Testing —Oct. 3, 2013
I played this deck at a casual legacy tournament today against a few other standard decks and legacy decks. I went 4-0, and after the tournament I played the Esper deck that beat me last week, and I stomped it to the ground with the deck fully built now. Another thing i saw a few people talking about the sideboard cards like Renounce the Guilds. I see the point of it having the possibility to screw me over if Detention Sphere is in play, but i have never had that situation yet. I mainly only use it for Obzedat, Ghost Council, so if you have other suggestions that could replace it and make the sideboard better I would be glad to hear it. Thanks again for the help!
SovietPuma says... #6
It went 3-1 last Friday (09/27/2013). I didn't have the entire deck complete last Friday either, but still ended up getting 2nd place. The game I lost was against an Esper control deck. the whole game was a lot of "Land for the turn. Pass". He milled me out with Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver , because she exiled my answers before I drew them.I sided 2 Pithing Needle & 3 Renounce the Guilds for Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver & Obzedat, Ghost Council . I never saw one of them. Overall i annihilated rush down with board wipes and spot control, and other midgame decks were to slow and just gave me extra time to counter everything they played. And/or kill it.
September 29, 2013 9:54 p.m.
Definitely a nice control deck to start off theroes in standard, nice job!
September 30, 2013 1:39 a.m.
I kinda like Boros Charm in such decks, when you're playing against removal yourself, or to protect your own creatures against a verdict. But it is more of a win-more/trolling thing, I guess. :)
I kinda don't like the Omenspeaker , but can see the point playing a early creature to block fast decks, before they're overruning you. But is Imposing Sovereign maybe not a better idear? He can't scry, yeah, but he is nice against those annoying RDW early haste mobs.
Another sideboard option maybe could be Council of the Absolute .Which prevents opponents AEtherling or Sphinx's Revelation or can even kill this new Purphoros, God of the Forge / Assemble the Legion combodeck.
I think Glare of Heresy and Annul are great cards, but not in this decks sideboard, for the things Annul does you have counterspells or removal and Glare of Heresy is mainly against Voice of Resurgence but Anger of the Gods does the samething way better. :P
And sadly you can't target Obzedat, Ghost Council with it. Better add an Anger of the Gods and something else you wanted to sideboard, but couldn't yet. ;)
September 30, 2013 11:27 p.m.
SovietPuma says... #11
Thanks for the in put. I'm not to good with making sideboards, so i appreciate the help. Council of the Absolute totally slipped my mind. Yes he would be quiet useful in the side board. Anger of the Gods is an amazing card i know. I will try to get 1 or 2 more for the board. Imposing Sovereign is also a great card, and i do own 2 of them so i will throw them in and take Omenspeaker out for this weeks FNM. only thing i don't like about Boros Charm is the 4 damage straight to their face is great, but the other abilities are iffy since i don't have that many creatures in this deck obviously. I will test a few things with them and see if they are worth it thanks for the help!
September 30, 2013 11:38 p.m.
As mentioned, Boros Charm is more playing around, since it's not really needed but the indestructible part is for permanents, which is nice against Hero's Downfall or enchantment removal.
I say thanks for appricating my tips. ;)
Wish you good luck at your FNM!
October 1, 2013 12:05 a.m.
Hunga, I think you have some good ideas but I don't think Council of the Absolute works on creatures. So AEtherling could not be a target for it. Also Glare of Heresy would work on Obzedat, Ghost Council unless I missed something. He is at least white. Aside from that, so long as you exile him before their end step with Glare of Heresy they cannot put his trigger up causing him to exile because your exile would have taken care of him already.
October 2, 2013 9:39 p.m.
Glare of Heresy is no instant, so the Obzedat, Ghost Council will be "phased" away in safety. And Glare of Heresy is no instant!
Okay, Council of the Absolute is not good against creatures, but helps taking out a counter of opponents in mirrors.Where banning a Planeswalker or removal, or counter could be crucial. ;)
October 2, 2013 9:47 p.m.
It seems pretty good. I hope my USA control build does better this time. I think I have it right for the way I want things to role. I changed my win conditions up from yours with a playset of Warleader's Helix . My deck has a few less creatures and few more spells. I am not sure how much your creatures do you justice. I will try to let people know how I do at FNM this week.
October 2, 2013 9:58 p.m.
You are absolutely right Hunga. Perhaps a couple Quicken s + Glare of Heresy . I know that's two cards but I am sure an opponents turn Quicken + Anger of the Gods could be a thing too. Renounce the Guilds when playing Detention Sphere could jam you up on what you need to remove.
The_7th_DownBringer says... #4
Lol Internet people xD
Doodman Dood Digg'n the deck Yo!
+1 and Stuffs!
September 26, 2013 4:55 a.m.