The Queen's Egg

Commander / EDH Mortlocke

SCORE: 738 | 856 COMMENTS | 121792 VIEWS | IN 373 FOLDERS

_Delta_ says... #1

Mortlocke I’m sure there will be another 5c legendary also, would be nice to have another option to play besides Overlord and mainly First Sliver. And depending on what comes in it I may buy it and the eldrazi precons but we’ll see. I had only bought the singles I wanted meanwhile from the Phyrexia: All will be one Commander deck this time around though as they are getting costlier here in Canada (my lgs had them for $72 CAD / $52.88 US before tax which then made these a total $82.80 per deck / $60.81 US) when I remember them once starting at like $55 a few years back.

But back to slivers, I’m also keeping an eye actually on the next set, March of the Machine and the reason being was there was a piece of set art of the Phyrexians invading Shandalar, which consisted of one of Norn’s faction hacking through vines in a forest. So maybe we will see one or more Phyrexian slivers just maybe which I’m thinking is a whole lot more likely than a Sliver planeswalker in the foreseeable future!

February 26, 2023 11:51 p.m. Edited.

Slayroth says... #2

There she is!!!!!

May 5, 2023 7:20 p.m.

Mortlocke says... #3

@Slayroth, I got you!

May 5, 2023 10:35 p.m.

Slayroth says... #4

The Sliver deck got showcased yesterday.....

And I have to say, I am a bit underwhelmed. The 5 new Slivers are kinda ok but I'll probably only end up playing the green one. But what's way worse is the deck itself, it looks soooo bad for its price tag. I'm not paying 90 dollars for that, even as a huge Sliver fan ^^'

July 18, 2023 2:50 a.m.

Mortlocke says... #5

Slayroth, I just saw the showcase as well and I can understand the overall disappointment. Wizards continues to ask for more and more - yet in this case severely under delivered. $80 USD for a lack luster manabase that belongs in a $40 precon. Wow. The only highlight of the deck are the new cards which aren't necessarily power crept into oblivion but they didn't necessarily wow me either. I'm not trying to brag or anything, but I have a "guy" who does direct sales where I live. I'm getting this and the other decks for a steal. I won't give out too much information, but i'm sure as hell not paying $80 USD a deck. His connection is the only reason why i'm buying all the decks as I really do like the face commanders for each, and I love collecting precons.

Also, I just have to say that Rukarumel, Biologist is my Sliver Waifu and is officially best girl in all of Magic. If anyone diagree then you are wrong. Just look into her eyes and tell me she won't be the epicenter of a future multiversal threat where Slivers just show up on every plane and proceed to wreck house:

Best Girl

I do have thoughts about some of the new Slivers that I will share up top in a new deck update. Please let me know your thoughts about my thoughts - also, what new cards do you think will make the cut in your Sliver deck?

July 18, 2023 2:58 p.m. Edited.

Doombeard1984 says... #6

Its been a while Mortlocke.

So I have also been trying to assess the relevance of the current cards heading to us from CMM. I got to be brutally honest here, I actually find the deck a bit of a disappointment, especially considering the inflated price tag.

Sliver Gravemother - So its a fun idea, and does give you that ability to go for a win after your board has been wrecked... however I just dont think its that good if im honest. I think it gives the ability to win from nowhere, and it does convert all those mana costs from coloured to colourless mana using the Encore ability. Think its very situational.

Rukarumel, Biologist - Fun looking card... but not for this deck. Think this one is a build around commander, and you could have some real good fun hybridizing Slivers with say, Elves or Zombies. Imagine Slivers utilizing Rooftop Storm.. Oh my!

Hatchery Sliver - I actually really like this one. Means those key pieces you put on the field (if you have the mana) you make a duplicate (sorry, I mean "Replicate") copy meaning single threat removal spells become less effective. I know Manaweft Sliver and Gemhide Sliver are key in a lot of decks, so being able to make duplicates of those on cast means that 4 of those abilities to remove, not just 2. Think this one is sneaky good.

I totally agree with your assessment of Taunting, Regal and Capricious Sliver, so wont go into thoughts about those, as they are broadly similar. I do like the Goading one the best, as can really shake up board states.

And Lazotep Sliver - Simply gets the opinion of move on, not interested. However, the interesting stack of Afflict is interesting to an extent. If you encore this, you suddenly have potentially 3 instances of Afflict 2 (so essentially Afflict 6), but there is too many moving pieces in this to make it seem reasonable.

Just thought I would share my thoughts with you my fellow Hivelord.

Hope you are all good

July 20, 2023 3:33 a.m.

gvazdaus says... #7

I was excited to see your breakdown of the new deck and it didn’t disappoint despite the decklist itself doing just that. I agree the goad sliver lets a sliver player avoid something nasty to the face or another player takes something nasty. Or they lose a poorly protected but game-breaking creature. Hatchery sliver makes Sidewinder, Virulent, and Plated so much better. Replicate 4 on Virulent?! Start the clock. The human wizard alternate commander is a slower queen. You’ll need echoes/training ground/intruder alarm to break her but she can fill in for infinite tokens. I was disappointed in the lack of protection. Hexproof/blink/phasing was absent and what the hive needs

July 23, 2023 2:02 a.m.

Daevied says... #8

I like the new slivers, not so flashy, but have nice interactions. Also the new art for some slivers are a must get to update my deck. Sadly most of the new slivers revolves around combat something that in my playgroup is so rare to get trough ( You have to win with a combo on the same turn you play your creatures while you pusgh trhough a bunch of counterspells and removals lol)

August 2, 2023 8:59 p.m.

