Ender02, One edit I must make to my previous statement. Asceticism isn't a cheaper Sliver Hivelord. It's an infinitely better Diffusion Sliver. If I ever had a Asceticism in sliver form...i'd lose my marbles. I'd get that card in foil with the quickness. I'd make a shrine to it...but really far away from the Sliver Queen shrine. She gets the prime real estate.
August 4, 2016 9:42 a.m.
multimedia says... #3
LVL_666, Would you like to get rid of the Description heading that's right after the decklist just before the accordion?
Here is the CSS:
.well > h3 { visibility: hidden; } /*hide h3 description heading on page*/
Also if you would like to get rid of the ugly Card Costs and Mana Cost titles for the graphs, here is the CSS:
text.highcharts-title { display: none !important; } /*hide titles for graphs, !important overrides inline styling by tappedout*/
August 15, 2016 1:30 a.m.
How did you get the background? I thought they removed that option?
August 16, 2016 11:55 p.m.
Hi Ryuenjin, so I haven't been on tappedout for too long, but I learned that you can actually create css sheets and have your deck page or profile description reference them. It's not a true feature of the website as it is more often than not misused or just outright broken. Doing stuff like this is risky, but if you don't screw it up and ask for help people are generally pretty nice. You also have to be willing to learn css (and have familiarity with coding).
August 17, 2016 12:10 p.m.
JessieMessy says... #6
Maybe Burgeoning? its totally getting a reprint in Conspiracy 2!
August 17, 2016 4:21 p.m.
Looking at your deck, I cant help but notice the distinct lack of things like Obelisk of Urd and Coat of Arms. any particular reason you are only using creatures as your tribe base? other than that, I really like what you have here. I just think it could use some more tribal bits.
August 25, 2016 10:01 a.m.
Thank you for your input, JessieMessy: The hive is pleased. Burgeoning is an interesting card, as it's really awesome ramp. I can see it having some nice interaction with shocklands (Breeding Pool) and the like, as I could just play the land tapped, and have it untap on my turn...sparing me that loss of 2 life. I'm looking for a replacement for Wild Pair, and when comparing it to WP, I feel like i'll lose out on the explosiveness of Wild Pair. WP is...good. You plop down one adorable 1/1 broodling, then it brings another. Then you add Dormant Sliver and then the shenanigans begin. However, it's that CMC that hurts me so much. just hurts. I wish it was just a little bit cheaper...and with Sliver art. I think it's a worthy addition, but I need something that has more synergy with the Slivers themselves.
August 25, 2016 10:08 a.m.
Thank you for your input, Entari0: The hive is pleased. Originally, the deck had Coat of Arms but I had removed it to make room for more control related cards. I'm not opposed to it being in the deck, as it would grant me another wincon. I'd probably sub it in for Wild Pair, as that is the one card i'm trying to swap out for something a bit more optimized for the deck. Obelisk of Urd is pricey on the CMC scale. As nice as it is, I don't think it's worth it. I chose to use only creatures for my tribe effects because I needed to make room for more ramp and more control cards.
August 25, 2016 10:35 a.m.
JessieMessy says... #10
maybe Mirari's Wake? It does work in my deck.... seems like overboard some times like Mana Echoes but when needed it comes through. not much flavor but Chameleon Colossus really pisses me off when it gets on the board.
August 25, 2016 3:55 p.m.
Daedalus19876 says... #11
I really, really, REALLY need to learn how to use CSS stylesheets on this website, because this deckpage looks unbelievable. I've never done any HTML or website coding (though I am fluent in C++, Java, and Python). I would love to chat with you about it in a direct message, if you have time.
With regards to the deck itself, I honestly don't have much to say (which, if you've ever seen me on this website, is a rarity). The deck is powerful and most assuredly gets a +1 from me. I keep trying to write comments (about Scroll Rack or Unnatural Selection etc) then realizing that you've already considered them.
Perhaps Lurking Predators? If you're playing in multiplayer, it gives you a surprising amount of value and filtering, and dissuades your opponents from casting removal. I've found that with 30 creatures, I get several creatures or dig perhaps eight cards deep per turn cycle. Doubly silly if you play against something like a storm deck. It could also slot in over Wild Pair (same MC and similar effect).
Despite the lack of flavor, I think that Mirror Entity would be fantastic here. Your deck has several ways to generate a lot of mana (doubly so if you do end up adding Burgeoning), and even though your slivers become large very quickly, they don't have a very high base power (and bonuses from cards like Sliver Legion layer on top of the Mirror Entity trigger). You can also find him in the late-game with your Overlord to give you the burst of power to finish out the game.
I know you've probably considered it already (since it was in the original Premium Slivers Deck), but Distant Melody has proven itself many times over in my An Hour of Wolves: Tazri EDH deck (which is basically "Slivers on a Budget"). It's an unexpected burst of draw power in the late-game, and a decent way to refill your hand in the mid-game. This may not be super helpful for you, though, since your commander is stapled to a repeatable tutor. Also, speaking in terms of general tribal staples, no Urza's Incubator?
EDIT: And now T/O is informing me that most of the things I suggested have already been considered. Oh well, haha.
I hope this comment was helpful! :) All hail the Hive Queen (long may she reign).
August 25, 2016 6:43 p.m.
Have you seen the Kaladesh Inventions? They are the equivalent of expedition cards but instead for Kaladesh. They are part of what will be known as the Masterpiece series. There will be about 50 of these within the Kaladesh block.
