Comfortably Numb

Standard* Kurremkarmerruk


The_Sir_Austin says... #1

In the upcoming set, you can add in Yahenni's Expertise as an aggro deck sweep and still get to play one of your 3-drop spells. Hope the suggestion helped, great deck.

January 7, 2017 9:08 p.m.

I was looking at mythic spoiler yesterday, and I will add Yanni when the set comes out but there was no other discard love in the set. I was hoping to make a few changes. I may add a color.

January 8, 2017 1:17 p.m.

Cyman says... #3

Dude there's that one demon guy with improvise... Herald of Anguish. I opened him at prerelease and it was sweet. I guess you need some artifact support, but that's why I'm building Tireless Tracker Panharmonicon...

January 17, 2017 9:20 p.m.

viperfang4 says... #4

I will second on adding Herald of Anguish. Have you considered Complete Disregard?

January 18, 2017 1:18 p.m.

viperfang4 says... #5

Ob Nixilis, Jace, or Lily might also help some.

January 18, 2017 1:21 p.m.

Cyman, yeah, Herald of Anguish does need artifacts around to bring him in faster, and Filigree Familiar is my only artifact. It gets sacrificed to bring in Distended Mindbender, so that won't work. I suppose I could try to put only one in and if it hits late game, then my opponent should have a fairly empty hand. Herald would keep it that way. I'll add it as a one-of!

viperfang4, I already have enough removal spells, so Complete Disregard isn't needed. I like that it's at instant speed, but To the Slaughter is better.

Of the planeswalkers you mentioned, I used to run Ob Nixilis Reignited but it wasn't working. Lily definitely does not fit my deck's purposes, and Jace ... I don't run blue.

Thanks for the suggestions!

January 18, 2017 8:37 p.m.

If you're only running black you shouldn't use Evolving Wilds.

January 18, 2017 8:50 p.m.

You don't think so? Evolving wilds is there for delirium.

January 18, 2017 9 p.m.

viperfang4 says... #9

sorry about the jace comment, i had esper on the brain cause of one of my standard decks. If you are really going for delirium just run Corpse Churn for some card sifting. I still think Complete Disregard is better than To the Slaughter though, it's specific removal and exiles.

January 19, 2017 12:15 a.m.

Occultist says... #10

You already have tons of hand disruption/removal. Why not protect your few creatures and gain some early damage compensation by using some Rush of Vitality? Mind Rot could be in the SB instead of Tree of Perdition which doesn't synergise with the rest of this deck. I'd rather use Implement of Malice which is better for delirium and it's a combo opponent discard/you draw for cheap.Also, Herald of Anguish feels completely out of place here, because you can't use his main ability to cheat him in early. I'd rather run another copy of Mindwrack Demon.Also, 4x Flaying Tendrils AND 4x Yahenni's Expertise in SB, is just TOO much of mass removal. You could keep 3x Yahenni's Expertise because of the Metallic Mimic Tribals and/or token decks and 2x Flaying Tendrils against the occasional gy recursion deck. This leaves place for 3x Resourceful Return to bring back your select threats that died OR got self-milled, and it also works well with the occasional Filigree Familiar or Implement of Malice.There's also a prominent lack of any card draw here, which will usually hurt you more than you give it credit for. I'd run some Implement of Malice MB or SB (depends) and some Morbid Curiosity to use mostly on Filigree Familiar or Implement of Malice.

My 2 cents :P

January 19, 2017 9:17 a.m.


Man, I like your ideas, but if I add all these other things (card draw, creature protection, graveyard return), then there is no focus to the deck. I would have to take out some discard and removal spells to make room, and I'm not so sure that would work. What are your ideas on how to change things?

My side deck definitely needs work. Before Aether Revolt, I only had Flaying Tendrils. Yahenni's Expertise is supposed to replace it. Tree of Perdition was an experiment. I thought it'd be fun to switch things up, but it does not fit. I agree.

January 19, 2017 7:12 p.m.

Will361405 says... #12

Nice Pink Floyd reference

January 19, 2017 7:15 p.m.

TheRedeemed says... #13

I do enjoy the pink floyd reference, but I feel you could add Matter Reshaper for better combos with Distended Mindbender

January 23, 2017 8:58 a.m.

TheRedeemed says... #14

Overall, great deck

January 23, 2017 8:59 a.m.

TheRedeemed, thanks for the upvote.

I had never considered Matter Reshaper. It would have to replace Filigree Familiar, and I don't think that's a good trade. The familiar helps me reach delirium.

January 23, 2017 6:27 p.m.

viperfang4 says... #16

I think Matter Reshaper would do you better than Filagree.

January 23, 2017 11:21 p.m.

viperfang4 says... #17

Glint-Sleeve Siphoner with Gonti's Machinations might also be nice.

January 23, 2017 11:23 p.m.

viperfang4 says... #18

I am also surprised you arn't running Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet anywhere, 2 copies of those would be nice in main or side over the tree.

January 23, 2017 11:26 p.m.

Well, I like the siphoner and machinations because my life points become another resource. I could probably take out Mind Rot but then the deck stops being a discard deck. What do you suggest to take out?

January 24, 2017 2:20 p.m.

Kalitas is great in almost every black deck because it runs independent of whatever the deck does. I won't be adding that card.

January 24, 2017 2:24 p.m.

Zman995 says... #21

Love this deck!!!! Perfect against almost anything. Plays against blue/w control and removed all ability to play. B/G counters/delirium and just shut it down. I have tested it numerous times and 90% of the time draw turn 1 harsh and have either transgress or grasp for turn 2.

February 18, 2017 8:29 p.m.


Thanks! It's a nasty build for sure.

Against control decks, it gets grindy. I can look at their hand and if there are too many counter spells, I just know I have to be careful.

Against creature heavy decks I control the opening as much as I can.

February 19, 2017 10:36 a.m.

Zman995 says... #23


I replaced the Evolving Wild with Mortuary Mire....being able to return a dead creature if you so choose to the top of your librar (Gonti) brings the creature count back up as long as you need it and it stilltaps for .

February 19, 2017 9:12 p.m.

Evolving Wild helps me reach delirium, so I wouldn't make that change.

I think the idea here is to keep your opponent's field empty, so not as many creatures are needed on my side.

But if you want to bring back creatures, there are better cards than Mortuary Mire that do this.

February 20, 2017 10:33 a.m.

Why no Fatal Push?

February 23, 2017 4:09 a.m.

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