want Portal or C-Hoof so Bob doesn't kill you. Also Squirrel Craft is another viable wincon since both halves are relevant, Earthcraft if good with your tokens, and Squirrel Nest helps keep Contamination lock.

Rzepkanut, What I found is that I never have a high enough density of artifacts in play to make that work. Also, I'm not even sure what I could cut for it, but thanks for the suggestion.

Hope I answered both of your questions and if you have any more questions, please ask! I would be glad to answer them.

February 11, 2017 10:11 p.m.

Hermit7 says... #19

I get that about possessed portal, it seems however that I get a decent lock in and am unable to find my wincons (had a good lock in this week and wasn't able to find anything no tutors or anything to actually win the game).

I am running all the good tutors (seal, demonic, petition, vamp, infernal, etc) so it may have been just a poor draw. I have added depths for now but haven't played with it yet.

Thanks for your insight, I'll let you know how it goes. I ended up taking out squirrels nest, as my league limits is to 5 activations/ turn but earthcraft can still generate enough mana. Hoof might be better as a result.

February 12, 2017 12:27 a.m.

page04z says... #20

1) Deck looks great lol

2) Do you still have friends?

February 12, 2017 12:42 a.m.

Rzepkanut says... #21

How bout Herald of Anguish?

February 12, 2017 2:35 a.m.

Coinman1863 says... #22

Hermit7 Thanks! Hope it all works out. I personally would look for alternatives to infernal tutor (Cruel Tutor is fine), but please let me know!

page04z 1: Thanks! 2: Yes I do, thanks for asking! :P

Rzepkanut, Thanks for the suggestion but the CMC is way too much. I rely on Bob effects a lot and having an extra 7 drop would just kill me. Also at that mana cost, I need something which wins the game, Herald does not do that.

Hope this answers all of your questions!

February 13, 2017 1:24 p.m.

stewa238 says... #23

Have you thought about Paradox Engine to untap all of your non-land permanents? I think this will work well with both your mana dorks and earthcraft to give you what you need.

February 13, 2017 3:57 p.m.

washedernie says... #24

have you considered thoughtpicker witch as a lockout piece. I have found it nice to say that I have a pseudo one sided possessed portal.

February 15, 2017 9:04 p.m.

Coinman1863 says... #25

stewa238: Yes I have, and the problem with it is I have no way sto generate value when I untap stuff. Unlike Arcuum with Myr Turbine, we have no way to generate value when engine comes down. Also, the CMC is too high for the deck.

washedernie: Good idea, but the issue with Thoughtpicker Witch is that I want my wincons to be on the battlefield and win without me adding any extra investment. Also, Witch doesn't make them discard cards, just fixes their draws, which in a Competitive environment doesn't do enough.

Hope this answers all your questions!

February 23, 2017 7:40 a.m.

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