I have been running into Toxic Deluge at my LGS lately so I'm becoming more of a fan of Mirror Entity each time my board gets wiped. I think it'll pull it's weight, especially if supported by Training Grounds.
I'd say replace Rhystic Study if it under performs in your play group, other than that are you super attached to Amoeboid Changeling?
November 18, 2016 11:55 a.m.
dlamars, lil' Amoeboid Changeling has a special place in my heart, and deck as he has been a true terror when Sliver Overlord is on the battlefield. Imagine everyone else at the table afraid to play their general because itll get stolen. As for Mirror Entity's interaction with Training Grounds, how exactly does that work?
November 18, 2016 6:52 p.m.
Lol I understand, Amoeboid Changeling is tough for me to look at though. Something about that face on that body gives me the creeps. Training Grounds just reduces the cost allowing you to pay 1 for 3/3, nothing fancy but it counts as a positive in my book.
November 18, 2016 7:07 p.m.
dlamars I think Amoeboid Changeling is both ugly and cute. Like a lil' bulldog. Honestly, i'd swap Mirror Entity in for Harsh Mercy. Ill add Mirror to the sideboard and try him out during some games.
November 18, 2016 7:24 p.m.
Update..... Out of 16 Players I came in 2nd.
Results: Since there wasn't a lot of players there, they did a random draw into 4 pods(4 player, 1:30 time limit). The winners of each pod move to a 2 player heads up.
1st match/pod (WIN) 1-0 After this win people knew I had a sliver deck.. SO.... a lot of sliver hate start to boil around and card changes in there deck started happening. lol
2nd match/heads up (Win)2-0 I played against Oloro, Ageless Ascetic Commander deck, it was a really good life link deck but both games I was able to play my Sliver Overlord really quick and use mana generator and tutoring. I almost had all my slivers out for both games. Maybe I got lucky but that's magic.
3rd match/heads up (Lost)1-2 I played against a Scarecrow Commander Deck Reaper King. The 1st game I lost, because I couldn't keep my slivers in play long enough. He would either destroy them or get rid of them. The 2nd game I smoke him by turn 8. I was flashing my slivers at his end step so I could do more a combo or agro on him, plus FirstStrike and Deathtouch game over. The 3rd game was close but I lost.
Overall, The mana curve was really fast, The combos were set up as plan, and sliver hate was there. Even on the first match, when I revealed my commander at set-up, I could feel they were going to gang up on me, but they didn't and their loss. I did give your name to one of the guys there that asked me about the deck. He thought it was a really smooth deck. I ask him what he might add or replace, so he will let me know. I will be going back up there to pick up some cards for a my future first strike/deathtouch/trample commander deck so I will let you know what he says. Also I will sit back and remember what happen during the match's so I can give you card suggestion myself and see what you think.
Sorry if there is grammar error... I am work
November 19, 2016 7:39 p.m.
I strongly recommend Intruder Alarm! If you have haste and slivers tap for mana you create an infinite army.
November 20, 2016 9:17 p.m.
Barnze, that was the best response this deck has ever had - the hive is most pleased. I'd like to add your response to the deck's description if you don't mind. Also, could you give me a bit more info on the decks you faced? From what I've read, you faced an Oloro, Ageless Ascetic and Reaper King. How many others? In relation to the EDH General By Tier article, how does the deck stack up? Sliver Overlord is considered a Tier three deck, but I think my build could be a potential low end Tier 2 deck (see below). What's your opinion?
Tier 2
Less powerful than the tier 1 decks, but still quite strong, these can definitely hold their own against tier 1 decks. They are usually a turn slower than tier 1 decks, or they have consistency problems.
Tier 3
This is the middle tier. They can't usually compete against tier 1 decks, but might do fine with tier 2 decks. They usually have "the Aggro Problem," or they are wildly inconsistent. Most of the "pubstomp" decks that dominate casual meta go in here. They may have a bad reputation, but that doesnt' make them tier 1.
