Femme_Fatale says... #2
I just want to say this, we need to make both sets at the same time. Not separately. If we make the first set, and then the second set, we'll be forced to remake the first set to work with the second set. This is why the third set of each block in the history of magic has never worked, because the first set is too far out in production to make changes so that it synergizes with the third set.
March 21, 2015 4:32 p.m.
That's actually a good point. The sets are likely to be very different, so we're going to have to do them at the same time... though it's likely going to take veeeeeeery long.
March 21, 2015 5:02 p.m.
Femme_Fatale says... #4
Well we can't do anything in terms of the second set unless we figure out how things are going to be lore wise. Most of the ideas I have for everything are pre-war, not post-war. I have some ideas for the steelkin and solas but I'm mainly lost on what to do.
March 21, 2015 5:10 p.m.
Femme_Fatale says... #5
I'm making the post-war pages. My suggestion is that we make explore the first set mechanic and fortification the second set mechanic.
March 21, 2015 7:42 p.m.
Also, just a confirmation, the Lutrins become B/U in the second set, right?
March 21, 2015 7:51 p.m.
Femme_Fatale says... #7
I'm unsure about that, because the Thannalids are best as because of their spore nature. UNLESS we completely change them, which I think is needed. We most likely will have to scrap the idea entirely and go for something different. Something that can change to
. I'm thinking mole creatures.
March 21, 2015 7:53 p.m.
Femme_Fatale says... #8
Actually, here's the problem. Both fortification and explore don't fit a theme. So I advocate for them being
post war, sort of to fit their small in numbers we have to band together sort of thing.
March 21, 2015 8:12 p.m.
The Thannalids I agree with.
As for the Lutrins, there's one two problems with that.
A) There are plans for a Bant walker (no idea about that but I heard it) and the Lutrin colors would fit perfectly into that.
B) Yeah, but what happens to the water? I mean, the plane is rather tropical, so it wouldn't make any sense for them to suddenly feel the need to venture out of the water in a land where that's the best place to be...
March 21, 2015 8:35 p.m.
Femme_Fatale says... #10
Well they can't exactly stay in the water if they are going to go to war now can they?
And the Bant walker idea just doesn't mesh with the storyline. It was supposed to be a dragon that watches over the island but doesn't actually do anything. When you have a demon that plots to take control of the entire world by controlling this one artifact, that just kinda goes out of line.
March 21, 2015 9:32 p.m.
Yeah, I do find the Bant walker a bit weird, it was just something I wanted to bring up in case.
But of course they can stay in the water, or at least base themselves in the water. Naturally they will fight the demon on land, but it would make no sense for them to completely change habitats and move onto land in a matter of months. Just doesn't work.
March 21, 2015 9:41 p.m.
Femme_Fatale says... #12
Okay, that does make sense. How about making the lutrin then? I'll alter the post war solas lore to be inline with
March 21, 2015 9:50 p.m.
That definitely works. The Solas could become a more peaceful tribe. It would contrast nicely with the other tribes going to war.
March 21, 2015 10:01 p.m.
Femme_Fatale says... #14
That's exactly what the are going to be. They are going to be the peacekeepers.
March 21, 2015 10:06 p.m.
elpokitolama says... #15
- Lutrin Explorer ---
- Creature Otter
- Trample.
- Whenever Lutrin Explorer deals combat damage to a player, put a land token that's a copy of target land on the battlefield.
- 1/2
March 22, 2015 12:19 p.m.
KalvinHobbez says... #16
Guess the Bant Walker wasnt liked at all. I don't see why he wouldn't really fit in, I've mentioned ways he'd fit into the story but I guess no one really liked that...
Either way, now that we're having the whole no-color-change thing, Guess we'll just have mechanics for Simic then, which I still feel like Explore can be alright in this case.
March 22, 2015 12:39 p.m.
lemmingllama says... #17
Explore fits nicely into Simic colors, it's basically drawing cards and ramp lumped into one ability.
Are we still doing Fortify as the second mechanic then? Or changing it to be something else?
March 22, 2015 1:22 p.m.
elpokitolama says... #18
Fortify is great in my opinion. It has large and unexplored possibilities, after all!
March 22, 2015 1:26 p.m.
KalvinHobbez says... #20
I'm willing to give Fortify some representation in this set, would be fun to see how it works in. Flavor-wise it makes sense for the Lutrins but as said before it could be a bit odd to have two tribes utilize artifacts. But hey, I always mentioned Temur Artifacts being something funny to look forward to.
March 22, 2015 4:44 p.m.
It just seems more like up the Steelkin's alley. It's a good idea, but maybe make it some sort of enchantment rather then equipment/artifact for lands.
March 22, 2015 5:03 p.m.
But then again, the Lutrin often use equipments for battle...
March 22, 2015 5:03 p.m.
Femme_Fatale says... #23
And the steelkin don't. The steelkin more utilize abilities and mana in respect to artifacts. They are the artifacts themselves after all.
March 22, 2015 5:44 p.m.
KalvinHobbez says... #24
Steelkin utilize artifact sacrifice for their red part, so yeah they kind of use artifacts a lot due to this.
March 22, 2015 5:47 p.m.
Femme_Fatale says... #25
They use artifacts, but not in the way that Lutrin use them. Lutrin wield them and like to keep them on the field, preserve their existence. The Steelkin regularly reduce, reuse and recycle their artifacts. Utilizing them in spells and abilities and sacrificing them to make something different out of them.
The_Raven says... #1
Explore the Horizons -

Explore 1, then shuffle your library. You may repeat this process up to 2+X times.
Guys. Look at Divination. 3 mana, draw 2. This is 3 mana, maybe draw 1.
I understand it should be g/u. But remember, it puts the cards into your hand. Absolutely not like G-wave.
This way, it's sometimes a divination. Sometimes better.
The card above is my suggestion! :)
March 21, 2015 9:42 a.m.