Comfortably Numb

Standard* Kurremkarmerruk


irishmoosetard says... #1

Also, what about Gifted Aetherborn? How do you cast Warping Wail?

February 23, 2017 4:11 a.m.


I had Fatal Push but took it out. Since my land count is low, I usually hit land just for what I need. Evolving Wild would be the card that helps me play Fatal Push during my opponent's turn, but it isn't worth waiting around for that combo to happen.

Gifted Aetherborn is a good creature, but I don't need it; this is a control deck. I have enough creature removal and hand discard that my creature line up doesn't have to be in my opponent's face.

Warping Wail's first two abilities are good for me. It takes out wall creatures, or if I swing with a creature and theirs survives with 1 point of toughness or strength, then I use Warping Wail that way too. Obviously, since it's in my side deck, I'll know if my opponent is playing some sorcery cards I want to counter. That's how I use the card.

February 23, 2017 8:19 a.m.

irishmoosetard says... #3

I do see the logic behind fatal push. However in a GB dominated field it does take care of snake. I found the UB eldrazi aggro list on scg very intriguing and may lean that way for this weekends preptq. As for Warping Wail I was implying you can't cast Warping Wail because you don't have the colorless mana??

February 23, 2017 12:08 p.m.

Oh! I used to run a single Wastes but in all the changes, I must have inadvertently dropped it. I'll fix that!

I'm not sure I follow about the importance Fatal Push of to take care of the snake. Is it because the snake is a two-drop and Murder costs three? I don't mind using whatever I have in hand. Or, if I use Harsh Scrutiny and I see the snake in hand, then I can make them dump it. Or if I see they are going to play another one, I can still deal with the snake with Grasp of Darkness, or even wait for my turn and take it out with Dead Weight. I have quite a few answers. Even in my side board, I can put in Lost Legacy and take out all the snakes. I mean, I don't think there is anything special about Fatal Push that I need to run it. Do you think I have to?

February 23, 2017 12:31 p.m.

Wait! I got rid of the Wastes but I use Blighted Fen for colorless mana.

February 23, 2017 1 p.m.

viperfang4 says... #6

I was trying to think of ways you could get or take advantage of delirium a little bit more and possibly some alternative finishers. As hand sizes start dwindling, Whispers of Emrakul seems really strong addition to the discard suite as a 2 of. Some other finishers could be Noxious Gearhulk doubling as removal and lifegain, Demon of Dark Schemes would give siphoner a bit more energy and let you reanimate things, or Herald of Anguish adds to the siscard theme. If you add a bit more colorless mana Thought-Knot Seer would be good as a finisher and discard, and Reality Smasher is a very hard to deal with creature that also adds some discard. The last 2 suggestions in particular would be amazing adds to this deck. Morbid Curiosity would also draw you more cards than Merciless Resolve off Filagree.

February 23, 2017 5:03 p.m.

I decided not to run cards like Mind Rot and Whispers of Emrakul because I wanted to be able to look at my opponent's hand. I take advantage of the intelligence.

If Noxious Gearhulk went in, it would probably replace Distended Mindbender, but then I lose some hand discard. That's why I won't do that. One demon could replace another one, but the Demon of Dark Schemes would kill the Siphoner. Kind of defeats the purpose. And then it takes the energy counters to bring the Siphoner back from the grave. The Herald of Anguish I tried as a one-of creature because I don't run artifacts. It's not worth running if I can't support it.

A long time ago I did run Thought-Knot Seer and Reality Smasher as my main creatures. I thought they'd be great but I lost a lot of games with them. It was disappointing and I don't know why. I also ran quite a few different cards back then so I'm sure it wasn't just because of these cards, but I've run most of these cards in the past.

You have a really good eye for the things I run. I was weighing which card I should run, Merciless Resolve or Morbid Curiosity. In the end I decided that Merciless Resolve works better here. I sac a land and keep the Filigree on board. If I draw a Distended Mindbender, then I can still sac the Filigree.

What I think I'm going to do is take out that Siphoner. I may go back to the Gifted Aetherborn, or I may increase the creatures I already run, but I'll have to think about it.

February 24, 2017 7:45 a.m.

viperfang4 says... #8

I still think Morbid Curiosity is probably better here. I would also encourage you to try Thought-Knot Seer and Reality Smasher again with an updated list. Gonti is good, but you are removing cards that don't have meaning yet since you are not taking any card advantage from them. I think Seer could go in over him and Smasher could go in over 1 Mindbender and 1 Mindwrack possibly. I also think you should run 2 Sanctum of Ugin in your lands since it can fetch another Mindbender after use. Also while Whispers of Emrakul may not look at their hand, it can get them topdecking faster. Sideboarding Midnight Oil might also help you out a lot over even Merciless Resolve and Morbid Curiosity, that card really overperforms.

February 24, 2017 7:55 a.m. Edited.

I've never been too concerned about card draw, but if I was running Rottenheart Ghoul, I would definitely run Morbid Curiosity and main board it. I like

I could see putting in Reality Smasher over the demon, but I like Gonti more than Thought-Knot Seer. With Thought-Knot Seer, when it left the board and my opponent got a card, I remember comboing into Mind Rot, just to dig into my opponent a little to let them know I wasn't letting them keep anything.

February 24, 2017 8:57 a.m.

Zman995 says... #10

I switched out the Distended Mindbender for Reality Smasher and it helped to get a creature on the board faster to give the opponent a threat on turn. They are thinking hand hate, hand hate, hand hate, wait you are swinging for 5 with trample on turn??? I found that i wasn't using the card often and when I did I wasn't getting any value out of it. Maybe look at Matter Reshaper in place of the Siphoner.

February 24, 2017 9:29 a.m.

viperfang4 says... #11

Btw, Reality Smasher cannot be grabbed off Sanctum of Ugin, it needs cmc 7+, which Mindbender still works on. Mindwrack also had trample, smasher is probably just scarier though being a 5/5 haste instead. You also might want to edit the description of the deck as it has cards from many edits ago. And if you ever want to test the deck on cockatrice, just message me.

February 24, 2017 6:39 p.m.

Yeah, I thought that, too, but read the text carefully. Cast a 7+CMC and you can search for any colorless creature.

February 24, 2017 7:25 p.m.

viperfang4 says... #13

Misread that then, good catch.

February 24, 2017 8:15 p.m.

are we certain that the special Eldrazi mana is technically colorless? Like can Hedron Archive pay for an eldrazi??? Defeats the point of having Wastes and Cards like Aether Hub that specifically have that eldrazi mana.... hrmmm

February 24, 2017 9:24 p.m.

In order to see if a mana is generic mana or colorless mana, go to gatherer and read the text there. Sanctum of Ugin, Hedron Archive, and Aether Hub all produce colorless mana, by the way.

February 24, 2017 11:37 p.m.

viperfang4 says... #16

I tried looking through the comments, but no reasoning behind gonti. I realize he can be good, i just don't know about here, i feel like Thought-Knot Seer might be better. Scrapheap Scrounger could go in over filagree potentially, matter reshaper also feels good over either gonti or filagree.

April 2, 2017 6:55 p.m.

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