The Queen's Egg

Commander / EDH Mortlocke

SCORE: 733 | 856 COMMENTS | 120758 VIEWS | IN 369 FOLDERS

jasinatael says... #1

Any thoughts on Bring to Light ? Grab almost any sliver, targeted removal, or board wipe and cast it from the deck.

May 5, 2021 9:50 a.m.

Mortlocke says... #2

jasinatael, thanks for mentioning Bring to Light , definitely a card I was not aware of from original zendikar? My opinion of the card is that it is basically a strictly worse Wargate . For 5 (and that mana potentially being in WUBRG), this spell's range of targets to tutor and cast seem rather limited in scope. If I was running a simic deck this card would definitely be worth considering, but given that i'm in 5 color there are just way too many better options to choose from. However, given that I am building a simic deck i'll keep Bring to Light under consideration. Thanks for sharing!

May 14, 2021 5:05 p.m. Edited.

abierto says... #3

Hi Mortlocke!

I'm inviting you to join a Sliver themed discord! It would be great to have you in our growing community.

I'll leave you the join link:

May 20, 2021 5:22 a.m.

gvazdaus says... #4

Mortlocke hope you’re doing well. I put together an unrelated Orzhov deck and have been amazed at the work Necropotence puts in. I’m never sorry to draw it and being able to restock my hand at the end of every turn is absolutely worth giving up the draw and a life per card. It stacks well with Sensei's Divining Top and Mirri's Guile . For me, it would take the place of Sylvan Library

May 20, 2021 4:22 p.m.

abierto says... #5

gvazdaus playing a 2 colors deck is way different from playing a 5 mana colors one. From my point of view, being able to cast an early Necropotence is quite hard.

Anyway Sylvan Library is way more powerful compared to Mirri's Guile and Sensei's Divining Top, since it allows you to draw extra cards in case you're finding nothing on top of your library, by paying life.

May 21, 2021 2:58 a.m.

Doombeard1984 says... #6

100% agree with what @abierto said concerning Necropotence . Getting in a five colour deck is an ask, especially compared to the all stars that are Mirri's Guile and Sylvan Library .

Dont get me wrong though, Necropotence is an amazing card, in most decks, just think there is better fits when you are running all the colours.

Also, abierto, is that discord open to other Sliver players? You can always check out my deck if I need to meet certain... requirements lol

May 21, 2021 6:27 a.m.

abierto says... #7

Doombeard1984 I've created that discord in order to gather more sliver player as possible! I'm MrPonzi on deckstats, so I'm most active there, but of course, everyone who want can join it!

Feel free to join, share your list and your opinions ;)

May 21, 2021 8:30 a.m.

Slayroth says... #8

new bling!

May 27, 2021 7:36 a.m.

kbaylife says... #9

With Modern Horizons 2 I finally have all my fetches together and now I'm reworking my sliver deck. I've stumbled over your decklist now, which is a great help, but I've come to wonder why you don't have morophon included? It's only a sliver when you consider changelings as such, but making all slivers cheaper by WUBRG seems huge.

June 20, 2021 6:03 p.m.

Mortlocke says... #10

kbaylife, I hear you on MH2, after buying a collector's box (note: I didn't pay anywhere near full price - more on that in a later post?) I only received one fetch. I'm going to trade and buy the rest in Foil old border in the near future.

Thanks for the compliment on my list, its my favorite deck and representative of what I like in magic. It always is a help if you leave an upvote, by the way. Id love to get to 600 someday.

As for ol' Morophon, the Boundless , it is simply a win more card. Keep in mind this is within the context of a deck that aims to be as competitive as possible and strictly limited to Sliver Tribal. For mana spent, I need to win the game or change the flow dramatically. Morophon, the Boundless early game is a dead card in hand, mid game will force me to uh... tapout (there's a pun in there somewhere) and have a very vulnerable big target on the field (there is no guarantee that Crystalline Sliver will be available). Late game is when Morophon shines, but if I can sling that kind of mana, then why waste it on casting a big flashy creature instead of trying to establish an infinite combo?

