The Queen's Egg

Commander / EDH Mortlocke

SCORE: 738 | 856 COMMENTS | 121839 VIEWS | IN 373 FOLDERS

abierto says... #1

Hi Mortlocke! Good to see you've added Carpet of Flowers , not that happy for Mystic Remora , which is a huge card. I was taking a look at your manabase, and I've noticed you're playing filter lands instead of pain lands. Why?

Adarkar Wastes - Underground River - Sulfurous Springs - Karplusan Forest - Brushland - Caves of Koilos - Shivan Reef - Llanowar Wastes - Battlefield Forge - Yavimaya Coast

Filter lands are really suboptimal compared to pain lands: pain lands always give you a color if you need it at the cost of 1 life, which is nothing in EDH. Filter lands might add you colorless if you don't have the right land or mana producer. You can also think about horizon lands since those make you also draw, those are even better.

Horizon Canopy - Silent Clearing - Fiery Islet - Nurturing Peatland - Sunbaked Canyon - Waterlogged Grove

I've also noticed that you're missing Gemstone Caverns : this land is so good when it's in your starting hand, you can be 1 turn ahead of your opponents.

February 10, 2021 3:20 a.m.

Mortlocke says... #2

Hey abierto, Mystic Remora has generally been a mediocre performer for me as I rarely get to fully capitalize off of the usual suspects of early ramp and rocks hitting the board. As for why I don't run painlands and/or the Horizon lands? Honestly...they kind of slipped my mind. I never sat down and seriously considered them, but after closer inspection I can't help but agree that they are indeed the superior option over filter lands. I've been running filter lands for so long and their expedition variants no less. So my inner timmy just made me complacent in thinking i've chosen the best option.

I'm going to make changes and incorporate the Horizon lands as I acquire them. I won't have as much disposable income in the near future as I just commissioned an artist to make a custom deckbox for my Zacama deck. I'm nothing but excited for it as it's an idea i've had for awhile, and i'm just lucky that I found an artist with the talent willing to take on the task. Oh and before I forget - I'm truly at a loss regarding Gemstone Caverns . It's mechanics are just so odd to me, and I really just don't know what to think of it. If you were me, what would you swap in?

abierto thanks again for your words - you'll definitely help me refine this deck to evolve even further!

February 10, 2021 4:07 p.m.

Unha110w3d says... #3

I agree slivers are the best tribe. Awesome deck.

February 14, 2021 7:34 a.m.

abierto says... #4

Mortlocke budget is always a concern, so don't worry about that. I currently don't own Cavern since imho is too expensive for what it does and all dual lands. About Gemstone Caverns, I suggest you to understand which colors are less used in your deck, and just remove the filter/horizon/pain land for the corresponding color. I think we all agree, yours were the major inspiring contents here!

If you want to take a look to my primer, I've diverged somehow, adding some Emiel the Blessed + Dockside Extortionist lines, and removing some cards in order to add consistency to those lines. I know that these creatures are not slivers and you won't agree with them, but with Overlord in our command zone, those are just insane horsepower.

Also, removing some high CMC cards, allow you to cut some lands and lower their counts: with a better rocks/ramp package, you will always have the right color and being 1/2 turns ahead.

I'll leave my primer link for you here:

February 15, 2021 3:42 a.m.

abierto says... #5

Mortlocke I've almost forgot! If you're playing in a multiplayer pod, Bond Lands can be even better then filter/pain/horizon lands.

Sea of Clouds - Morphic Pool - Luxury Suite - Spire Garden - Bountiful Promenade - Vault of Champions - Training Center - Undergrowth Stadium - Spectator Seating - Rejuvenating Springs

February 15, 2021 3:47 a.m.

Hi Mortlocke, I was wondering if you ever considered to run Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth considering the effect of Sedge Sliver

February 19, 2021 10:43 a.m.

jasinatael says... #7

Any thoughts on Spiteful Sliver and Blasphemous Act ? Cheap boardwipe and sometimes with the right board state, a wincon.

March 11, 2021 10:13 a.m.

