
Standard SovietPuma


archerylizard says... #1

There is a reason why people don't play more than 60 cards, there are some cards in your deck that are better than others, so having the highest chance to draw those super powerful cards--sphinx's revelation-- is very important. it's not that it will hamper gameplay severely, it's just a free way to make your deck better.

PS: out of all your tournaments with this deck, how many times have you boarded in wear/tear?

October 8, 2013 10:08 a.m.

archerylizard says... #2

PSS: are you consistently able to cast anger on t3 and verdict on t4?

October 8, 2013 10:11 a.m.

SovietPuma says... #3

I just added Wear / Tear to sideboard, because i have no way of getting rid of enchantments/artifacts that could be useful against this deck other than Detention Sphere , that's my only answer really. Detention Sphere or Pithing Needle can hurt. Most of the time i am never color screwed with my mana. Only once i played an entire game with only one red source, but other than that i can usually play Anger of the Gods or Supreme Verdict turn 3 & 4 no problem if i have them in hand. I guess it was just bad shuffling that one time. Also, i understand having 60 cards is better so you can draw into what you need faster, except i dont really know what to take out that would make it better. got any suggestions? And thanks for the comments and help!

October 8, 2013 3:54 p.m.

archerylizard says... #4

I would cut blind obedience, it was on occasion good at mitigation the damage hellkite and hellrider could do. but now it only really stalls dragon, something that not alot of decks are playing. I personally don't like wear and tear, mainly due to the fact that the most targets it will usually have, in any given matchup, is 0-3. and most of the time it will be hitting DT sphere, something that really si just a 1-1 piece of removal.

October 10, 2013 5:27 p.m.

SovietPuma says... #5

OK. I took in your consideration to drop some cards, so how does it look now? Better? Worse? let me know. thanks.

October 10, 2013 9:16 p.m.

SovietPuma says... #6

I have decided to just stick with 63 cards for now. i changed the deck a tiny bit to be 60 cards and play tested it, and it didn't do very well it seemed like. It has been working fine the way it was so i am going to keep it that way.

October 10, 2013 9:36 p.m.

archerylizard says... #7

Do not forget that chance always affects games. the logic that I use for cutting cards to bring the deck to 60, is that it has long been established, and completely undisputed among the pro community, that having 60 cards is better than 61+. because there will always be a "worst card" in the deck. I simply identify that, as blind obedience.

October 10, 2013 11:07 p.m.

infinitemana says... #8

I would move 2 Supreme Verdict to the sideboard in place of Imposing Sovereign , and cut 1 Magma Jet

October 17, 2013 5:47 p.m.

archerylizard says... #9

Are you crazy!!!! If supreme verdict did not exist, control could be dead, and by the way this is a control deck. please defend you proposal infinitemana

October 17, 2013 7:14 p.m.

Imposing Sovereign with 2 Blind Obedience ? It's is so many enter-tapped-creature...

With 4 Supreme Verdict , 3 Anger the gods and red cards, you have a good (and sufficient) board control (against agroo decks).

I think more draws and Lightning Strike or Warleader's Helix will run better...

October 17, 2013 7:39 p.m.

SovietPuma says... #11

im trying a few new things out, and i was never considering taking out my board control overall. if anything the Anger of the Gods but they are usually useful enough to stay in. i took out the 2 Lightning Strike i had in the deck earlier for 2 Syncopate for a little more control over burn, but i don't know if im going to keep them in the deck yet. overall the Syncopate has helped counter a few more early game cards and those counters when i play another control deck. i seriously still don't know if i should run Imposing Sovereign or Omenspeaker or just some other low drop to help against the aggro or just blocking against the big dudes i cant kill at the time. i would much appreciate some input on that for the deck. thanks again for every bodies help to making this deck better.

October 17, 2013 9:56 p.m.

Alright, at least you have Stormbreath Dragon for a far more stylish win con than AEtherling ; ). As I said on the Masters deck, I'm not usually a control player, but I do think that the draw power here needs to be upped a bit, whether that be more Sphinx's Revelation or Jace, Architect of Thought . Never been a huge fan of Ral Zarek after trying him in my pre-rotation American deck, although he does look like he could be in the KGB.

Also, I realize this is one of the advantages to running American, but having Anger of the Gods mainboard seems unnecessary unless your meta is heavy on the aggro. I've always liked Warleader's Helix since it's useful in any matchup. You may want to try Lightning Strike instead of Magma Jet as well; the scry is nice, but when you're up against Reagan and the petrodollar, you need every bit of power you can muster or he'll start tearing down your wall.

November 1, 2013 7:10 p.m.

SovietPuma says... #13

i totally forgot about Warleader's Helix . it would be a nice trade out for Anger of the Gods , but a lot of players at my FNM are running some type Mono-Red or G/W aggro. Only a few other R/W/B decks and Esper are there. Magma Jet has helped me in insane amounts in games. That scry is a lot more useful than you think. Ral Zarek is kinda in here because i just like him and want to use him in a deck. I also dont real have that much money left after building this deck, so i cant really drop another $27 on a Sphinx's Revelation . Depending on who is playing at the FNM's each week will decide wether i put Warleader's Helix or Anger of the Gods . Thanks for the input.

November 2, 2013 2:10 p.m.

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