I welcome a rebuttal if you think I'm mistaken, thanks for bringing morophon back on my radar.

June 21, 2021 7:14 a.m.

Slayroth says... #11

Regarding the foil old boarder fetches. Are you going for the regular foils or etched foils? :D I kinda like them both tbh but I bet the etched foils will look a bit to dark in sleeves.

June 21, 2021 7:22 a.m.

kbaylife says... #12

I see your point with morophon, thanks for the detailed answer!. It just seemed to good to pass, but my focus so far was more on a casual sliver edh experience. Since the powerlevel at my LGS is rising lately, and people seem to regard slivers as an archenemy, even when there's a narset on the table going bonkers I'll dropp it for now.

Gotta stay competetive in the local meta :D

Dropped you that upvote!

June 21, 2021 10:40 a.m.

Mortlocke says... #13

Slayroth, don't think I missed your message about the old border printing of The First Sliver . It's definitely on the list of acquisitions from this set. I'm going to trade a buddy who had a much better box for his old border foil Scalding Tarn , then at my LGS i'm going to pick up the remaining old border foil enemy fetches and the Legion. My plan is to trade in a bunch of cards to lower the cost to a reasonable amount lol. My intention is to spend around 100EUR. Also, to answer your question - Regular foils all the way. The shiner the better my magpie brain says lol.

kbaylife, my initial impression of Morophon, the Boundless was pretty much the same as yours - I thought it was going to change the way Slivers are played, potentially - and I do maintain that idea of the card to an extent. However, that really high CMC will limit the impact you could make on the board that turn. For a meta that is rising in power level I think it is always best to focus on interaction. I too have faced Sliver Hate™ at one point or another, but the one thing that has always kept me in the game is interaction. The power to say "No, you will not hate me out of the game" ala Mana Drain speaks volumes - and makes the other players at the table hesitant to make an enemy out of you from the start as well. Please, peruse my deck description in as this page is the culmination of my experiences playing slivers with a nice bit of CSS for fanciness.

I appreciate the upvote - and tell me (if you can see the customized views and all that) what you think of the page layout and design?

June 21, 2021 3:10 p.m. Edited.

Slayroth says... #14

Ohh btw. Have you thought about adding Damn ? You had Damnation in your list a long time ago iirc and this is just a better version of it. I'm thinking about adding it to my list in place of 1 other singletarget removel spell. You'd lose versatility on the single removal side since it only hits creatures but you'd gain the extra boardwipe option.

June 24, 2021 4:10 a.m.

Mortlocke says... #15

Slayroth, funny you should mention Damn as I opened a full art foil copy. I'm considering swapping it in for Anguished Unmaking or Beast Within . I'll give it a try and update the list after trying it for a few games.

June 24, 2021 6:26 a.m. Edited.

Tobuts says... #16

Hi Mortlocke I don't have access to these expensive cards, what would you recommend as a substitute? Mox Diamond , Wheel of Fortune , Gaea's Cradle , and ofc the OG dual lands.

August 4, 2021 6:38 a.m.

Mortlocke says... #17

Hi Tobuts,

Listing your budget range would help me make more precise recommendations, but I like going on tangents sometimes so i'll give some suggestions and thoughts on some cards.

  • Bond Lands. They aren't typed, but they don't come into play tapped if you are playing in a group. Best of all, this cycle has been long complete and has been recently reprinted, so the costs are nice and cheap.
  • Battle Lands from Zendikar are always going to come into play tapped due to this deck not using basics. But at least the lands are typed. Unfortunately, this cycle only has Allied colors.
  • Bicycle Lands from Amokhet are always going to ETB tapped - but you have the added functionality of cycling. So...yay?
  • Tricycle Lands from Ikoria. These are basically the better Bicycle lands lol. They do everything the bicycles do, but better. But alas, this cycle is not complete - and only has Wedge color combinations.

That's it for my suggestions, what do you think? Do you plan on constructing your own Sliver deck using my suggestions?

