Since first trying magic. I have been fascinated with burn decks. And I strongly feel that the best card in MTG standard at the moment is Rakdos's Return. It's essentially the opposite of everyone's enemy. That pesky Sphinx's revelation. With the added ability of being within the same colors as other powerhouse spells like slaughter games, sire of insanity, and dreadbore. So little ole me was firmly set on creating a competitive Rakdos burn list. Then, to everyone's astonishment but my own (since I had been using and playing it for some time) Boros burn has become incredibly popular recently. So I started churning the wheels In my little brain of mine. And realizing that Boros has magnificent burn spells like Boros charm and warleaders helix. And Rakdos has the the 2 best cards in the format in Rakdos return and thoughtseize. That logically it would be Devine to find a way to combine all 3 colors.. So here is my Dega Burn list. Let me break it down for you.
The Win Conditions- Burn.. Through cards like Boros Charm, shock, warleaders helix, Magma jet, and even the big god Mogis, God of Slaughter. Simply Burning out your opponents life total is very much a possibility.
-Blood Baron of Viskopa is to me a win against Orzhov and mono black almost instantly.
- Both pre and post board. Control decks are essentially broken by this collection of spells.
-The cards and their uses.
-Chandra's Phoenix. Essentially used as a 3 mana shock that returns to my hand after every turn.
-Mogis, God of Slaughter. Whether it's providing limitless removal that can get around Blood Baron and Hexproof creatures.Or providing a shock to the opponents life total every turn. Mogis really is a credible threat that's almost impossible to stop
- Blood Baron of Viskopa. Limitless lifelink as well as protection from 80% of the removal in the format,What else could I ask for?
-Shock. everyone's basic burn spell.
-Thoughtseize. The second best card in the format.You essentially look at your opponents hand and remove whatever would be best for them to use against ypu, be it a Domri Raid, a pack Rat, or even a simple Dissolve.
-Boros Charm. Either 4 burn damage, making a Chandra's Phoenix be immortal, or a twice as powerful Blood Baron? Oh my
-Dreadbore. Cheapest all around removal in the format. All be it at sorcery speed
-magma jet. More shocks with the added ability of letting us sculpt our draws
-Rakdos's Return. Removing all ofOur opponents in hand threats as well as their life total. The reason for making the deck in the first place
-Read the Bones. What's better than drawing cards? Making sure they are helpful first. At a minor penelty of course.
Toil//Trouble. Very versatile card. Toil can either be used as another read the bones or to set up trouble. And trouble is yet another source of burn damage.
Warleader's Helix. Efficient burn and much needed life gain
whip of Erebos. I may end up replacing the whip, but it synergies perfectly with Chandra's Phoenix.
Now you may be asking. WHERE ARE THE SHOCK LANDS. But I have two logical reasons for excluding them. 1 I am not made of money and they are incredibly expensive. And 2 the only way this deck is usually beaten is by hyper aggro or burn. So reducing your life total any more than is already being done is generally negative. Please leave feedback on the deck. Both positive an negative. All reccomendations will be considered.