

The goal is to keep my opponent's hand empty of key cards so I can drop in my winning creatures.


Distended Mindbender and Mindwrack Demon are the closers. Either one can come out Turn 4.

Filigree Familiar is a great card to hit delirium, and Dead Weight, as a one-drop, also helps to reach delirium. I can sacrifice the Familiar, draw a card, and bring in the Mindbender. I like that set up.


Turn 1 with Harsh Scrutiny, I get to scry 1 and I can fix early; I really like that scrying ability. Plus, the intelligence of looking at my opponent's hand so early. Turn 2 Transgress the Mind to keep them off balance. Turn 3, I could use Pick the Brain , but I would rather repeat with either Harsh Scrutiny or Transgress the Mind. Turn 4, I go into my creatures, but I also gave Witness the End . I like that curve.


A slower play is Turn 1 with Dead Weight. Let them put out a creature and remove it. Turn 2, take out the next one with Grasp of Darkness. If possible, Turn 3 can continue with To the Slaughter, but better is to hit them with another Dead Weight or Grasp of Darkness.

A typical hand is a mix of those cards up front. The only creature I really like up front is Filigree Familiar. If I get to kill it, I hit delirium pretty fast, and then Pick the Brain becomes an excellent 3-drop.

That's the deck so far. I still need to work on the side board. Trying to figure out how to deal with aggro decks. My only answers right now are Biting Rain and Warping Wail. Those cards are pretty solid. I'm still waiting for more cards from the new set.


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People have been giving me great advice, so I made a few changes and we'll see how this set up works.

+2 Sanctum of Ugin +1 Wastes +2 Whispers of Emrakul +4 Reality Smasher

-3 Mindwrack Demon -3 Swamp -2 Glint-Sleeve Siphoner

With Sanctum I can indeed search for Distended Mindbender or Reality Smasher. My setup with Filigree Familiar lets me reach delirium anyway so out with Mindwrack Demon and in with Whispers of Emrakul. I took out Mindwrack Demon because it doesn't attack until Turn 5 and that is no different than having Reality Smasher on board. Except it has trample and it has that discard text.

Let's see how this runs!

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Revision 35 See all

(8 years ago)

-2 Glint-Sleeve Siphoner main
-3 Mindwrack Demon main
+3 Reality Smasher main
+2 Sanctum of Ugin main
-3 Swamp main
+1 Wastes main
+2 Whispers of Emrakul main
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #17 position overall 8 years ago
Date added 8 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

13 - 9 Rares

14 - 4 Uncommons

17 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.95
Tokens Eldrazi Scion 1/1 C
Folders potential decks, Standard Ideas, Decks others have made, Standard To Build, Interesting Standard Decks, Max wants, Budget Standard, Nice, Need to playtest, Aetheк Revolution
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