Mortlocke says... #8

Legion_The_Wall, nice to hear from you - to answer your question, no. I haven't considered running Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth in relation to Sedge Sliver . The con of granting all my opponents access to Black mana does not outweigh the nominal boon to just one sliver in the deck. It does work, but seems like too much effort to gain a swamp. Thanks for bringing up the synergy though.

jasinatael, I love the synergy between Spiteful Sliver and Blasphemous Act . Both are great cards, but i'll need to take some time to weigh the pros and cons of each individually. Spiteful Sliver works really well when Sliver Hivelord is on the field, and by itself does deter opponents from attacking and using direct damage on my creatures. Considering Blasphemous Act , I love that it's non-targeted damage - but it is only good when the board has at least 5 creatures. The ideal scenario would be 4 slivers (including Spiteful Sliver ), and between three opponents 4 creatures. This seems do-able, but the possibility of Blasphemous Act resulting in a win seems a bit farfetched to me.

This is a good card combo, but I still need to think on it. Thanks for the suggestion!

March 13, 2021 8:36 a.m.

gvazdaus says... #9

Mortlocke, although it adds a card to the combo Triumph of the Hordes prior to Blasphemous Act with Spiteful Sliver and three slivers out does result in a one turn win. It's not a popular win, infect never is, but folks rarely see it coming.

March 14, 2021 9:35 a.m.

luca11rise says... #10

Hi Mortlocke, what do you think of Diffusion Sliver and Dregscape Sliver . Diffusion Sliver seems a second Crystalline Sliver to protect your combos and Dregscape Sliver can enable any combo from the graveyard for only 2 mana. Also what would you cut for those? Thx a lot

March 14, 2021 5:21 p.m.

jasinatael says... #11

I always saw Diffusion Sliver as simply a taxing effect, it doesn't really protect anything. Dregscape Sliver is pretty amazing though.

March 16, 2021 10:41 a.m.

Mortlocke says... #12

Hey all,

Always a pleasure to see to many comments! gvazdaus, Triumph of the Hordes is way outside of the scope of this deck - it's meant to be low to the ground and as efficient and competitive as possible (within the context of Sliver Tribal). Infect is great, I love it as a mechanic but Triumph of the Hordes is just too dependent on my board having enough creatures with enough evasion to be an effective and consistent wincon in the cEDH space. Fun combo regardless. Thanks for bringing it up!

luca11rise, jasinatael pretty much sums up my opinion on Diffusion Sliver - it is terrible in EDH. It's effect is essentially a polite ask as opposed to a hard "no" when compared to Crystalline Sliver . If you truly mean to stop your opponents from targeting your creatures, there is only one option and it definitely isn't Diffusion . That card is designed for a standard-like environment (60 cards with 4 copies of). I do agree with the assessment of Dregscape Sliver - that one is pretty cool and can enable some pretty wild combos that interact with the graveyard.

March 19, 2021 7:40 p.m. Edited.

Slayroth says... #13

It's really interesting to me that you've cut Remora for the Carpet. isn't Remora like totally busted even in cEDH? I would have assumed that you'd cut Mirri's Guile for the carpet.

March 22, 2021 11:40 a.m.

Slayroth says... #14

Btw have you seen the new Kaldheim card Pyre of Heroes ?

March 22, 2021 12:03 p.m.

Mortlocke says... #15

Hey Slayroth,

My initial reasoning for cutting Mystic Remora was that my previous meta just wasn't consistently casting enough non-creature spells early game for me to justify it's use. But upon re-examining the card, in the right meta it can essentially be an Ancestral Recall - but again, it's all about the right meta. I'll slot the card back in and see how it performs. Pyre of Heroes did catch my eye - like a tribal gimped Birthing Pod . I don't quite know what to make of it at the moment, and to be honest don't really have any plans to try and acquire one. Do you think i'm overlooking a good card and possible inclusion for this deck? Please share your thoughts.

March 24, 2021 5:38 p.m.

cristler says... #16

You used to have a really cool song hyperlinked in you primer, but I can't find it any more. Any idea what that may have been? I remember it being just instrumentals and absolutely bone-chilling!

March 31, 2021 1:38 a.m.

Mortlocke says... #17

cristler, I'm so glad to see that you've been keeping track of my deck for so long! It's been sometime since I removed that bit of code. I've had some issues getting it working and decided to cut it out til' I sat down and gave it another once over. Above all else I want to ensure the "opt to play" functionality works consistently. As for the song it's known as "Mantis' Hymn", the boss fight music belonging to Psycho Mantis in the Playstation 1 classic Metal Gear: Solid.