August 4, 2021 2:43 p.m.

Mortlocke says... #18

Tobuts, I forgot to explain why I chose the aforementioned Filterlands as the ABUR replacements:

  • The cycle is complete
  • They can produce doubles or filter for mana that our lands may not be able to produce

There, that's all. Oh, and to a lesser extent the Filterlands are not very expensive. I believe they cost less than Shock Lands.

August 4, 2021 2:50 p.m.

Tobuts says... #19

Good to hear from you Mortlocke.

I'm fairly new to mtg in general. I am nearly towards the end of my deck build. Most I've spent on a single card so far building my 1st edh deck (slivers) is $140 USD. I can probably spend up to $250 - $280 on a single card but that's the absolute limit. With the exemption of the Sliver Queen. I just got to have the 5 legendary slivers :D.

  • For Mox Diamond. I'm thinking Darksteel Ingot 1 less mana compared to talismans, indestructible, and adds 1 of any colors. Lotus Bloom 0 mana cost. But it takes 3 turns to be effective will most likely be countered/destroyed, Sacrifice for 3 of any colors. There's Noble Hierarch Costs 1 Green. Adds either blue or green like Talisman of Curiosity without the 1 damage to you or maybe Birds of Paradise that adds any color, tho they're both creatures so they're affected by board wipes.

  • Wheel of fortune That one card that might actually be within my reach and considering buying, turns out can be easily replaced xD. I got Time Spiral as a substitute because that's what I already have and I thought it's a good recovery from a board wipe, untaps 6 lands (so it's a free spell?) however biggest con for me is that it costs 6 mana. But I'm thinking of selling it so I can afford this Wheel of Fortune. I appreciate the suggestions you mentioned and will test them both.

  • Gaea's Cradle way out of my league (price-wise). In terms of Growing Rites of Itlimoc as a sub, we're both on the same page on this one. But what do you think of The Great Henge? costs 2 greens if you got 1 of the legendary slivers out might not be good as ramp might still be good imo.

As for the lands, I think I'm going to use a combination of Bond lands from Commander Legends and some shock lands as these are what I already have. Or just strictly bond lands. Maybe even use a Sliver hive. Some people suggest using proxy cards, still not so sure about it. I feel like I should only proxy cards that I personally own. But then, there's really no replacing those dual lands but they're pricey as F**k If people don't actually mind playing with dual lands' proxies then why not?...... right???

August 5, 2021 6:25 a.m.

Doombeard1984 says... #20

Hello Tobuts, If you are in multiplayer then the Bond lands are good. Nobody typed mean no fetch, but they are still good. To an extent, fetching the tricycle lands is not bad either, as can fetch in opponents end step. With regards to The Great Henge , i use it in my sliver deck. Whilst its not the best ramp, it does also give you draw meaning you can keep a grip of cards. Personally, I really like it. If you play it for due to having one of the 7/7s out, it's technically free as it taps for 2. Hope that's of use.

Mortlocke, my slivery brethren. Hope you are safe and well man

August 5, 2021 9:53 a.m.

Mortlocke says... #21

Tobuts, I really appreciate the chance to discuss a Burgeoning Sliver build. This is fun. Doombeard1984, it's also great to hear from you as well. I appreciate the well wishes. I'm managing my Hive just fine - I hope the same for you and yours as well. Have you had a chance to play paper magic? I've managed to get together a small casual EDH playgroup. I've been playing mostly precons as a result of that, but hey - magic is magic.

Tobuts, I must disagree with slotting in Darksteel Ingot for Mox Diamond . Indestructability is nice and all, but few players at the table would be willing to use removal on your mana rocks outside of a well timed Vandalblast effect. Not to mention, you'd be spending on a rock - there are so many better choices before you invest into spending so much mana on a turn. I maintain that the Talisman cycle is your best bet, or maybe even a Commander's Sphere , Coalition Relic (yields so much more value than Darksteel Ingot , despite having a CMC). Including Noble Hierarch or Birds of Paradise are also viable options - but more vulnerable ones. Personally, I opted to exclude anything that is a filthy non-sliver simply due to a personal build choice. Also, I must implore you to not use Lotus Bloom unless The First Sliver is your commander (and honestly even that is a stretch) to make the card viable. Just to note - when you cascade a spell with suspend, it is simply cast and is not exiled from the game with suspend counters on it. Honestly, Lotus Bloom belongs in a Yidris, Maelstrom Wielder deck.