November 21, 2016 3 p.m.
Dpooser, thank you for the suggestion. The hive is pleased. This isn't the first time Intruder Alarm (IA) has been previously suggested for this deck, but I feel that it's only good under a very specific set of conditions: with Heart Sliver + Gemhide Sliver/Manaweft Sliver in play.That is all. Due to IA's lack of versatility I feel it's not that great of an inclusion in this deck. On it's own, IA can slow down play for my opponents. That can be useful, but at the same time if I were up against creatures or generals like Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker, then i'm outright throwing the game. The fact that there is/are situations where IA will backfire on me horrendously makes me not want to include this card.
Thanks for the suggestion, though.
November 22, 2016 11:13 a.m.
Sorry I was away for work.
So.. during the pod/match I faced Thassa, God of the Sea,Damia, Sage of Stone, Nissa, Vastwood Seer Flip.
During this match I wasn't concern about there tier level so much. I feel the reason I won against the 3 was my mana ramp. Remember I updated my mana on which I suggested to see previously. For this pod/match I had a great starting hand. I also replaced Coalition Relic with AEther Vial. I didn't replace for good, but I wanted a to try it out. What was hard was going against Thassa, God of the Sea even though Damia, Sage of Stone was tier two I really believe the person hand a bad starting hand. It took him until turn 4 to make 3 mana. Thassa had a lot of counters and copying.
How does it stack up?
I believe in Sliver Overlord is the commander for this deck, but what is a great option is that you have Sliver Queen as well. If you think your playing a faster deck maybe high tier two of even low tier one play Sliver Queen as your commander. At least you can combo faster than having to search for her or whatever. I honestly believe Sliver Overlord should be tier two and Sliver Queen tier one. The thing is you have them both in this deck. Lots of options and changes for your commander if need be
November 24, 2016 5:45 p.m.
Barnze Interesting choice swapping out Coalition Relic for AEther Vial. I do have a 2 AEther Vials in my collection...I feel that it's use in the Overlord configuration of the deck would be rather limited as there are only 2 Slivers that are CMC 1, 13 Slivers that are CMC 2, 7 that are CMC 3, 5 that are CMC 4, and 4 that are CMC 5. I do see it's usefulness early on in the game where it helps you populate the battlefield a bit faster, but problems may arise later on when you need actual mana instead of just putting lower casting cost creatures into play.
I think Vial shines when when the deck is reconfigured to place her highness, The Sliver Queen as General. Additionally, I would be swapping in Heartstone, and Ashnod's Altar. I don't know what I would swap them out for, but i'm going to put together a proper Sideboard list, and put that into the accordion up top. What would you swap out if Sliver Queen became General?
November 28, 2016 10:57 a.m. Edited.
Hi LVL_666, Saw your deck on the commander thread so I am posting up with some feedback!
First, I have an online-only sliver deck that I have played with very good success online AT untap.in. My decklist is here: Slivers!.
My deck is different than yours - because my commander is hivelord, I focus less on ramp and more on boardwipes. Basically I try to do nothing until I cast my commander Sliver Hivelord, then boardwipe which gives me one-sided advantage, then build an unbeatable indestructible board state and Mana Drain any answers that people have. The deck is not as fast as yours, so it is probably worse in 1v1, but because boardwipes are so prevalent in the meta, if hivelord gets hit with Swords to Plowshares then I can just cast him again from the command zone.
Based on my experience, I have only a few suggestions for you - first Synapse Sliver is awesome because card advantage is huge! I would replace Sinew Sliver.
Also, Magma Sliver is great, he is basically a win con if you have a bunch of slivers with evasion. I would replace Sedge Sliver.
Also how do you feel about Scroll Rack? It is great if you have a big hand size, but I have played some games where I really just wanted answers and scroll rack didn't help. In that case I would run something like Wrath of God, Delay, or something like Reanimate or Mystical Tutor or Enlightened Tutor. Its just goodstuff.