Mortlocke says... #9


I think that the latest batch of Slivers aren't overtly power crept, but with the right deck can be an absolute menace. I feel the same way about the new art as well, I was never a fan of the Shandalar Sliver variants. The humanoid form just makes slivers seem like a fairly generic monster - the original form that debuted on Rath is iconic as it's so alien but oddly cute.

When I find that my playgroup loves to run interaction I simply adjust my decks to fit the local meta. My opponents love to counter Slivers? Then Root Sliver would love to have a word with them. Opponents love to run spot removal? I proceed to laugh as Crystalline Sliver shows up. So on and so forth. There's always a Sliver for the job when it comes to a problem, but running your own interaction and work-arounds is key. Try running counter magic as form of protection and see where that takes you.

August 11, 2023 3:40 p.m.

Slayroth says... #10

Let's be honest. The worst part about the new Slivers is that we can't get them in foil yet c,c

August 14, 2023 2:27 a.m.

Mortlocke says... #11

Slayroth, at least I can get Taunting Sliver in full art foil ¯_(ツ)_/¯

August 14, 2023 4:18 a.m.

TheChanesaw says... #12

Any plans to add gravemother?

August 19, 2023 11:27 a.m.

Mortlocke says... #13

@ TheChanesaw,

Nope. As lovely as Sliver Gravemother is, she doesn't really work as one of the 99. Her themes are so unique that I feel compelled to make her the head of her own deck with Myriad and Encore subthemes shored up with End of Turn effects. The idea is to abuse the End of Turn step by routinely clearing the stack when it has the Sacrifice trigger hit at the end of combat (in Myriad's case) or end step (in Encore's case). The best part is when multiple copies of Sliver Legion or The First Sliver are on the battlefield alongside Gravemother resulting in a very fun and powerful play experience - I hope anyway. I'm starting to assemble a list, and will attempt to make a fun budget oriented Sliver deck.

August 19, 2023 4:41 p.m. Edited.

TheChanesaw says... #14

Mortlocke,That's an interesting idea, Im exited to see what you come up with! :D

August 20, 2023 11:30 a.m.

Balaam__ says... #15

Brilliant primer with great insights. +1

December 1, 2023 12:04 p.m.

Doombeard1984 says... #16

Happy new years Mortlocke,

May this message find you and yours all well and good.

I come seeking an opinion on a particular card that I think I am going to take a punt on. Chimil, the Inner Sun seems really good. Discover 5 is right at the top end of the Sliver creature spells, and ultimately whatever I show can be put in hand if needed. Also makes all your spells uncounterable. Am torn on what to cut to give it a crack. Think maybe cut Carpet of Flowers or Mirri's Guile. Leaning towards Carpet as tbh, when I play it, most just stop playing Islands lol.

Anyway, hope you are well, and look forward to your response

January 3, 2024 6:57 a.m.

Sneuxfox says... #17

Just a quick question and I love this deck btw why don't u use any of the +1+1 slivers?

January 14, 2024 9:32 p.m.

Mortlocke says... #18

Hi Sneuxfox,

The quick answer is Scale. The long answer is that Muscle, Sinew, or even Megantic Sliver do no provide much return for the mana and card slot investment in a 40 health point environment - unless the previously mentioned cards contribute directly to the deck's themes. The buff Slivers belong in a Sliver deck that is geared toward aggro, and dealing as much combat damage as possible in as short of a time. This deck however is midrange - something in between control and aggro and wouldn't benefit overall from the inclusion of buff slivers.

January 15, 2024 3:26 a.m.

Votecat says... #19

What’s your reasoning for not running lands such as Urza's Saga, Reflecting Pool or Plaza of Heroes?

January 15, 2024 12:04 p.m.

Mortlocke says... #20

Hi Votecat,

  • Urza's Saga is amazing in silo but i'm hesitant to include it due to the deck being so demanding regarding colored mana. Sure I could tutor for Mox Diamond, but that depends on the number of lands I have in hand 3 turns from play. I think there is an argument for the Urza's Saga, just not a very compelling one. If I were to slot it in, i'd probably put it in for Volrath's Stronghold maybe.

  • Reflecting Pool - I could've sworn this was in the deck. This is a simple oversight. I'm probably going to cut one of the pain lands to make room. Which one would you cut?

  • Plaza of Heroes is a really cool card that I honestly didn't know existed. The unfortunate drawback is that this card is a little bit narrow in use due to it practically demanding that my Commander be in play in order to be useful. As great as this land is, I just don't find the argument for its inclusion that compelling. Less so than including Urza's Saga.

I always welcome a rebuttal - please let me know if you think i'm missing something.

January 15, 2024 1:43 p.m.

Doombeard1984 says... #21

Good morning,

Sorry to throw my opinion in concerning which land to cut, but honestly I would probably cut the Gemstone Mine. A pain land can at least be tapped for and can then pay the life for 1 of 2 colours if needed. Gemstone Mine is just a 3 turn kinda deal, and apart from Yawgmoth's Will, I dont think there is any other way of re-using it. And you would be replacing it with a land that will tap for all your colours eventually anyway. Its a strict upgrade.

January 16, 2024 4:03 a.m.

Mortlocke says... #22

January 16, 2024 5:36 a.m.

julsjuj says... #23

probably the best Slivers deck out there! very very dreamy decklist!

April 21, 2024 4:01 a.m.

Flodes says... #24

Cool to see you added Deadly Rollick, but I was curious to hear how you decided on cutting Hibernation Sliver in particular.

June 18, 2024 1:02 p.m.

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