Wheel of Fortune is a rather pricey pick up. Full disclosure - I picked mine up for about 30 USD back in the day, and even then I was upset because I thought I was overpaying lol. If only I knew about the Reserved List buyout that was to come. If you are committed to picking up a Reserved List card, and you know you will enjoy it for years to come then get it. Otherwise, i'd try out either of the previously suggested cards for the slot first - then make your decision.

I'm glad we're both on the same page in regards to Growing Rites of Itlimoc  Flip, it's a perfect substitute. As for The Great Henge - I don't think it would be a very good fit for this deck. Why? The average power for most creatures is well below 7. Additionally, I like to consider each card in silo - if for some reason my opponents were removing my Legendary slivers at just the right times, that would leave The Great Henge as a dead card as far as I'm concerned. I get why anyone would be excited about it though - it's literally keyword soup of all the things magic players like to do in green on one card. Just unfortunately, it's just a card that doesn't fit in this deck. My opinion may change in the future though - so who knows? Maybe i'll try it out one game and it just slaps

As for your manabase, use what you feel is right for you. My manabase was built with having literally the best and most efficient manabaase possible for a Sliver tribal deck with cost not being a factor. Such a ridiculous concept for a manabase won't work for everyone so I implore you to use what you know is financially feasible for you. However, i'm a big proponent of proxies. I love em'. Sure, I do own these cards as they are special to me, and all have a story (for the most part) but it would be absolutely silly to walk out of the house with a 15 thousand+ deck of cards. I wouldn't be able to even focus on the game - I'd be hoping and praying that I don't bend anything while shuffling or hope that no one steals one of my cards. Additionally, if you are in a playgroup that loves power simply ask what they would find acceptable and proxy to your heart's content. Heck, even Wizards official policy on proxies pretty much echoes my thoughts expressed here. They only care if you're bringing proxies to official DCI events. That's when they'd say "no". So again, as long as your playgroup is cool with it - then do it.

August 5, 2021 3:08 p.m. Edited.

Dexamd says... #22

So I noticed another hive utilizes morophon as a means for free legendary slivers, just curious as to your thoughts on that. As my hive grows, all information is appreciated.

August 18, 2021 7:57 a.m.

Mortlocke says... #23

Dexamd, always good to hear from another Sliver player - we're a hivemind race after all. I've visited and re-visited this subject in the past so i'll just give you my tl;dr: within the context of this deck - Morophon, the Boundless is simply a win more card. If you are spending and not winning the game then that is a ton of mana used on one spell that is an attractive target for removal at best - and a waste of mana and an entire turn at worst.

Again, keep in mind the context of this deck - it is meant to be the most competitive build possible for Sliver Tribal. For A cmc spell to be included in this list it at the very least must guarantee a win upon cast.

August 18, 2021 3:07 p.m.

Dexamd says... #24

makes sense. i present to you 1 more question. would you sacrifice a land for a unclaimed territory? why or why not?

August 25, 2021 11:09 p.m.

Doombeard1984 says... #25

So Dexamd, I cut Unclaimed Territory for the same reason I cut Sliver Hive. Unless you are casting a Sliver, it only taps for colourless mana. Also, Sliver Hive has a terrible activation cost. Sliver decks, especially combo centric, heavy interaction decks have a pretty heavy cost of coloured mana. Only reason I run Cavern of Souls is because of the non counterable effect it provides to ensure a necessary peice sticks.

Just weighing in my opinion for what it's worth.

August 26, 2021 7:35 a.m.

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