Thanks again for visiting and commenting on the page!

March 31, 2021 3:40 p.m.

Doombeard1984 says... #18

Good evening Mortlocke, my Slivery Brother.

So I think the change from filter lands to pain lands is a legit change. I run a few, but only limited numbers. With shocks and fetches, the continual life loss I think racks up pretty quickly. However, it is only the last life that matters.

Now, if you are playing in 1 vs 1 games, makes sense. If you are playing in a pod of 4 though, what is your opinion on the Battlebond lands? The set was completed in Commander legends, and unless you have only 1 opponent left, well, they come in untapped. There's even expedition versions from Zendikar rising.

Hope you and yours are all safe a well

April 19, 2021 3:31 p.m.

Doombeard1984 says... #19

In addition to my message yesterday, have you seen anything in Strixhaven that's taken your fancy? I am actually kinda underwhelmed with it so far

April 20, 2021 8:19 a.m.

Mortlocke says... #20

Always good to hear from a fellow hivemate Doombeard1984, by the way your customized username is very cool. I find myself wanting to give my plain looking user name the same treatment - but i'm too lazy to re-learn how to do it. As for my decision making process behind choosing Painlands over others, the constant life loss is a relatively minor concern - the aim of this deck is to threaten to win between turns 5 and 8 (or sooner, ideally). It doesn't matter what my life total is at the end of a game, as long as I win.

Separately, I think the Battlebond lands are an absolutely awesome card design. However, I don't want to include them because I don't like the idea of a land that ETBs tapped 100% of the time during a 1 v 1 game.

As for Strixhaven, nothing for Slivers piqued my interest. However, I do like Extus, Oriq Overlord  Flip/ Awaken the Blood Avatar . I think it's a very unique and cool concept for a commander. I don't think i'll invest any money in building a paper copy of an Extus deck as I don't really play Magic in person anymore. I play exclusively on Cockatrice with friends as that's the only real safe way to play. Plus, I get to try out a whole myriad of different commander decks for free. If you want to get a game in feel free to add me, I have the same name on Cockatrice as I do on here.

April 20, 2021 4:01 p.m.

Doombeard1984 says... #21

Never played on Cockatrice, I will have to have a look.

April 20, 2021 4:34 p.m.

bigrigroy says... #22

Just saw your mana base update, How often did you find yourself without a way to activate your filter lands? I'd imagine that running all 10 fetches helps you color fix enough for that. I personally don't like the pain lands at all; but, that's coming from the guy who runs the 5 Triomes, so you can take what I say with a grain of salt. Regardless, glad to see you're still updating the deck!

April 21, 2021 12:02 a.m.

Doombeard1984 says... #23


Totally get what you are saying about the lands. I am considering having a set of check lands or pain lands available should I find myself playing a 1 vs 1 game. As I usually play 4 pod though, personally I think they are better in that scenario.

As for the name thing, yeah, I kind of got bored of wanting one of these fancy looking names, but never knew how too. Found a profile with a tutorial on it. If I can learn it for the first time in very short time, your Hive mind geniusness will certainly get it in seconds. Have linked the deck/tutorial here: Username and Profile Customization Tutorial!.

April 22, 2021 4 a.m.

OP_Sigma says... #24

If you wanna go fast, painlands are a must. I say that you made the right choice by excluding those filter lands I haven't used them in years.

Glad to see that you're still updating your deck, haven't done anything on mine for a while.

April 23, 2021 9:46 a.m.

Mortlocke says... #25

Hey bigrigroy, thanks for keeping up with my deck. To answer your question - rarely am I in a situation where I can't filter mana through my filterlands. But that's the thing - there's a possibility of it happening. The change helps keep things more consistent by eliminating a possible scenario where I can't tap my lands for a specific color. Honestly I was deliberating on getting the Painlands for sometime as they aren't as pretty as my Expedition filterlands - but they are guaranteed to tap for colored mana. it just seems like the most optimal choice. Just to be clear - I will always update this deck. It's one of my special three that I want to always keep up to date with the latest and greatest pushed cards from WotC lol.

OP_Sigma, I absolutely want to go fast. Always.

enter image description here

But i'll always be looking at new sets for anything that may be of use to the hive. In case there's anything that catches your eye (that i'll most likely have missed) please don't hesitate to share, please.

April 25, 2021 3:48 p.m. Edited.

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