There's one for Sol Ring, Scroll Rack, and Chromatic Lantern.
September 13, 2016 8:01 a.m.
Now I'm not very familiar with all of Tappedout's features so I'm just going to link you to the spoiler site for the cards if your interested in seeing them as I have not actually been able to figure out how to simply show an image of them on here..
September 13, 2016 8:34 a.m.
Delta-117 "The hive appreciates you bringing this to our attention." - The Queen
But in all seriousness, that spoiler list is absurd. I'm definitely going to be revising this list in the near future. Moxes, mana vault, so many new wants are on my list now. In addition, the card art is absolutely gorgeous. I'm drooling. I hope I can get my hands on these cards.
September 13, 2016 10:13 a.m.
Hey I made a sliver deck a wile ago as one of my first decks, can you tell me if I should add some thing, the URL for my deck is http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/sliver-5-color-4/
October 4, 2016 12:11 p.m.
For sometime, I've been trying to come up with a replacement for Wild Pair. While I think it's a good card, but it's very expensive mana cost wise, and generally isn't a card I want to go after. Here are some cards i'm considering:
October 29, 2016 5:03 p.m. Edited.
Hey, that box is so sweet man kudos. The deck looks good too, I played against something similar last Wednesday and he actually played Wild Pair at one point. I guess it can kind of suck if your slivers are pumped up. Have you considered Call to the Kindred or Descendants' Path? Both seem like good options to me.
October 29, 2016 9:07 p.m.
dlamars Thank you for the feedback as well, and the upvote! Question do original dual lands and shock lands count toward the X value for number of basic land types for Prismatic Geoscope?
October 30, 2016 1:10 a.m.
From what I understand yes they do, so something like Sacred Foundry counts as both a Plains and a mountain as far as domain is concerned. "Basic land types" refers to the subtype "Plains, Swamp, Island, Mountain and Forest."
October 30, 2016 1:31 a.m.
dlamars Well that settles it, I'm getting Prismatic Geoscope in foil. Hopefully it'll come out in foil. That card needs to be in this deck.
October 30, 2016 1:33 a.m.
I really wish it didn't ETB tapped, I wonder if it may be a little to slow as a result. If you have all the basic land types and 5 mana wouldn't you cast your general to stay with tempo? I could be totally off about this but id have a hard time spending the 5 mana and passing the turn. I think Gilded Lotus is better but again I don't play a 5 color deck either.
October 30, 2016 1:43 a.m.
dlamars The ETB tapped stipulation does hold the card back some, but given the likely hood that it'd be relatively easy for some decks (namely mine) to have all five basic land types on the battlefield, the extra colored mana made available to me would be worth the sacrifice, I think. Tap: is just insane for only mana and one less productive turn.
October 30, 2016 1:50 a.m. Edited.
A very nice deck! I noticed you made your decision on what to replace for Wild Pair. Given your manabase I think you'll always have access to all colors quite easily. There are 4 differences between Prismatic Geoscope and Mirari's Wake:
- Mirari's Wake is an enchantment, while Prismatic Geoscope is an artifact, thus it depends on what your meta looks like. If there is lots of enchantment or artifact hate you may want to prefer one over the other
- Prismatic Geoscope enters the battlefield tapped, while Mirari's Wake has an effect the turn it comes down. If you have 6 lands, you can still tap for 2 mana after playing Mirari.
- Mirari's Wake scales the amount of mana it produces with the number of lands you have in play, so at 5 lands it will procude the same amount of mana as the Geoscope.
- Finally Prismatic Geoscope has one less ability than Mirari's Wake: it does not make your creatures bigger.
Verdict: Prismatic Geoscope has an advantage over Mirari's Wake if you can play it early-game (with less than 5 lands in play thanks to manarocks). In the mid/lategame I feel that Mirari's Wake will end up having a much bigger effect for you.
The choice between the 2 remains yours of course!
October 30, 2016 6:30 a.m.
Chandrian Thank for the excellent feedback! The hive is pleased. That was one very compelling argument for Mirari's Wake. I feel rather at odds with myself at the moment regarding my decision, and I feel that I need to acquire both cards! Thank you again for the excellent feedback! +1 for you!
October 30, 2016 11:41 a.m.
I built this deck because I love slivers! I love the hive. I have every sliver card x4 at least? I've been play testing this for awhile. Did you put Mirari's Wake in you main? If so what did you take out? I thought it was really strong even with the combos. I also preordered Prismatic Geoscope to try it out. Do you think that this card would be better?
Mortlocke says... #1
Thank you for the input Ender02, the hive is pleased. Allow me to further explain my apprehension toward Cryptolith Rite - the whole point of CR is to get slivers on the field. Right? Because the only way I am going to win is with Slivers on the field. However, the only moment when CR is any good is with creatures on the field. Do you get what i'm trying to say? Basically, CR is redundant. If I have a bunch of slivers on the field, then what good would CR be at that point? I don't need a mana rock. What i'd need at that point is just another piece to the combo i'm trying to finish, or another sliver on the field that helps get through enemy defenses, and deals damage. Adding high CMC cost enchantments won't help me win. Privileged Position isn't really relevant because I have Crystalline Sliver. Asceticism is just a cheaper Sliver Hivelord. Good suggestions though...they're good cards...but I don't think they fit within the strategies of the deck.
August 3, 2016 9:20 p.m. Edited.