Anyway, your deck page is beautiful and the pop down description art is awesome. Hope this helps and have fun!
December 1, 2016 4 p.m.
KingMathoro says... #13
Your deck sir is one of the most beautiful I have ever seen. I wanted you to know that.
December 12, 2016 7:45 p.m.
KingMathoro, thank you for the compliment. The hive is pleased.
December 13, 2016 1:19 p.m.
Thought I would check back in as you were one of the first to upvote my own weird take on Sliver Overlord.
First off, I will take the moment to be enchanted by your stylesheet. You are the man I compare all my scripting. I applaud how beautiful you've made this page over the last few months or so.
Secondly, I would like to offer up some cards that may spark an interest within you. I would greatly appreciate your honest feedback:
Lastly, I realized that I've never actually upvoted this deck. I always thought I did, wayyy back when. Curious how our minds trick us sometimes. Anywho, +1
December 22, 2016 10:13 p.m.
Quite the post, Eiti3...thank you very much for the +1 and the kind words. The Queen is most pleased.
I didn't build this style sheet all on my own, I had a lot of help from multimedia. He(or she) is incredibly talented in their own right, and if you want to see another beautiful deck page, look no further than Energy Elves.
As for your card suggestions...let's take a look:
Druids' Repository: I would prefer to have this mana rock out as early as possible, but it's dependent on my ability to produce creatures and having a viable target(s) every round. I can see how this could get out of control when combined with Brood Sliver. I think this card has a lot of potential, but is entirely dependent on if i'm able to populate the battlefield quickly and attack consistently. Then there are cards like Ghostly Prison, which would just turn this mana rock into just a rock if my opponent were to run one.
Cream of the Crop: Great potential to become over the top, but may not function as consistently as one would like, additionally I think the CMC should be . This card would be a great albeit cheaper ($ wise) alternative to cards like Sensei's Divining Top and now Mirri's Guile. Slivers generally don't have the highest power/toughness on their own...so if I wasn't able to find the right creatures (i.e. Sinew, Bonesplitter, Sedge, or Legion then the card would only perform minimally at best.
Crib Swap: So the strength of this card is the fact that it is tutor-able (via Sliver Overlord) target creature removal. That's pretty big. The problem I have with this card however is the fact that it's , and more often than not, i'd have to pay an additional just to get my hands on it when I need it. Constricting Sliver comes to mind at the moment, however that card is super awful. I would be more inclined to wanting it if it were just . I like the idea, but I'd sooner include Swords to Plowshares.
Peer Pressure: I remember this card from back in the day. I first started playing magic during the Onslaught block...those were the days. Yeah. I agree this card is super duper janky. What's worse is that it's at Sorcery speed, meaning I would have an extremely limited number of chances to actually get that sick mass-mind control combo to happen. A fun idea...but I just can't...not this card...I'd just run Bribery.
Thanks again for the +1, and your card suggestions. Honestly, I think this is it for now. I'm currently just buying up the last few cards for this deck which would be 3 fetchlands, and 2 of the original duals. Then I can finally take this thing out to play properly. Once new slivers come out though, that's when this deck will see changes.
December 24, 2016 11:01 a.m.
Hey Grind, I just realized that I didn't really respond to your post. Sorry about that! As for your critique, I and the rest of the hive are pleased with your words, and the +1. Here are my thoughts:
Synapse Sliver used to be in this deck, but I removed it because I felt the CMC was just too high. for a 3/3 with a card draw ability is decent, but it needs some evasion to back it up. Then I thought about Diffusion Sliver and well...it really isn't doing much. Paying an additional to target a sliver isn't very hard to do in the Commander format, so I decided that Synapse should take diffusion's place for the time being. Honestly, for this slot I would prefer a sliver similar to Crystalline Sliver (maybe it'll have hexproof instead of shroud), but I guess i'll just have to wait until Wizards of the Coast produces a Sliver with a similar effect.
Magma Sliver conflicts with Crystalline Sliver, and that pretty much defeats the purpose of even having it. Magma will definitely draw alot of hate, and won't survive without having protection. Despite already having one, I don't think it'd be a good inclusion. It's a great sliver, but I don't think it'd work as consistently as i'd like.
Scroll Rack has always worked incredibly well for me, especially when I needed land. It has saved me more times than I can count, and is a must have. I've always wanted a more effective mass removal card similar to Harsh Mercy, and I found it in the form of Engineered Explosives. Given the announcement of the masterpiece series copy of the card, I can't help but hope to get my hands on a copy for less than $50. I know that's a bit of a tangent, but I totally have to get my hands on that spell. It's perfect for my deck.
Thanks again for your critique, and hopefully we will have more exchanges in the future.
cmr47 thank you for the compliment and +1, the hive is pleased!
December 25, 2016 7:49 p.m. Edited.
why not:wild pair?Descendants' Path?some protection for your cmd? like Lightning Greaves /Swiftfoot Boots /Whispersilk Cloak?
also i was wondering Eerie Interlude its a nice response for any mass wipe board
December 26, 2016 12:57 p.m.
Hey Pozo2212, Descendants' Path has great interaction with Sensei's Divining Top, Scroll Rack, and Mirri's Guile, but can hinder my progress without any of those other cards in play. It'd be a much better fit for an Aggro Sliver deck vs. mine, which is Control. Wild Pair is a great card, but the CMC is just too darn high to be viable in a competitive deck. Lightning Greaves/Swiftfoot Boots/Whispersilk Cloak are pretty awesome, I haven't really considered them. So I'll definitely give each card some thought. Eerie Interlude is only good for one use...and I would need to have it in hand when the wrath effect goes down. None of my slivers have ETB (enter the battlefield) effects...so outside of that one specific situation the card is more or less useless. Thanks for your comment! The hive is pleased.
December 26, 2016 6:15 p.m. Edited.
Thnx for the feedback Im building my first EDH deck and I love these littles babys haha. I also prefer control on my board but, isn't kinda hard with a 5 color deck? I mean u can't use one of the most useful card combinations like: Sensei's Divining top + counterbalance, force of will, any anoing instant + isocrono scepter... so the question is it's really worth use 10/12 slots for some random control cards?
again thnx for your feedback men really appreciate.
December 27, 2016 3:19 a.m.
Pozo2212, thank you again for the interesting card suggestion. I honestly never took a look at Storage Matrix. I'm not entirely sure why you suggested this card though, as from what I can tell it does slow down the game significantly, but can help me if I had Manaweft/Gemhide Sliver in play - I could choose "creature" and still be able to put more slivers in play while being able to potentially attack. Currently in the deck I have no means of tapping or untapping the card though. Outside of that, I have no idea what use Storage Matrix would be.
December 27, 2016 7:48 a.m.
that's right. The effect it's not only for you, it's for each player. So if someone has creatures or artifacts (normally a player would choose lands to keep their table full) that has an ability who needs turn to activated, with this u can slow down several turn. For example Sisay deck, his gonna need to choose to play her ability or use the lands for something else.I've mentioned this card since u told me that u run control. Also u don't need to tap it, it's mean to slow down aggressive decks.
Mortlocke says... #1
dlamars, honestly I've always looked at Mirror Entity as something of an "outsider" to the hive. Yes, I have one...and only briefly considered putting it into the deck. I only saw it's application as far too "niche" because at the time I only considered it's application with the anthem slivers. It's ability actually stacks nicely with the +/+ bonuses. Given your input with how it also has interaction with Mana Echoes I think i'll give it a bit of serious consideration. What would you sub it in for? I'm considering Diffusion Sliver or Rhystic Study. Thoughts?
November 18, 2016 8:47 a.m.